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meglio essere folle per proprio conto che saggio con le opinioni altrui

About Me

Sono un appassionato di rock progressive e delle sue derivazioni.Sono membro fondatore di Ages of Black Light e Autoelektriker e porto avanti anche dei progetti solisti. Ho studiato batteria ma i miei interessi principali sono i sintetizzatori e la composizione. Sono tifosissimo del Piacenza Calcio e poi del Milan,del Fiorenzuola e del San Fereolo. Adoro l'arte surrealista ed i grandi artisti italiani di ogni epoca ed in ogni campo. Ciao a tutti..Hello to everyone! i nomi dei video qua sotto (non sono in ordine di preferenza) Devil Doll - Dies Irae,ultima parte Pink Floyd - Welcome to the machine (videoclip) Peter Hammill - This side of the looking glass Eloy - The midnight fight (live 1978) Christian Vander - speciale televisivo Philip Glass - Mad Rush (non so il nome della pianista) Opeth - Harvest (videoclip) Yann Tiersen - Rue des cascades (la cantante fa cagare ma lui è grande) Kraftwerk - The robots (videoclip) Yellow Magic Orchestra - Rydeen (videoclip) Camel - Unevensong (live 1977) Steve Hackett - Shadow of the hyerophant (live 1978)

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Oyez! Oyez!This is a gala evening!Veiled angels Crowd the theatre To see a play Of hopes and fearsMotley mimes Toss about the scene Held up by therads Sinking in the deepOnstage In a corner Hidden behind myself I hold my breath: In the airless air Shards of crushed rainbows Fill my limbo Placed somewhere Between world and toys"Do you want to play with me?"In the soundtrack of my survival The furious small hammers Fully uprooted From their key-shaped Skeleton Cruelly explore Every cranial path Always closer... Always more painful!The sharks' fin Is sighting straight for me: Creatures or spirits I beg you!Maybe it's the delirium Of my morbid ratio Os that voice that lies Deep in my intimate self To allow this swimming Through the lymphs of victims While dark reigns over The sons of putrefaction!Father of sons all deformed That like a ghastly stream Surge out Through the rusted gates of time - A deaf dumd eyeless throng Laughing forever But smiling no more The god absent Or still"Haec verba audi: Vitam aeternam!"Like the shaman Who ingratiates himself With the deity Of the animal he hunts Seeking possession With the spirit of the beast: So the innocents Pervaded with the spirit Of the great predator - Princeps huius mundi - Though burnt in our pyres Will transcend time Soaring over Physical extinctionDomine te voco Iustum mihi ostende unicum Talis monstris ob spectaculum Stupefactus ego moriar...... on meurt a moins!Hooked hands Stretched out above In the ultimate endeavour To clutch an atom That does not sinkIn the day of wrath The hungry marionettes Wake up - come alive While birds of soul Usher in The rays of chaos.."Fatal infection... far all! Epidemy! Epidemy!"Dies irae!Feeding on fragments of gangrene Teeth crumble Toes fall apart We crawl like earth-worms That rats and birds fight overScored by silence Spirits creep Out of the secret nooks: Scatter in the streets Each one Choosing his own Beloved preyAmong the trees Holding her out my hands "What about a walk?" I avoid the sharp splinters Of her sweet shattered gaze Step by step Into the labyrinths of doubt Every shelter: a trap While distresses I witness The twilight of my heart You spread around drops of light Unaware of the rustle Of invisible syllables: "You will not get out Of eternal peace!" And the virgin blade kisses - Freeing - Your white throatNo pain I'm quite sure She feels no pain! The voice Still throbs: "Each man Kills The thing He loves!" (incubus)Ih the purple flashes Of the blazing blood Slowly we vanish In and around ourselves Cells of spirit dissolve Bit by bit..."You will not get out of eternal peace! You will not get out of eternal peace!"Suddenly the void Fills your first born Vibration Just the still slpendour Of your icy wards endures I see you through my tears Tears that nobody ever will dry..."You will not get out of eternal peace! You will not get out of eternal Peace/kill/sleep/murder/deathThe last word of my script Is now diclaimed Time is over And there's no whispering prompter To ease my scenic solitude The crawling shape intrudes And while I open my arms Ii seizes me in its jaws! "This is my body, which is sacrificed for you!"("Into thy hands I commend my spirit...") Oout. Out are the lights. Out all And over each quivering form The curtain comes down Like a funeral pall With a rush of storm While angels - Pale and silent - Rising and unveiling Affirm That we are witnessing The tragedy "Man" And its hero is...The conqueror wormYet I would lose no sting Would wish no torture less; The more that anguish racks The earlier it will bless And robed in fires of hell Or bright in heavenly shine If it but herald death The vision is devineThe still look Curled up in the strait-jacket Fading of tears Behind every kiss: A potential Judas Desire of biting The vital artery Mine Or of the first passer-by Insects with legs Torn off My nails one by one Shards of glass In eyes of cat Smile. Or simply: ivory Good night Plug disconnected Some flowers In the first month Then just: Earth


