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Welcome, friends! I am Daniela. I've opened this place a while ago with the idea to post translations into Croatian of Rysa's "Game of the Gold Ring"
The Gold Ring
on my blog, but later I've added some texts and videos in English, too. Mainly new age stuff that I find interesting. As an introduction, here's my detailed profile on ex Zaadz, now Gaia community, which was my first encounter with web 2.0: Gaia,Danielica blog&profile ) First things first-here's the intro in my mother language...Bog, Hrvati i ostali koji ovo razumijete, a lijeno vam čitat na Engleskom :gore na blogu, uz neke druge zezelice i filmiće, imate moje prijevode "Igre Zlatnog Prstena", „The Game of the Gold Ring“, niza tekstova koji se od 6.mj. 2006. objavljuju na Autor, Rysa (koji je u medjuvremenu, kao Rysa5, odradio i na You tube-u objavio preko 350 kratkih filmica s dijelovima Igre) definira je kao „Igru globalnog prosvjetljenja i obilja“. Mene je inspirirala toliko da sam je krenula prevodit i otvorila My space, kako bi što više ljudi došlo do tih informacija.(Dovršila sam i PDF s izvornih 100 poruka, ako je netko zainteresiran javite se). Ubacila sam ovdje dio uvodnog teksta, da otprilike vidite o čemu lik priča... Dakle: The Game begins - IGRA POčINJE "Danas počinje nova igra, osmišljena radi promjene svijeta. Sve kreće od tebe i tvoje želje... (a ovo je video tog uvodnog dijela: U svijetu kojeg poznajemo postoji zla Crna Alijansa Elitista koja je pridobila nadzor nad monetarnim sustavom i tijekom stoljeća sistematično preuzimala sve razine društva, vlasti i proizvodnje svjetske civilizacije….. Trebali bi nam cijeli životi da otkrijemo i razotkrijemo sve načine na koje su oni pučanstvo porobili lažima, krivotvorenom povijesću, bezumnom zabavom, indoktrinacijom, propagandom, lažnim obavijestima, kontrolom uma, subliminalnim porukama, oružjem za masovno uništenje, drogama, reklamama, pranjem mozga, patriotizmom, strahom, terorizmom, korupcijom, pohlepom, aditivima u hrani, prijevarama, silom, nacionalizmom, nečasnostima, očajem i oduzimanjem moći. Igra počinje onda kada igrač uvidi da kraj igre te Alijanse donosi oskudicu, siromastvo,depresiju i fašističku kontrolu manjine nad pravima većine. Počinje kad se pojavi razumijevanje, otkriće da se moć koju drže elitisti zasniva na tome što svaki pojedinac odustaje od svog svetog rada i njegovih plodova. ... Ideja slobode i napretka dolazi u svijest onih koji osjećaju i žele moć da stvaraju vlastitu sudbinu. Kad se to dogodi, počinje igra izmedju Suverenih Individua i Crne Alijanse. Započeti igru-To je najteži dio, jer si sam, slomljen, bez sredstava, uplašen, poražen, deprimiran i zabrinut za budućnost. Sredinje banke, vlade, pravni sustav, policija, poreznici, sve je u zavjeri protiv tebe. Jednog se jutra probudiš shvativši to i prva je reakcija ŠOK. Ne možeš vjerovati da su vlada,crkva,lokalni policajac i sve korporacije, čak i učitelji u školama i sve na TV-u, orkestrirani kako bi te održali glupim, slabim i ustrašenim. U tom stanju ŠOKA sjediš i buljiš u novine, TV, Internet i slušaš druge u nevjerici. Kako se to moglo dogoditi? što ja, jedna osoba, mogu oko toga učiniti? što će se dogoditi mojoj obitelji? To ne može biti istina, ali jest. Kad se probijete iz faze šoka dostizete srdžbu zbog izdaje onih koji bi vas poslali u rat, radi dobiti šačice na vlasti. Osjećate divlji bijes zbog kompanija koje su zagadile prirodu radi korporacijskog profita njihovih investitora i pri tom prije njihova vremena usmrtili milijune otrovima. … Odvajate se od realnosti i postajete paranoidni shizofenik. Poznanici vas pocinju smatrati ludima, jer vaša paranoja poprima prividno radikalna, iracionalna, bizarna i besmislena uvjerenja, a oni koji su vas smatrali finom i ugodnom osobom sada vas vide kao opasnog ludjaka, moguće i s psihotičnim nakanama, i to nije sve...Počinjete vjerovati u polu-provjerene teorije zavjere o Iluminatima,tajnim vladama i organizacijama, čitate i druge "lude" stvari koje pišu jednako "ludi" ljudi, o ubojstvima Lincoln-a i Kennedy-a, Oklahoma City-u, Iranskim Contra, WACO-u, Pearl Harbour-u, 9/11, Iraku, UFO-ima, Haarp-projektu, „chemtrails“-ima, krugovima u žitu, zoni 51, astralnim razinama, medijima, vidovnjacima, Atlantidi, Mayancima, Shambali i drugim dimenzijama ispunjenim bićima koja sudjeluju u našoj realnosti... Na ovoj ste točci najopasniji jer ste pribavili dovoljno informacija zbog kojih ste i sebi opasni, jer niste u stanju razumjeti cjelinu onoga što se na svijetu dogadja. Počinjete besciljno tumarati sve dalje od realnosti, plutajući u plazmi drugih bića zarobljenih u potrazi za odgovorima, unutar kutije bez izlaza... ..Na toj točci upadate u Katatoničnu Univerzalnu Depresiju kada vas poćinje preuzimati beznađe, očaj i osjećaj praznine, dok klizite u jadikovanje i potiskivanje svih emocija. U toj zatomljenosti osjećaja, slike koje se prenose medijskim propagandnim kanalima pogadjaju vaše bezosjećajne oči i okamenjeno, otupljelo srce bez ikakvog efekta. Mrtvi ste za svijet, za sebe i za sam život, izdani od onih kojima ste vjerovali, obmanuti od onih kojima ste dali moć i obavijeni tajnim zavjerama onih koji su govorili da ce vas zaštititi od zla koje su sami stvorili kako bi vas učinili slabima.... … ...ISKRA svjetlosti, jedna vam ideja stiže u glavu i vi se odmičete od ponora - vidite