SaveDarfur.org has a post called " Lobby Congress " that's worth checking out...
You can help pressure Congress to do more to help the people of Darfur by meeting with your congressional representative or members of his or her staff. Now that the elections are over, we are asking our activists to meet with their Representative and Senators before the new Congress convenes. …
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
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Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan
The Crime of Our New
The Sudanese Government, using Arab
" Janjaweed " militias, its air force, and
organized starvation, is systematically killing the black Sudanese of Darfur .
This site's sole purpose is to try to save lives by getting PEOPLE involved in stopping the genocide in Darfur. WE HAVE A VOICE; USE IT!
Darfur is a region in western Sudan, Africa that has been experiencing a crisis situation for the past three years.
2.5 million have been displaced due to violence and 400,000 people have died in Darfur thus far
The Sudanese goverment has been breaking
international law and as a result genocide is happening. Several legislative
acts from the United Nations and President Bush to our own Senator (now
Governor) Jon Corzine , have been introduced to bring this genocide to an end. Unfortunately, they
have not.
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Get Your Own Voice Player Manage"It's
their form of ethnic cleansing: genocides and rape."
Are we as a nation ignorant of what is happening in Sudan as we speak or do we choose
to ignore it?
Why is it that Canada and
the U.S.
government choose to take more initiative when oil is involved? Why do WE as a
people choose to CARE when it benefits our own needs????
Remember the phrase, "Never again" right after the holocaust? To me
this meant never again would the human race ignore something so heartless, so
incomprehensible and irreconcilable. But it happened again in Bosnia , Rwanda ,
and Iraq .
Men and children are being murdered, women being raped everyday. The genocide
in Darfur has claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people within the past two years. More than one hundred
people continue to die each day; five
thousand die every month.
A student in my class commented today, "Well, the U.S. cannot always act
as the unification police, we cannot act as the peacekeepers for the world,
people need to learn [to act] for themselves." well obviously this is not
working, and how can a human being when knowledgeable of these events not say
anything and not question it? I just don't understand this mentality. It's
chilling to know that people think this way. The world seems to have power and
technology at their fingertips, yet they don't take advantage of these
resources. People rather sit online, aimlessly surf the net, forward and post
surveys about the most trivial *crap.
Religion could be a factor...maybe this is why you choose not to take action?
Highly unlikely, many people are losing faith in religion and morale here in
our liberated Americana .
The bible does predict such inhumane acts by human beings and one could make
argument that it is inevitable, God's doing, etc. BUT if you are not a
religious person or a believer of the bible or EVEN if your are a believer THEN
one can STILL argue , what does this say
about the human race? From Slavery- annihilation of
the Jews- To September 11th.... It seems we are our own worst enemy. We
all have this side of us that is filled with hate, greed, selfishness,
insecurity...of course, some choose not to act on it but it is there. Humans have the ability to be monsters. Even
the Avoidance of an event or an entire race is a form of Dehumanization. It is
hate without cause. Hate for the sake of hating!
Maybe the U.S.
will take on more action sometime in the near future. But it will be too late, its already too late for 400,000 people.
can we do?
Start by being knowledgeable of what is happening. Educate yourself on these
treacherous events and see how other governments are handling this issue.
http://www.mtholyoke.edu/~rmsposat/Present day.html
A Must Read for anyone serious about getting involved in the SUDAN genocide- http://genocideinterventionfund.org/
- "Our organization is working to raise private funds to support the
African Union peace keeping forces which are trying to provide security in
Sudan and stop the Genocide as well as to push governments and others to take
-Loads of articles on the current state of Sudan ,
about contacting your U.S.
representative, and how public pressure has made congress react to this
horrific incident. The more people who show awareness, speak out, and press on
about the Sudan
Genocide, the more the people that have the political power will begin to put
more effort into it and eventually stop it this from occurring. Tell your
friends, families, students, and your teachers. It's really up to the people,
the individual to make a difference- http://www.feedmysheepfoundation.org/sudan.htm
"Congress has reacted to the
letters, faxes and emails sent to them by passing a Concurrent Resolution on
Thursday, the 22nd of July - then they went on a six week recess the next day!
But it was a small step in the right direction which would not have happened if
it had not been for public pressure. "
Take Care and thanks for reading,
[email protected]
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From: Global Friend To Orphans Date: Nov 23 2006 3:48 AMI am grateful indeed for many things that God has given me.For one, He allows me to breathe in today. It was, not so long ago, that I was very sick and not able to inhale.He has given me eyes to see the dreadfulness in Darfur, He gave me ears to hear the screaming of Chinese orphans. He gave me legs to walk miles while holding a dying child. He gave me a voice to share these experiences with you. He gave me a memory that never let’s me forget. He gave me tears to release the emotions. He gave me hands to pray with and he gave me tens of thousands of friends here at MYSPACE to call a team…He has allowed me to change my ways in my middle years. In this, He has shown me that there is always another point of view and from time to time, the other point of view just might be right.He has given me a great partner and friend in Mrozinski. Emotionally charged and musically magnificent, Mrozinski truly has reached inside this traveler and created some new insights.He has given me guidance and assurances with Esther L, in New York City…the lighthouse on the hill…He has given me Greg Timmons & a lifeline of hope that was just what I needed when I needed it…He has given me Bono, Antonio, Johnny, Famke and Jennifer all celebrities who reached into our world and said yes we stand with you … Go Get Them !He has given me Devon Aoki and her tremendous heart to save children at all times, at all costs… all of the time!He has given me Eddie Benitez, who has been so gracious to us and is supporting our children with action by turning around his portion of the profits of his new album/cd and donating them to the childrenHe has given me Chris, Ruthy, and Amy, our Myspace Board Advisors…three great girls with three special hearts.He has given me Earth Wind & Fire and all that talent and heart so that another hundred children, maybe a thousand will be better today than yesterday.He has given us Amber, Jordana, Jeanine, Linda, Bellinda, Kirra and Christina, my newest Rob's 24/24 Angels…wow what a team…He has given me Victoria ... A Precious Childlike HeartHe has given me Eva L. a large heart - a simple plan !He has given me Pepper...so special...so human !He has given me Kate H. keep up the great work...He has given me Brad & Angelina who sit quietly and watch to see what this 24/24 thing is … who have given so much to so many so unselfishlyThank you, thank you, thank youRob Cipriano Founder