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Tommy Drake

...the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

About Me

I travel all of the time and try to have at least one performance every night. In a perfect world I would work every night. As it is, I am close. Travelling allows me to read the great and crappy paperback novels that I am addicted to. I basically read and work out like I am in prison while I am on the road.

My Interests

I just got back into juggling for health and fitness. Hard to practice in a cruise ship cabin, but I am managing to improve, not just the juggling, but the health and fitness as well. I've become a crazy cat person and am desperately in love with my kitten, Gracie. I've even brought her on the road with me. I spend quite a bit of down time writing and researching my act.

I'd like to meet:

I love watching live performers who really get off on performing live. I'm addicted to the stage and if I can't be up there, I love to be in the crowd of an amazing show. I don't need to meet the performer, just watch them live. I've gotten to meet most of my current stand-up heros.


Rock and Roll. Classic Rock. 60s and 70s


Young Frankenstein, To Be or Not To Be, The Jerk, Lonely Guy


American Idol. Most of the shows I like are on Fox. The Simpsons, Family Guy, Judge Judy. I don't get to watch a lot of TV, but when I do I try to catch some boxing or mma.


Isaac Asimov wrote a math book called Asimov on Numbers that every nerd like me should read. I love John Grisham, Dean Koontz. They never fail to entertain me. I also periodically re-read the classics. I have read 'On The Road', 'Catcher in the Rye', all of Vonnegut and Hemmingway numerous times over and enjoy them all every time. I have an oddly accurate memory for things that I read and I believe I will have books like Cat's Cradle and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest memorized before I die.


John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ehric Weiss, and Sir Lawrence Olivier who once quipped 'an actor should have the mind of a genius, the body of an athelete, the soul of a poet, and the imagination of a child. It doesn't hurt to also have the hair of a Jonas Brother.'

My Blog

McCain is using a hot white lady to try to steal the black man vote

I haven't journalled online in a while. Things have been interesting to say the least. We did get hit by the hurricane where I live and there was quite a bit of debris, but no real damage. Some of my...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:33:00 PST

McCain’s wife likes NASCAR, let’s blame her for gas prices

I had a late show last night. It starts at 12:15 on this ship, which is 3:15 a.m. my time. I felt completely exhausted before my show, but once I hit the stage, all of that goes away. The crowd was v...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 12:58:00 PST

My avatar is camping out to buy me tickets to the ’Clone Wars’

I've always had a plan, a method that I use to go about my business. I have created a set of rules, guidelines for myself. For the most part, they are pretty simple, pretty basic.Things like work as ...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 10:47:00 PST

They cut open Angelina Jolie yesterday....

...that peach had two Pitts in her. I'm officially on vacation. I'll start posting more journals in about two weeks.  
Posted by Tommy Drake on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 07:29:00 PST

3 shows on the Glory

I had a full work day yesterday. I flew into Cozumel on a direct flight to board the Carnival Glory. I had three shows last night. Two main shows (50 minutes) and one late night (35 minutes). I lost ...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 09:19:00 PST

buckle up, it’s our only law

My late show last night was kind of a dead, tired little crowd. They weren't not having a good time and they were definitely into the show, but they had the energy of folks on vacation who have been ...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 11:12:00 PST

the hippy dippy weather man, signing off

So I'm on the Spirit for six nights and I'm working four of those nights. I'm staying on for the end of one cruise and the beginning of the next. This is the same ship I was on last week. It is reall...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 03:59:00 PST

He’s the one who took over for Jack Parr

My late show on the Spirit went really well a few nights ago. I get to go back to that ship in a few days for the same run pretty much. It is very nice to go back to the same place two weeks in a row...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:46:00 PST

It’s like having a phone with a twelve on it

My first flight was from San Diego to Seattle. It was on Alaska Airlines. Because I fly so much, when I fly American or Continental I usually get upgraded or at least get preferred seating. Alaska is...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:31:00 PST

The Holiday Inn at the Prancing Pony

I've entered the United States through immigration in almost every way possible from various different countries. If you ever get the opportunity to enter by car from Tijuana to San Diego make sure t...
Posted by Tommy Drake on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:21:00 PST