Stairs to Nowhere profile picture

Stairs to Nowhere

music like a cat, ductaped to a burning violin...

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorStairs to Nowhere plays "garagerock extraordinaire" with sounds found in abandoned factories and blended with the rust of a thousand dead metal carwrecks.
Our new full length CD has now been officially released... we're very proud of the result and we've decided to call it Adieu Delicate Atheist. It is hailed by FRET-magazine as "bloedmooi en stinkend goed!" and LiveXS called it "een creatieve explosie!" You can order it for 12E on Glosoli
Click here to order "adieu delicate atheist" from
Click here for "the making of the album"
Stairs to Nowhere, Live @ Tivoli de Helling
--------------------------Radiosilence in July----------------------------
We're going away for a while. Bram is hiking through china for a month, Daniel is surfing the oceans somewhere and Tim is battling for his new house and sailing to switzerland. The Showcase for "de grote prijs" went very well and we had an amazing year, for which we thank everyone and everything. We'll be back in august, fully energized and with a whole lot of new things about to happen... stay focussed, stay online, stay screaming at your local musicstore to play better records, switching to voicemail.... please leave a message, *BEEEP**
--------------------------Interviews and buckets of praise-------------
The album is going quite well and it's very warmly received in the press. FRET-magazine even placed 2 (!) albumreviews, made by different people, one in the may- and one in the june-edition. To top even that, we just came back from an interview with FRET, which will be in the next edition. OOR-magazine was also very glad to review our album, keep a lookout for that one to. Also, we've been burning a lot of cards and have been asked to play a showcase for the Grote Prijs van Nederland... which will be on 27 june at 23:00 in Wilhelmina Pakhuis, after the Dutch Delight showcase in DB's at 20:30. So, keep an eye on the next editions of FRET and OOR, we're on a roll baby.
--------------------------bloody metal------------------------------------
De laatste deelnemer in Tivoli de Helling was het garagerock trio Stairs to Nowhere. Het bekken die voor het drumpodium stond met de boodschap “bloody metal” was al een voorteken. En de band maakte er ook een echte rock’n'roll show van met de drummer voorop. Deze ging tekeer zoals Keith Moon in z’n beste dagen. Het was ook niet verwonderlijk dat we het drumstel aan het eind helemaal uit elkaar zagen vallen...(...)
--------------------------POPRONDE 2008--------------------------------
We've been selected for Popronde 2008, which means we will play all sorts of stages in all sorts of places from september to november... stay informed at
--------------------------New songs coming up---------------------------
After quite a lot of great shows, we have now returned underground to work on some new songs we found... they are, untill further notice, called "the flight of the anti-ming rebels" and "with bare fists". There is a lot going on right now... be sure to check it all out in our next live-show, cheers
--------------------------3 FM-gig------------------------------------------
it's 2:47, we've just been to the 3FM studios where we wrote a song in 1 hour and played it live on air... it was called "save your breath and hold it for the next one", a title suggested by a guy named Eric. It turned out to be quite cute little song... This is some bootleg material people... check out the interview, the new song and catwalks (on the moon) on 3FM
----------------------Tivoli de Helling, thank you all----------------------
Last night we played one of our loudest shows on the perfect stage of Tivoli, which was completely filled... We've never played to a bigger of better crowd... it was really wild. We didn't win (the jury thought we didn't play real "songs") but we had a killer time anyway, as did the crowd...
sorry boys, for breaking the drumset, I still got the scars on my chest. Thank you all so much for coming, Joost, Bo, Ad, Mike, Jan, Jeroen, Corneel, Suus, Renee, Jan, Tijn, Jesse, Olaf, The Zoo & gang, our parents, the people from amsterdam and the one who caught my sunglasses... rock out, pictures/video coming soon
----------------------Voted upcoming band up-magazine----------------
we've been voted one of the best upcoming bands this month by killermag upmagazine, check out, also we've been asked to do a show on 3FM radio and there are some movements within the utrecht music scene that we are following close... very close, keep those abs in mint condition everyone, you'll be hearing us
----------------------Finale GULP, Tivoli de Helling, 25 april--------------
dear dusty friends... last year we stood in the audience, furiously wishing we'de get in front of all those people, and now THE STAGE IS OURS! we won the semi-finals in The Escape (veenendaal) which was great and now we get to play a crowded Tivoli de Helling, damage is 5E but you get a free cd, this WILL be a show you will not forget, join us in the violence, calling all cars!
----------------------if you ever see us live--------------------------------
Bring some earplugs and some kneepads... we will tear your jeans, we will rip your shirts... we're on a bloody roll, be sure to stop by.
----------------------album out now!----------------------------------------