da, sve dok dišete i nešto želite, još uvijek možete biti igrač. Ovo je igra i vi želite pobijediti... Prvo pitanje koje vam pada na um je: što zelim? Pa onda: što imam? Tada počinjete igru, jer razmišljate svojom glavom i vidite što želite i što imate. Sada možete postati IGRAč, kao onaj koji RAZMJENJUJE. Slobodni ste pronaći druge s kojima igru želite zapoceti. Ne možete igrati sami i niste sami. U ovoj igri vladate samo svojim željama i potrebama, ali zato potpuno kontrolirate ono što imate i želite. Počinjete se buditi iz noćne more i uviđati da su svi agenti moći, centralni bankari, korporacije i vlade dio istog svijeta u kojem ste i vi, te da se svi oslanjaju na jedno te isto. Ta jedna stvar su ljudi svijeta, a nazivaju se biračkim tijelom, kupcima, pučanstvom, javnošću („constituency“). Tu se nalazi prava moć i to je moć javnosti koja može dovesti do revolucije za koju vjerujete da je moguća. Medjutim, sad znate tajnu da morate djelovati kako bi stvorili zavjeru sudionika koji su prošli kroz ista iskustva i otkrica, te razumiju važnost stvaranja novog svijeta. Zato najprije morate započeti igru postajući suverena individua. .. Napomena: Ovaj me uvodni dio posebno zgromio, jer je opisao stanje u kojem sam se godinama nalazila, „kozmička depresija“ i beznadje, za koje osjećam da ne pogađaju samo mene, posebno u Lijepoj našoj, silovanoj ratovanjem i „tranzitiranjem“. Ako je i vama slično, vjerujem da će vas igrica povuci. Što ce vam se dalje dogadjati-na vama je- Don't panic & Enjoy!A što se mog profila tice, dolje sam navela karakteristike prvog vala Indigo-ljudi, koje se u 90% navedenog poklapaju s mojim doživljajem sebe. Prijevod imate na blogu, ako nekog zanima PDF sa mojim prijevodima GR-a ili Tečaja Indogo svjesnosti javite mi se...Ajd. bili mi živahni, budni i veseli!FIRST WAVE INDIGO's These are some of the qualities and challenges that First Wave Indigos experience: ~ Were born en masse between 1969 and 1987 (With stragglers before and after).~ Highly intelligent in their "Own Way."~ Are literally "wired differently" than other people.~ Many have strong or unusual Psychic and Telekinetic abilities.~ Have extraordinary levels of compassion.~ Have an affinity to Knights, Castles, and Dragons.~ Shut down psychic abilities because it scares people.~Feel like they could be one of the students in Xavier's school for the gifted in the recent movies from the comic books "The X-Men."~ Many times get along better with animals and nature than people.~ Have a bond/connection to the trees, and nature in general.~ Can relate well to children and or the elderly.~ Creative, inventive, and very intuitive.~ Involve themselves in human/animal rights efforts.~ Have an innate sense of "oneness" and connectedness to all of creation. Get confused and disturbed when others don't share their reality of "at-one-ment."~ High capacity for love, and therefore others may feel uncomfortable by their intensity.~ Very sensitive, sometimes "Hyper Sensitive" and may not be able to distinguish between the emotional fields of those around them and their own personal emotions.~ May go through periods of apathy and cynicism as coping mechanisms.~ Intense longing for "their own kind" Soul Mates but don't know where to look.~ Have H.D.D. or "Hug Deficit Disorder"- need immense amounts of physical touching, hugs, and love to "cuddle."~ Because of being misunderstood and then betrayed, may develop strong trust issues, and therefore keep many of their thoughts, feelings and opinions to themselves.~ Very disciplined when properly motivated.~ Get bored and or frustrated in school.~ don't "do authority" very well because most of the time they are smarter than those in authority.~ About 30% have difficulties expressing themselves, but can also be speed readers and can absorb information in seconds that would take others minutes to understand.~Have a strong sense of truth, ethics, justice and freedom. (That is why "authority figures" many times irritate and frustrate them). When these are in jeopardy, will give their "all" for their cause, and many times feel they would rather die than give-in to tyranny and deception.~Indigos have a strong desire to know "why"and if they don't see "the point" in something, (or if is it isn't explained properly), will feel it is simply not worth their time/energy and will either react with resistance or just simply "blow off" the people/things that seem not worth.~ Innately have their own ways of calculation~ Indigos have an evolved awareness of how things work, therefore, many of the rigid rules and methods of learning Math, English, and Physics (NOT metaphysics or quantum physics) make no sense to them.~All First wave Indigos have what might be termed as "A Gift of Healing" whether it is making people feel better with their humor and wit, hands on healing, animal and plant healing, healing with music and tone, or healing with new "unproven" methods some of which are natural and need no external training for. ~Many Indigos have "Telepathic Healing" abilities and long distances make no difference to the efficiency of their work.~ Because of their expanded perception, unusual creativity, wanting to try new things, and running way ahead of what is being taught in class, many were diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, and put on Ritalin as children.