Ages Of Black Light,Listeria,Pink Floyd,Eloy,Magma,Harmonium,Camel,Cressida,King Crimson,Genesis,Colosseum,Philip Glass,Devil Doll,Ennio Morricone,Fabrizio De Andrè,Tangerine Dream,Museo Rosenbach,Van Der Graaf Generator,Caravan,Hatfield & The North,Greenslade,Gentle Giant,Beatles,Yes,Frank Zappa,Kraftwerk,Jethro Tull,Leo Ferrè,Uriah Heep,Black Sabbath,Rainbow,Deep Purple,Rush,Gong,Atoll,Nektar,Hawkwind,Can,Arturo Stalteri,Klaus Schulze,Return To Forever,Marillion,Ozric Tentacles,Wicked Minds,The Cult,Embryo,Arti & Mestieri,Focus,Magna Carta,Univers Zero,Eskaton,Emerson Lake & Palmer,Locanda delle Fate,High Tide,Jacula,Indian Summer,East of Eden,Gryphon,Biglietto per l'Inferno,Balletto di Bronzo,National Health,Murple,Colin Bass,Arthur Brown,Khan,Grobschnitt,Rick Wakeman,Spring,Renaissance,Agalloch,Yann Tiersen,Archive,Radiohead,Gazpacho e qualche altro che ora non mi sovviene


i soliti ignoti,i racconti del terrore,don Camillo,il grande Lebowski,Indiana Jones,ritorno al futuro,i film di Myazaki,star trek,amici miei,il mostro di Dusseldorf,the devil rides out,the wickerman... insomma ci siamo capiti no?


Simpsons,Griffin,Futurama,South Park e poi calcio calcio calcio


quelli belli dal Prometeo incatenato di Eschilo all'ultimo di George R.R. Martin e poi fumetti fumetti fumetti


Vincent Price,Roger Waters,Ben Croshaw,Philip Glass,Ron Gilbert,Mister Doctor,Bob Moog,Leon Theremin,Alan R. Pearlman,Sergio Ramelli,Zio Paperone

My Blog

GSO SAN FEREOLO,seguite con me le vicende della mia squadra del cuore!

G.S.O. SAN FEREOLO (Terza categoria Lodi,girone A)   andate qua per vedere le foto dei nostri eroi
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST

Leggete le mie storie politicamente scorrette

La PARMOINC. ltd. Presenta: Una storia del PARMO   Riccardo Parmigiani Simone Segalini Lorenzo Carini Marco Tagliaferri   in   LA TRANQUILLA VITA NOTTURNA DELLA VALLE   Musiche di ...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 02:31:00 PST

ma guardate un pò se uno deve ricevere una email così....

" Caro Parmo, prima ancora di leggere la tua ultima, Gregory oggipomeriggio mi ha detto che la mia emial in risposta alla tuaprovocazione ti ha offeso.Mi spiace sinceramente e ti prego di credere che ...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 01:35:00 PST

My All-Time-Top 30!

I miei preferiti...sono andato a memoria,potrei aver tralasciato qualche così porrò rimedio a breve!   Ayreon - The dream sequencer Banco del Mutuo Soccorso - Banco del mutuo soc...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:12:00 PST

la mia ultima poesia

un bel giorno me ne sono andatosono scappatosono andato lontanoverso i campi di granodove ho visto una ragazza pastorel'ho presa da dietro e abbiam fatto l'amorepoi mi son risvegliatodavvero un peccat...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 02:58:00 PST


Autoelektriker is a project of Rik Sundia Vander and Klaus Lockwood from Ages of Black Light. Electronic music in the vein of the '70 krautrock scene albums available: Schraubenzieher (...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:13:00 PST

Rik Sundia Vander solo projects

Available solo albums from Ages of Black Light co-founder genre: progressive rock,electronic,ambient,classical,noise for informations please email me at [email protected] ,here or on AOBL myspace pag...
Posted by Rik Sundia Vander on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:07:00 PST