"Pirates were the rock stars of the 18 th century!"- Johnny Depp
With this motto Jolly Roger has set sail with it’s crew on deck in this summer of 2006. Four determined adventurers, toughened in the world of rock, decided to form a band. The members are playing in bands like Dust’N’Bones, Disco Express and Kiss Forever Band. Sail is made, ropes are tight, all is ready to set off!
...are you ready for a real rock and roll adventure?!
Welcome to the MySpace site of rock and roll pirates JOLLY ROGER! My name is Pocky Demon and I’m bassplayer/vocalist in the band and host of this site! If you like our pirate style please don’t forget the bands website at www.thejollyrogeronline.com! Good sailings for your ship!
All JR graphics, layout, pictures,... (c) 2006-08 DEMONATOR STYLE STUDIO for JOLLY ROGER
Jolly Roger - Jolly Roger
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