~Most Indigo's (especially males)have a high innate aptitude for computers/electronics and or auto mechanics.It is common for them to "Just Know" how to operate and trouble shoot with very little help from a book or an instructor.~First Wave Indigo's are extremely creative, and express this innate skill in many (and often times OUTRAGEOUS forms.) These skills manifest in: Drawing, Painting, Sculpting, Decorating, Photography, Writing (in sometimes very extreme and unique ways), Making Blueprints and Prototypes, Composing and Playing Music (even if they have never had lessons), inventing games, and creating new & more efficient ways of doing things.~Very few Indigos are interested in aggressive sports such as Football and Hockey. They would rather spend their physical exercise time and energy in personal achievement and outdoor sports. They are also attracted to discipline and self-defense sports such as Fencing and Martial Arts~Because of their feeling so foreign to this planet, a very high percentage of Indigos have been put on "Antidepressants" to make them appear "Normal" and fit in our society. This is just a temporary fix though, and only adds to their challenges.~Many Indigos are drawn to Theatrics, Drama, and Stand-up Comedy. In these venues they can "pretend to be someone else",actually they are using this as an outlet to vent and express their own views and pent up emotions. It is also a place for "misfits" to find a place of refuge and "fit in".~ Because of their feeling so "alien" here, many go through periods of severe grief, loneliness, and displacement and may turn to drugs, alcohol, or attempt suicide for a way out. ~One trademark that a high % of First Wave Indigos have, is living through extreme hardships as children, teenagers, and young adults. Many were born into family situations that were physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychically abusive. These Indigos had to figure out how to balance and keep their inherent integrity levels, while being subjected to painful and life shattering experiences. A large % were implanted in such horrendous situations as: organized crime, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and even mind control. It is also common for First Wave Indigos to have some kind of Alien encounters. NOTE: There seems to be a Dark Agenda on this planet to keep Indigos from waking up and taking on the mantle of power they have inside. That is why so many Indigos have been sucked into such harsh and debilitating environments. The dichotomy is,that Indigos innately know that in order to transform the corruption, pollution, and dysfunction on this planet, you have to go inside to the core or mind of the system to know how it operates and thus how to change, alter and bust that system. Indigos came here to bring order and balance back to a planet in chaos and headed for distraction. They are the "Cosmic Clean-up Crew"to rid the planet of corrupted consciousness and physical/energetic diseases that are imprisoning, destroying and mutating all life forms here! Wooohoo! Sounds like lot of work to do? Don't panic!? I was quite resignated for years, but now, thanks to all of you beautiful people out there, I'm Waking up and starting to Remember- we're all in this TOGETHER? All right, let's play, let's... Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
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Kindred spirits, Croatian and all around the globe, for mutual inspiration and support during these exciting quickening and paradigm shifting (or "Earth ascension") times.Those will, for example,like these verses:"WARRIORS OF LIGHT"Spirit has said...We All have already achieved what we are seeking... Our Oneness.We are just now Allowing to Consciously Know, what we've already, created on the "Higher Planes".This time is Our Time of Awakening, Remembering and Becoming Free.We have worked for it, and the Universe is supporting us to Achieve it.No-One and Nothing Can Stop It. Because it is the Will of All That Is...No one has ever achieved what we are poised to do!Humanity is the first group of beings to ever bring So Much Light and Love Into the Physical.Because we have gone so far into the Darkness, And We Are Remembering That We Are The LightWe Are Raising The Very Vibration of Reality Itself. Creating a World Unlike Any That Has Ever Been.Our Destiny is to open to the power of love, and become light beings,The Earth's destiny is to become a Star.A World of Light and Love.WE'LL DO THIS THROUGH OUR HEARTS.THIS IS WHY OUR EMOTIONS ARE SO POWERFUL!Look to see who is truly serving the world, truly seeking to share wisdom and knowledge, insight and understanding, caring and compassion.They are the bringers of light.A person who is there -as the spirit is there- to help, asks nothing for himself except what is needed to continue to do the work they seek to do.Upon a silent hill where life and death collide, between the past, and the present moments' glory. For every questing heart, the path is light from inside.And all the rest of it, is just your story. You are much more than enough. You're a Warrior of Love.There's a moment in everyone's life, When you can't hide what you know.The gift is in the giving, finding a voice.Go on dreaming, of a world of peace and joy. It's the signal I'm receiving and I'm finding my voice. (Doreen Virtue talks about indigos):

