YUKINA profile picture


Swamp Disco Rocks!

About Me

In May 2002, I released the album Comin'Round under the name YUKINA with a nod to the rent parties in New York during the jazz days when broke musicians would hold parties and play all night with everyone else throwing in a few bob so they could make their rent on time and avoid eviction. I had spent too much time making the album and had fallen behind in my own rent. I burnt a load of copies, had a friend in the advertising world do a cover for me and print a load on the sly, stuck 'em all together, sent everybody in my phone a text, and sold 149 copies at a tenner apiece. Paid off my couple of months with a bit to spare. I moved to a cheaper place and got my band together, even if it took a long time before the line-up settled down. As of March 2008, we're studio bound to finish Yukina's second album, All Summer Long.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/21/2006
Band Members: Stuart Doyle on vocals and guitar, Myri Leon Barrera and Julie Doyle on backing vocals, Alan Sheridan on bass, Scott Davis on drums, Mark Carroll on percussion
Influences: Way old blues, Elvis, Eddie Cochran, 50's Rock 'n' Roll, Dylan, Hendrix, The Stones, Rory Gallagher, Sabbath, Led Zep, Bowie, Ramones, Metallica, ACDC, Chilis, Nick Cave, Johnny Cash, Stone Roses, Dr. Dre...
Sounds Like: Tom Waits and Mark Lanegan with Lemmy and the Band Of Gypsies backed up by Blondie
View Yukina's EPK
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Frequency-Ireland review

I meant to tell yis this ages ago but the nice people at Frequency-Ireland posted an excellently written article about us. It can be found at http://frequency-ireland.blogspot.com/200 6_...
Posted by YUKINA on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:36:00 PST

Slowly Softly

Hey hey, Here's part of an email from the nice people at the International Songwriting Competition... "Dear Stuart,We are pleased to inform you that the song "Slowly Softly," entered into the Roc...
Posted by YUKINA on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:12:00 PST

Drummers, new arrivals, new tunes

Our drummer and great friend John is the proud father of baby Jonah, so big smiles for him and Vanessa . He's taking time out from the band, we'll miss him of course, but life goes on a...
Posted by YUKINA on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 07:20:00 PST