DJ ZACRECLIPZE profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a 6'3" Red headed, Blue eyed Irish Guy who comes from Pennsylvania Amish country... I work as a DJ/ Bartender/ Manager at a club in Denver called the Compound Basix... I have my hands into a little of everything and know many people so my life is never boring...

Layout by CoolChaser My Friend Deano and My Company HOLLANDCLIPZE MOTORHEADS... Yes we restore, Build and race the Cars... Like I said , I have my hands in a little of everything... That way I'm never bored...

My Interests

The world is so big and there is so much in it to keep me in wonder. I love Music, Music and more Music. I Play percussion instruments, Sax, studied Piano through school,write, produce, arrange and remix Music. I DJ for a living and I'm writing a new album of origionals at present with a Deep Trance, Electric, Tribal,Eastern Indian Kind of groove... People, places and things are on the top of the list. Men are always a good topic for me. Especially Latin, Italian, or Eastern Indian Guys... I'm such a white boy that opposites attract me... Concerts, Art, Motorcycles, Tattoos, piercings, Hot Rods, Exercising, Thi Chi, Walks in the Rain, Dancing, Laughing, Talking, Learning, Growing, and Honest People... For just a Start... ***********************************************************H ere are a Few Pics From My FRIDAY GOMORRAH-A-GOGO PARTY 06-20-2008 ,and Denvers GAY PRIDE WEEKEND... Rock And Rolling....xoxoxo...************************************* ************************************************************ ******************************************************* Then where ever else I want to go is up to ME... I'm always on some kind of Journey... Just pick a path... There are many Roads... Just pick one and follow through...

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EYE CANDY... We have to have EYE CANDY... There are Just TOO many good looking men to not look... Besides all that is only a compliment... so Eat and drink up people... Most poor suckers are starving...

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NOT only is the world audio but we live with visuals also... I'm glad we have 7.1 surround sound and 3-D... Life is much more interesting and clever...

I'd like to meet:

Just about everyone who like to have fun and enjoy life. So I'm calling all artist, musicians, DJ'S, Directors, Producers, Painters, Sculpters, Dancers, Actors and just about anyone who adds COLOR to our WORLD and is not scared to live life...

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Life is too short to miss out on the good things... Never be scared to enjoy it and live each day like it's your last...SAY what you MEAN and MEAN what YOU SAY... One thing leads to another... Fool...What were you thinking, or were you?

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Forever and ever I love meeting new People... and there is usually something new to discover... and it's such a big world with so many places to visit, I'm glad we get more than One Life... XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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HERE ARE SOME OF THE FRIENDS THAT I LOVE... OH Well Another Good Looking Man... We Like Looking At Good Looking Men... It's My Thing...

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Anything but Crap... Classical, modern, Jazz, ect. , etc., etc. Pink Floyd,Madonna,BT,Bartok,Mozart,Moby,Ozzie,Delerium,Conjoure One, Depeche Mode,Enya,Alanis Morissette,Queen,Yes,Bach,


SiFi, History, Discovery. The rest waste my time.


There are heros in my life every day. You just have to see them... Mostly My good friends and family, (Real and Chosen) are my heroes... But you never know... Keep looking, you never know what your going to find and who surprizes you...