DANCE DANCE DANCE SHAKE YOUR BUDDAH420, hookahs, dance, meditation, yoga, massage, non duality, space, truth, unreality, cooking, sleeping, levitation
YOU: Friends, mermaids, Godesses, devotees, people to worship me,(was that redundant?) tantric partners, sensualists and fellow Gurus, belly dancers, fire breathers, eye gazers, hoola hoopers, burners and philosophisors. Yes ,talking and sharing can have their moments, if we dont get all caught up in old stories that drudge up drama/trauma. Most of the time I like to be with people who are comfortable enough with themselves to BE in the silence...with out grasping...can you ride the waves of what is, rather than trying to push the river into what you want it to be??? Can you dance and let the unknown?
Everybody Poops;The Musical, Shaman's Dream, trance, funk, old skool, hip-hop, classical
The Matrix, What the Bleep, The Peaceful Warrior
Battle Star Gallactica
Everybody Poops, I am That, The Bagavhadgita, Course in Miracles, Essential Rumi, Fire in the Belly, The truth according to Puppetji, Puppetji Speaks.
Depak, Shaman Finklestein, Ghandi, Jerry Lewis, Donald Trump, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah, Sri Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj