ONE Love & Peace Craver profile picture

ONE Love & Peace Craver

One Person - One Voice - One Hope = Your it!

About Me

Click here to get this skin for your profile! _____________________________________________________Have you ever felt like a number? Someone unimportant? I always thought that I was just a number in this world and that I could not make a difference. However, if we all unite as ONE that number will add up to making a difference that will be remembered for eternity. America has done much in this world such as sending a man to the moon, miracles with technology, etc. I believe our next miracle needs to be bringing extreme poverty and humans dying from AIDS to an END. We can do this if you and I unite to get the word out that we want change. We can voice this to our nations leader and to all the nations in the WORLD. Go to and make a start by signing the declaration and spreading the word out to all your friends and relatives. The ONE Campaign does not want your money. It needs your VOICE! Once you go to the site click on the "Take ACTION" tab to see what other actions you can take. Host a banner on your MySpace. Thank you for reading this page. God bless and remember that LOVE and PEACE is the solution to a WORLD to be proud of.(PLEASE EMAIL WITH ANY SUGGESTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT ON THIS SITE TO BETTER GET OUT THE WORD)

My Interests

What is The ONE Campaign? ONE is a new effort by Americans to rally Americans - ONE by ONE - to fight the emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. The ONE Campaign is engaging Americans through a diverse coalition of faith-based and anti-poverty organizers to show the steps people can take, ONE by ONE, to fight global AIDS and poverty.Why is The ONE Campaign needed? Right now, the US government is making decisions about how much money to spend on humanitarian assistance next year and the UK is poised to lead the world's wealthiest nations at the G8 summit next July. By joining the ONE campaign, we will show our leaders that we want to do more to respond to the emergency of AIDS and extreme poverty. Go to for more or click on one of the banners below ---
Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, SudanClick here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to make a difference in our world.


Myspace Layouts for Myspace :: Music Video Codes


I have never been much of a country music fan. However, this has got to be one of the most beautiful but saddest songs I have ever heard. Think about how many beautiful kids die each day in Africa. We must all unite as ONE to bring this to an end. Lets save all these "concrete angels" that die each day.Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos "Concrete Angel" Lyrics _______________________ She walks to school with a lunch she packed Nobody knows what she's holding back; Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday, She hides the bruises with the linen and lace; ohThe teacher wonders but she doesn't ask, It's hard to see the pain behind the mask; Bearing the burdon of a secret storm, Sometimes she wishes she was never born;Through the wind and the rain, She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above; But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete AngelSomebody cries in the middle of the night, The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights; A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate, When morning comes it will be too late.Through the wind and the rain, She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above; But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete AngelA statue stands in a shaded place, An angel girl with an upturned face; Her name is written on a polished rock, A broken heart that the world forgot.Through the wind and the rain, She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can't rise above; But her dreams give her wings and she flies to a place where she's loved.Concrete Angel




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My Blog

A Personal Letter for a Request to Unite as ONE

Dear Friends,Growing up as a teenager I always thought to myself what is my purpose in this world? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Personally, I never wanted to be just another number. For...
Posted by ONE Love & Peace Craver on Wed, 24 May 2006 05:49:00 PST