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Anything Is Possible!!!

About Me

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My Interests

Music (both to listen, play guitar and write songs), go to concerts, art, read books and write stories, paint, travel, photographing, work with clay-ceramics:o), astronomy, astrology etc. Got so many interests...


Annihilator, Children of Bodom, Def Leppard, Dragonforce, Hammerfall, Highland Glory, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Masterplan, Metallica (their 4 first albums), Megadeth, Mötley Crüe, Ozzy Osbourne, Primal Fear, Sepultura, Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius, Talisman, Whitesnake and many many more... I also listen to classical music.


I LOVE HORROR MOVIES!!! Rose Red, Pet Cemetery, Omen, Nightmare on Elmstreet, Psycho (I like Psycho II the best), Scream, The haunting, Friday the 13:th etc, etc. The Ring...but it's almost too frightening...scared to death if the phone rings within a week...and of course it does...=:oO I also like comedies:o) Hugh Grant, Jackie Chang, Rik Mayall and John Cleese are SO funny! "Bad News" is a GREAT comedy! You who haven't seen it - see it right away!!! I also like movies with John Depp, those movies are often very interesting and a bit odd and I like that.


"MIDSOMER MURDERS"!!! I LOVE THAT! I like to watch the swedish programmes called "Det okända" (translated into english it would be "The unknown"). It's about people who get help from mediums to sometimes clear their houses from spirits. I also like "Most haunted" and the danish programmes called "Andarnas makt" (translation would be something like: "The power of the spirits". That's about the same kind of programme as "Det okända". Otherwise I like horror movies, comedies and some dramas. "The Osbournes", "Emmerdale" and "Nanny" are some of the soap operas I like and "South Park" rocks!:o)


Dean R. Koontz, Stephen King, Rosamunde Pilcher, Margit Sandemo. I also like to read about supernatural things. That interests me a lot!


Heroes are ALL those who fight for their own or others lives, who fight against starvation, war, sickness, violence, discrimination...the list is long... Heroes are ALL those who give help to animals, people and every other living thing. Heroes are ALL those who despite difficulties do their best to give themselves and their families a good life.Heroes are ALL those who do what they believe in, who follow their own hearts even though their financial position might be bad because of that and/or people not understanding their burning passion.Most of All Heroes are known as "Ordinary People".So remember: When You meet someone You think of as "just an ordinary person"... That "ordinary person" might be the Greatest Hero You will ever meet. Also remember: You might be a Great Hero Yourself!

My Blog

My Birthday 22/2 2008

I want to Thank Everyone of You who sent me a thought and took some time to wish me a Happy Birthday!:o) I'm very Touched and Grateful to All of You! Time is valuable. We live here and now and we neve...
Posted by Anna on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:05:00 PST