My Blog

GR37 uvari }ivota Galakti ki prolaz

The Game of the GoldRing www.Premieres.comRysa5 & GoldRingmedia on You-tubehttp:/ 37 uvari }ivota Galakti ki prolaz   Ovdje i sada mi smo ponovno doali na svijet i poslani smo i...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 01:10:00 GMT

Galactic Federation Of Light Pleiadian Renegades 9 June 2009

Galactic Federation Of Light Pleiadian Renegades 9 June 2009Some of your reliable sources of news have been concerned with everything except the really big story thats brewing in the skies. Why is tha...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Jun 2009 22:36:00 GMT

11. Indigo lekcija: Iscjeljenje i umirivanje Ego Uma

Lekcija 11 Iscjeljenje i umirivanje Ego Uma  Kad vam je um bu an, to je vaa ego. Kada se osjeate uplaaeni-to je vaa ego. Kada brinete, to je vaa ego. Cilj vaaeg ega je da vam otme mir.Nasuprot tome, ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:47:00 GMT


www.Premieres.comThe Game of the GoldRingRysa5 & GoldRingMedia on You tubeGR community: http://goldring.wetpaint.com36 KAOS I ANELI   Prisutnost Anela pri pojavi Kaosa   Neka A...
Posted by on Tue, 26 May 2009 07:00:00 GMT

GR 35 Obeanje ovje nosti- Bo~ansko Muako i }ensko

The Game of the Gold Ring, www.Premieres.comRysa5 and GoldRing Media on Youtube35 Obeanje ovje nosti- Bo~ansko Muako i }ensko   Oni muakarci i ~ene koji mogu uti ovu poruku usklaeni su s ra...
Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 12:03:00 GMT

Indigo lekcije 9. i 10.

Lekcija 9: Energija integriteta   Kao Indigo ili Indigo Izvia , vaaa je misija da pripuatate novu energiju integriteta u svijet. Vaa unutraanji detektor istine je stopostotno precizan. Vi ...
Posted by on Sun, 17 May 2009 23:15:00 GMT

GR 34 IZ SRCA GALAKSIJE - The Game ofthe Gold RingRysa5 and GoldringMedia, You tubehttp://goldring.wetpaint.com34 IZ SRCA GALAKSIJE     Iz srca galaksije stigao je poticaj uslijed kojeg Zemlj...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 23:19:00 GMT


The Game of the Gold Ring ; www.Premieres.comRysa5 on You tubehttp://goldring. wetpaint.comU ITELJI SVJETLA 33- RJE`ENJE Zlatni Prsten  Igra II- Dobrodoali! Postali ste predvodnik koji se...
Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:29:00 GMT

GR 32 VRATA SIRIUSA - The game of the Gold RingYou tube: Rysa 5 ; GoldRingMediahttp://goldring.wetpaint.comGR 32 VRATA SIRIUSA   Kroz Vrata Siriusa Mi govorimo vaaem svijetu iz nebesa. MI vas poz...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 11:35:00 GMT

Indigo lekcija 8 : Aneli

LEKCIJA 8 Nebo vam poma~e   Budui ste vi i vaai vodi i zajedno stvorili vaau Globalnu Misiju prije no ato ste se inkarnirali, smisleno je da e vam Nebo nastaviti pomagati i podr~avati vas...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 01:35:00 GMT