Cookery (Try my speciality, I call it 'Mince Neil'), Gurlz, Moviez, Graphix, Assorted musical instruments, Clubz, Transformation: a new realm of possibility, Tight clothing, Shower sex... oh and obviously THE ROCK!
My Nemesis. And a Junior Employee In-House Associate Resourcing Specialist Investment Consultant. Whatever that is.
Everything from Wham! to Pantera.
Anything with Mike Myers in it. Or Jesse Jane, but the less said about my porn obsession the better. Is there a film with Mike Myers AND Jesse Jane in it? Now that would be cool...
Yes I like Books.
Bob Geldoff, Brian May, Scotti Hill, Luke Morley, Rick Allen the one armed ThunderGod (C'mon - he's a 1 armed drummer - how can he not be your hero?), all of Styx - especially the dude with the spinning keyboard, Howard Stern, Ghandi, the Cookie Monster, Wombats.