My rock 'n roll show on Mondays on KNAC.COM. Rock 'n roll. The NEW YORK RANGERS. the NEW YORK METS, my drums, my bike,my dog,my house-"JUNKLAND",ALOHA GRILL in HB,JOES SUSHI IN HB,GOAT HILL TAVERN-COSTA MESA, MISS KITTY'S PARLOUR,Ivan Kanes"Royal Jelly-Live", HOUSE OF BLUES,KEY CLUB,Rainbow Bar and Grill,CAT CLUB, GALAXY THEATER, PERQS in HB. I love to travel and am always going some where. NEW YORK CITY and NEW ORLEANS are 2 of my favorite stomping grounds. I can usually be found on weekends at a garage sale or "swap-meet" looking for stuff, or at a used record store. I have quite a collection. I am usually at a live music show at least twice a week, backstage afterwards. I LOVE comedy,movies, stand up etc. If you dont like "Blazing Saddles" or "The 3 Stooges" or "The Little Rascals", I dont like you.
Girls Girls Girls and fans of music. I am brand new here to MySpace so looking to meet all these super cool people I hear everybody meets on this site. Also keep in touch with my friends and fans of my radio show too. If you dont have something positive to say,dont say it.
ALL genres of rock, especially metal and so on. I am also into the blues and jazz, classical, and roots rock which is basically blues based country. I love rockabilly and big band swing as well. I'm not into the whole "Hip-hop scene", although I am aware of it, I keep up with whats current and am amazed by how soon it becomes "yesterdays news". I've been a drummer most of my life, and have worked in ALL areas of the music business, for years, so I have a good knoweledge of whats what. If it has a melody, and its made by MUSICIANS,chances are that I will like it. ..
Porn :) Blazing Saddles,Its a Mad Mad World,Mr. Hollands Opus,A Hard Days Night,One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest,Goodfellas,The Godfather Pt 1 and 2,The Belles of St Trinians,All Wallace and Gromit films,Most Nicholson films Slingblade,Idiocracy,Fido, Caddyshack, Citizen Kane,The World According To Garp, Crash, In Cold Blood, any Peter Sellars Pink Panther films, John Cuscak movies, John Hughes movies, John Waters movies, Woody Allen movies, Cohen Bros movies, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Marx Bros., So I Married An Axe Murderer, Anchorman, documentaries of all types, Chaplin films,60's TV comedies.
VH-1 CLASSIC. Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Rescue Me, Cartoon Network,South Park, ESPN, Nick At Nite, Spike TV, 60's and 70's reruns,3 Stooges, Amos and Andy, Little Rascals, Seinfeld, Frasier, NYPD Blue, Six Feet Under, Biography Channel. href=" 9t" target="_blank"
the one I'm writing, On the Road, Catcher in the Rye, 1001 Dirty Limericks,Picking Up Girls For Dummies, Diane Arbus-An Aperture Monograph, How to Be an Asshole Without Really Trying,the Complete Curious George, Wonderland Avenue, Carmine Appice-Realistic Rock, Life on Planet Rock,
My dog Louie, cause he can lick himself for hours, hehe. My late father, who was an educator, who went against the grain to bring out the best in people. The late Frank Zappa for his devotion to the craft of musicianship. the late Country Dick Montana from The Beat Farmers, the greatest live performer I ever saw. ..