It's out there... you can order our album, which contains 10 songs and will cost 12 E, by sending an email to [email protected], the atheist will also be sold during our live-shows, so get dressed and meet us halfway
----------------------adieu everyone----------------------------------------
4 days, 15 mics, the band, in a room, live...
We have been recording in little studio on a far away location from the 25th till the 28th of october 2007, which was like driving a rusty carwreck into a raging circusfire... 10 songs made it out alive. All of them are produced and taken care of by our good friend Martijn Doolaard, who graced us with his presence, always
We are very proud of the result. We found our songs in an abandoned factory, on the back of our hands, in a sarcastic remark of the last man on earth and on top of a green metal crane with a view of a frozen city, at night.This is what we do, we've decided to call it Adieu delicate atheist. It will be released soon... very soon. cheers
----------------shows to die for/in----------------------------------------
We've just got back from our show at the small price of Baarn, we played 45 minutes and really kicked ourselves around onstage (which was fantastic, we never played bloodier), after which we could get totally insane with a great (and I mean "Zappa-like"-great) show of our friends from The Zoo. We got to 1st place, which means we get to play in the GULP soon, (yeah)..
after that we cheered The Zoo to the GULP by cheating on a decibel-test with the PA-system, they won the audience-award, cheers/
thank you's to the audience for clapping and mosh-pitting and out-of-synch tambourine playing, and to our friends and fellows from Sheriff of Hong Kong (the crowdsurfers) and The Zoo, keep on freaking in the free world, we had an amazing time...
----------------------RNR Live is booking us!----------------------------
We have come in contact with a fantastic booker who will take care of a few gigs for us and will maybe set up a tour through the land somewhere in 2008. Till then we still listen to Van Morrison and tune our guitars to the sound of the moon... we'll be seeing you around soon!
Dutch Delight Promo Flick
What the press has said:
"Een gevaarlijke buitenkant met een bloedmooi en goudeerlijk, puur innerlijk. Stairs to Nowhere staat met een been in de smeerput van de trash-garagerock en met de andere poot in de kokende lava van het experiment. Zo ontstaat er niets meer of minder dan een explosief mengsel. Eighties indiepop, een vleugje electro en de regelmatig opduikende bijzondere ritmiek maken de mix af. Anders, Gedurfd, niet kiezend voor de makkelijkste weg en van alle invloeden thuis. Stinkend goed! (FvH)"
FRET musicmagazine, first album-review May-edition
"Fuck! Dit klinkt goed! Bij sommige bands kom je voortdurend superlatieven tekort. Ook bij Stairs To Nowhere, een drie-eenheid, bestaande uit een goede, experimenterende zanger/gitarist, een belachelijk strakke drummer en een beestachtig goede bassist. Debuutalbum Adieu Delicate Atheist begint al direct overtuigend met het enigszins bevreemdende Roadkill & Cigars en het bij mij favoriete Charlotte – met schitterende basloop en heerlijk uptempo refrein. Opvallend is het constant hoge niveau. Harde, beukende ritmes afgewisseld met sfeervolle bezwerende passages, pakkend gitaarspel en intelligente baspartijen. Zelfs het vreemde sluitstuk Sailors Life weet ondanks het gepiep en gekraak na enkele luisterbeurten toch te overtuigen. Minpuntjes? Ik kan er geen bedenken. “My name is truth and I’m a lie.” Well, my name is truth and this ain’t a lie. (Coert van Mourik)" "
FRET musicmagazine, second album-review June-edition
"Stairs to Nowhere kwam al eerder in de schijnwerpers. In 2007 sprong de demo-cd van de jonge band uit Utrecht dusdanig boven het gemiddelde aanbod uit en werden ze door LiveXS al verkozen tot Local Hero. De Stairs konden daarna hun kunsten in Paradiso en het Paard van Troje vertonen en ontving daarop veel positieve reacties en een aantal prijzen. Nu is er het eerste volwaardige album Adieu delicate atheist. Opgenomen in eigen beheer. We concluderen dat ook nu dat de mix van garagerock en freevibe-jazz weer hoge ogen gooit. We kunnen dan ook niet anders dan enthousiast zijn over het werk dat Stairs to Nowhere op deze langspeler aflevert. Wat een energie en wat een explosie van creativiteit!"
Haika Nanninga, LiveXS album-review Mei
"het is een verademing om weer eens een origineel geluid te horen tussen al die copycats”
Local Hero-jury
"kleurrijke verrijking van het aanbod, zal zonder moeite het publiek weten te boeien, Typisch zo..n bandje dat je tijdens een optreden in een club kan overdonderen. Cijfer: 7/8"
Juryrapport Grolsch Grote Prijs '07
"Zeer goed, eigen stijl, goeie energie en de drummer steelt de show. Instrumenten goed ge- en misbruikt, effectief, er valt geen touw aan vast te knopen maar dat is nu eens wel prima, Klasse! Een 8/9 en de 1ste plaats."
Juryrapport Halve finale GULP
"Tim, Bram and Daniel are the three faces behind the meltingpot of 80’s alternative rock, metal, funk and jazz which goes by the name of Stairs to Nowhere. This Utrecht, Holland based threesome guarantee an overwhelming live performance." about the show in Paradiso
"VET bandje! De top 40 gaan ze er niet mee halen maar dit is errug leuk! Vage shit, helemaal gaaf... dit doet denken aan dEUS en Millionaire, ook echt te gek, missie geslaagd, zieke geesten die lui!"."
Ad de Jong (NPI), Stefan t'hooft, Maike Dubelaar op

