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About Me

This awesome myspace layout is from CompleteMyspace.com Ingredients:About 0.5 - 3 grams of hash (depending on how strong you want them) Oreo Cookies Spoon (not for eating) Equal parts butter (put as much butter as you did hash)How to do it:1. Take the Oreo and twist the top off leaving the icing in tact.2. Take the spoon and scrape a depression in the icing.3. Put butter and hash on spoon Heat bottom of spoon until the hash and butter melt and combine. Pour in depression on the Oreo icing Put the top cookie piece back on. Refrigerate for a short time and enjoy!!!Don't go overboard with the hash. Remember to start with small amounts working up to alot as opossed to eating too much straight off. Not being able to move for several hours can have pleasant rewarding drawbacks.so lets get cooking and get smashed off our faces

My Interests

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Image code by deepbox.com

I'd like to meet:


layout for myspace

"sLoMoTiOn GrAffiX"

"sLoMoTiOn GrAffiX"



