♥Autumn and Spring are my favorite seasons, as I love the color.♥
MySpace Glitter Graphics
♥I would like to meet people who are positive, who are happy & down to earth.♥ People who have ambition, & know what they want out of life. ♥
♥I like most music. ♥♥I love Country music and the music of Andrea Bocelli. ♥Would welcome the opportunity to experience an opera concert!!♥
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
♥Romance, comedy, suspense.♥
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
♥History, people, events.♥ Movies.
♥Comedy:Ron White and his Gang.♥
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
MySpace Glitter Graphics
MySpace Glitter Graphics
♥Mystery, romance, fiction. Books on art history,too.♥
MySpace Glitter Graphics
♥♥♥My Knight on his Mighty Steed to Rescue Me!♥
MySpace Layouts"