Stairs to Nowhere goes studio...

My Interests


Member Since: 4/3/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Bram Colijn - Voice & Guitar
Daniel Danse - Bass guitar
Tim Mooij - Drums
Influences: Greg Saunier, Blade Runner, Tom Waits, Lagavulin, Les Claypool, Radiohead, Stryper
Sounds Like: A cat ductaped to a burning violin...

Past shows:

27/06/08, Grote Prijs van Nederland Showcase, Amsterdam

27/06/08, Dutch Delight Showcase, Utrecht

27/05/08, Surprise show Oude Pothuys, Utrecht

04/05/08, 3FM, one hour service-gig, Hilversum

25/04/08, Finale GULP, Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht

05/04/08, Plug & Play, UVA Amsterdam

29/03/08, Halve Finale GULP, Escape Veenendaal *1st place*

15/03/08, Geheim van Starsound halve finale

23/02/08, Geheim van Starsound *to the semi-finals!*

14/02/08, Cafe Flitz, Utrecht

15/01/08, ROC Ede, Ede

15/12/07, Finale Kleine prijs Baarn, Baarn, *1st place!*

14/12/07, Cafe Meander, Amsterdam, wt Capacocha & Destine

06/12/07, Clash of the Titans, DB's, Utrecht

22/11/07, Voorronde Kleine prijs Baarn, Baarn *1st place*

08/11/07, Haags pop centrum, Den Haag

01/11/07, The Rambler, Eindhoven

20/10/07, The Beachbattle, Scheveningen

20/09/07, De Waerdse Tempel, Heerhugowaard

01/09/07, Bilt-pop Open Air Festival, Utrecht (De Bilt) *1st place*

22/06/07, Mainstage Zuiderpark festival, Apeldoorn

16/06/07, B-Pop Summerclash contest, De Bilt *1st place*

25/05/07, CD-release Outsmarted, The Spot, Middelburg

07/05/07, Club CBN, Kiev, Ukraine

26/04/07, Paard van Troje, Den Haag

25/04/07, Paradiso, Amsterdam

05/04/07, *Finale* Substitute-bandcontest, Ede

16/03/07, Pop(ov)-Prijs 2007, Valkenswaard

24/02/07, De Pomp, Almkerk, with Outsmarted

21/02/07, Cees Place, Utrecht, with Outsmarted

15/02/07, Schouwburg Cultura, Ede

01/02/07, Substitute-bandcontest, Ede

17/11/06, The show no one remembered

10/06/06, "The Motel Sessions", Utrecht

08/06/06, Cafe VGSU, Utrecht

23/02/06, NSU-shownight, Utrecht

02/02/06, Cafe Substitute, Ede

19/01/06, De Werfkelder, Utrecht

Record Label: Glosoli Records
Type of Label: None