I am a book. Well, a dictionary of sorts. I am made up of mixed up words that help you when you find yourself at a lexical loss.
My name is MIXTIONARY. I am being published by IDW Publishing. I don't have a phone number but I do have an ISBN 1600100325 (the N at the end of ISBN is "number")
I try to sum up the strange convolutions of modern life in single words, puns, and phrases by blending words to create new words. I offer a humorous take on the plight of the modern person trying to negotiate their way through complexities of business, relationships, sex, psychology, and more.
Sure, you can continue to scramble for the right way to explain that “this is, um, my friend with benefits," or you could just introduce him as your BENEFRIEND! You can stammer about trying to explain that "I might get a little cranky and irritable if I don't eat," or you can simply explain you suffer from FOODSWINGS! If you want, you can struggle to detail that e-mail in your mail box got from your ex was accidentally e-mailed to everyone in your office... but wouldn't it be much easier just to say you'd been E-MAULED and leave it at that?!
I was written by Mia Christou, Scott Lobdell and John Nee. They all do different things than writing books because, frankly, writing books for a living pays very poorly. That is, unless you are a famous author at which point you can afford to pay people to write your books for you. I was also illustrated by Shawn McManus one of the finest artists comics has to offer. Designs by the ever versatile Rian Hughes who draws, designs, makes fonts, knows fine wines and is an excellent dancer.
Check out my pics for a sample of my interiors.