Angell profile picture


photographer, fashion victim, genderfuck dandyboy, sushi lover and self-facilitating media node. Mor

About Me

KissMyPanties is a unique event, club and PR photography service based in London. I take intense, colourful, dynamic, abrasive photographs - some people are delicate with the camera. I'm not. To see more of my work, check out my website, yeah?

----update 24th Apr----
The photos from Mobile Clubbing at Victoria Station are now online...

----update 5th Apr----
The photos from Lucha Britannia at the Bethnal Green Working Mens Club are now online...

----update 20th Mar----
The photos from Club Indulgence - 10th March 2007 are now online...

----update 7th Mar----
The photos from Devine Burlesque Launch Party - 3rd March 2007 are now online...

----update 27th Feb----
The photos from The Valentines Day Massacre are now online...

----update 15th Feb----
The photos from Horseplay at the Old Caledonian Banqueting Halls are now online...

----update 8th Feb----
The photos from Lucha Britannia at the Bethnal Green Working Mens Club are now online...

----update 12th Jan----
Experiments in Kitchen Vogue - a self portrait experiment/experience

----update 5th Jan----
The photos from The Night of The Prince and The Pauper at Lost Vagueness (Coronet, London) are now ...

Prints of these photos can also be bought .. here . Get em while they're steam hot folks!


April Angell: fighting for free gesture and untamed identity

My Interests

Taking photos, looking at photos, talking about photos... I get a bit obsessed sometimes.

I'd like to meet:

Other photographers, transpeople, circus performers, burlesque, vaudeville and caberet artists, and party people who photograph good - be there for my lens.


Four Tet, Apparat, Boards of Canada, AGF Delay, Like A Tim, Casino vs Japan, Blockhead, Rhythm & Sound, Kid606, Murcof, RJD2, Ulrich Schnauss, Proem, Prefuse 73, Luke Vibert, Wagon Christ, Pole, Monolake, Sophie Rimheden, Fluxion, Funkstorung, Ellen Allien, Alarm Will Sound, Wendy Carlos, Autechre, DJ Shadow, Federico Aubele, Luomo, Vadislav Delay, Maps and Diagrams, Opiate, Scion, Sun Ra, The Rip Off Artist, To Rococo Rot, Triosk, Matthew Dear, People Like Us, Peaches, Boom Bip, Mind Over Midi, Sensual Physics, Xela, Add N To X, Akufen, Basic Channel, Miles Davis, Bogdan Raczynski, Cex, Communikation, Gescom, Matmos, Mr. Velcro Fastener, Nitin Sawhney, Plaid, Plone, Pub, Richie Hawtin, Yasume, Enik, Terminal 11, Books on Tape, Madvillian, Jan Jelinek, Tipper, Kid Koala, Brian Eno, DJ Fuse One, Rufus Wainwright, Guitar Wolf, Shonen Knife... I think i might listen to too much music sometimes...


Fearless, Richard III, Braindead, Anjelica Huston, Tilda Swinton, Amanda Plummer, Terry Gilliam, Cry Baby - I watch a lot of movies and get a lot of my inspiration there. I like to think about my photography cinematically.....


dont have a TV for they are the sperm of the devil - or something like that...


mostly photographic - favourite being Martin Parr's Fashion Magazine - such a brilliantly executed concept.


Martin Parr, Sam Raimi, Peter Weir, Robert Capa, Terry Gilliam, John Waters, Man Ray..

My Blog

Mobile Clubbing photos now online

Never say KissMyPanties doesn't take you to all the swankiest places, boys and girls! The photos from Mobile Clubbing at Victoria Station are now online... ...
Posted by Angell on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 06:52:00 PST

Lucha Britannia photos now online

The photos from Lucha Britannia at the Bethnal Green Working Mens Club are now online...See the pleasure, feel the pain....
Posted by Angell on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:30:00 PST

Club Indulgence photos now online...

Yarrr me hearties. A short and sweet set of dark and moody piccies from Club Indulgence - 10th March 2007 are now online......
Posted by Angell on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:19:00 PST

Devine Burlesque Launch Party photos now online

The photos from Devine Burlesque Launch Party are now online......
Posted by Angell on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 05:28:00 PST

Valentines Day Massacre photos

The photos from The Valentines Day Massacre are now online...Ciao for now darlings...x...
Posted by Angell on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 05:42:00 PST

Horseplay and Lucha Britannia - who else would put ponygirls next to luchadors

Look kiddies - I've been busy - here's whats new.----update 15th Feb----The photos from Horseplay at the Old Caledonian Banqueting Halls are now online...----update 8th Feb----The photos from Lucha Br...
Posted by Angell on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 05:38:00 PST

The Prince and The Pauper photos

The photos from The Night of The Prince and The Pauper at Lost Vagueness (Coronet, London) are now online.Prints of these photos can also be bought online here.  Get em while they're steam hot fo...
Posted by Angell on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 03:07:00 PST