The Most Powerful Weapon On Earth Is SHARING.
Keep an open mind. Keep an openheart.
You never know what the universe has to offer you! ;)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"There is only one Race - the Race of Humanity. There is only one language - the language of the Heart. There is only one religion - the religion of Love. There is only one God - God, the Ommipresent.
~ Sai Baba
Remember that Mankind is One, children of the One Father. Make over, in trust, the goods of the Earth to all who are in need. Do this now and save the world.
~Messages from Maitreya the Christ
4 Peace.Truth.Freedom.Unity.Justice.Beauty.Love
How? Share And Save The World! ;)
Message from Maitreya
On 27 March 2008, Benjamin Creme was interviewed on the Paris radio station Ici et Maintenant. The programme was seen live around the world via the internet. At the end of the interview Maitreya gave a blessing to the audience and a message, via mental telepathy, through Benjamin Creme.
I am close to you indeed My friends.
I am so near to you that you have but little time to wait to see Me.
Many of you have been very patient, but the timing of My approach to you and the world is governed by many laws, and I come at the earliest possible moment.
Look for Me then sooner than you think possible.
Perhaps not tomorrow, or next week, or even next month, but very, very soon.
My heart is filled with the urge to complete this great endeavour.
This will need the assistance of all who love their fellow men.
Men must save the world which ails badly.
My Masters and I will show the way to do so.
It gladdens Our hearts to see the start already made by the ordinary people of the world.
It is to them I speak now.
Raise your voices. Tell the world your needs: your need for peace; your need for justice and freedom; the need for all people to live in harmony, no matter the religion, the colour, the race.
All men essentially are One.
They are My brothers and I love each one.
My blessing of love flows to you all.
Until soon My friends.
Share International
" All truth goes through three stages. First it ridiculed. Then is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self - evident."
Man's inhumanity to man.
Makes countless thousands mourn.
~Robert Burns
Man proposes, but God disposes.
~Thomas A Kempis
I'm Looking for the Holy Grail... I sense it's in every Being!
The Light of God dwells within you.
The Love of God dwells within you.
The Fire of God dwells within you.
-Mahatma GandhiPonder on this...if you like
New Testament
ST. John, Chapter 10:34
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
Miracle Crosses of Light from around the World
Evidence that Maitreya the World Teacher is in the World