Thistopia profile picture



About Me

THIS is the shadow of our culture, thisinverting cultural reality through the thissemination and thispersion of alternatives vortices of information and infinite chaotic propaganda, speculation, simulation, stimulation to revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural transformation, empowered by will, reclaiming our guts and revolt in the name of imagination in opposition to a toxic life of low awereness, herd mentality and programmed though in hope to infect human minds and alter their behaviour. A step ahead in our commitment to disconnect the cables of corporhate coolonization, disinverting cultural reality through the dissemination and dispersion of alternatives vortices of information and infinite chaotic propaganda, speculation, simulation, stimulation to revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural transformation, empowered by will, reclaiming our guts and revolt in the name of imagination in opposition to a toxic life of low awareness, herd mentality and programmed though, in hope to infect human minds and alter their behaviour.
THIS is the source of our power
the root of our action
the foundation of our existence
our pride
our weapon
Internetional Thisconnections :

My Interests


THIS is a paradox but not necessarily a contradiction.
THiS is reality behind appearance.
THIS is there, somewhere.
THIS is the mediation of differences, the enemy of habituation,
the strategy for subverting sensory inhibition.

through THIS thiscover : identity not ideology

In THIS , the real, the virtual, the imaginal, the artificial,are all seeking re-invention, re-definition. THIS attempts to
demythologize the established cultural codes in order to decipher
concealed strategies of domination, desire and will.
THIS is based not in hierarchy but in decentralization
, not in rigidity, but in fluidity.

through THIS thiscover : the dissonance in universal harmony

I'd like to meet:

TransHumanISts, Gaians, Pirates, Dissents, Riotgirls, Archaic Revivalists, Bohemians, Discordians, Sirens, Bloodsuckers, Culture Jammers, Upwingers, Witches, Noir Fetishists,Dandys,Esoterrorists,Tricksters,Psychonauts,Shama ns.
clanthistines l budthists l bapthists l dandthis l antibothis l thisumbrationists l inthiscipliners l faithists l thisciples l shakthis l samathis l sadthists l thissidents l thisilluminaries l methothists l thisbelievers l thissonants l thisconnetizens



"THISTROY" white long sleeve tshirt.
10.00 euros with postage included.S,M,L, sizes.

p.o. box 2274
1107-001 Lisboa



::: Antibothis are the antibodies of the current corporhate monocoolture :::

My Blog

BOOK&SHOP : alternative bookshop in Lisbon

In order to spread our thisease in different ways, a specialized bookshop called BOOK&SHOP, based in Lisbon, sponsored by Thisco and Chilli com Carne and run and owned by WORK&SHOP,...
Posted by Thistopia on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:06:00 PST

ANTIBOTHIS - Occultural Anthology + cd compilation

Soon will be out our first book release in our brand new book imprint. The first book release is an occultural anthology called ANTIBOTHIS with contributors such as : Ionna Miller, Adel Souto, Pennti...
Posted by Thistopia on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 12:38:00 PST


THISTORY In the 80´s a bunch of cultural herethics emerged against a disease described as cultural banalization/alienation, joined forces and started their own alternative vortice of thisinforma...
Posted by Thistopia on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:51:00 PST

excerpt from our upcoming book

  THIS is a living organism of like-minded individuals sharing the same idea , pursuing the same goal and obeying the same inner law ,within an invisible body , a bond of unity among diversity .....
Posted by Thistopia on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 01:36:00 PST


THIS SIDENCE Will we ever learn from (THIS) TORY. Why so much (THIS) RESPECT for past experiences. Why so much (THIS) BELIEF in sheer humanism. We (THIS) REGARD the most simple gift, like nature. ...
Posted by Thistopia on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:46:00 PST