Matt Brown profile picture

Matt Brown

What is, is. What ain't, ain't nothin'.

About Me

"This boy was born with a paint-peeling gift of sarcasm and the Velvet Underground as domestic background white noise. What else could he be but a rock critic?"
- Janet Brown, my mother
"I think the moment you smelled my neck was when my appreciation of Matt Brown, Avid Show Goer, was set in stone."
- Jamie Henkensiefken, guitarist/vocalist for H Is For Hellgate (
"The NW’s premier indie-rock scene supporter & scene maker... man on the streets and the web, MATT BROWN..."
- Robert Roth, guitarist/vocalist for Truly (
"Hey matt thanks for driving traffic from your hip, super-popular blog to our lame-o, no-one-gives-a-shit blog."
- Matt Ashworth, High Potentate of
"Another reason I use my real name and contact info: what good is a brand if you don't promote it? That wouldn't be very Matt Brown of me."
- Jason Josephes, (
"matt brown: professional strength rock and roll enthusiast!!!"
- The Golden Gods, San Francisco CA
"matt brown and shark pants forever!"
- Shark Pants, Tucson AZ
"Any friend of Matt Brown's is a friend of ours ... unless you're one of those friends of Matt's that likes to get really f*ckin' drunk, threatens to beat up our friends with large sticks of luncheon meats and demands that we just keep buyin' all the booze all night long."
- Sugar Farm, Seattle WA
"Matt Brown's nefarious outputs on the internet know no bounds. All hail King Cheeky!"
- Marshan, Glasgow UK
"ahhh Matt Brown the duct tape of the music scene..."
- Abbey Road, Seattle WA
"And I would like to dedicate the following word to my dear friend, Matt Brown: HOORAY!!!"
- Mel Mason, Tucson AZ
"Matt Brown, I don't care what everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, says about you... you're alright in my book!"
- Danielle Radford, Seattle WA
"You know what also relieves boxer brief chafing? Mr. Matt Brown. what?"
- Alexis Amelia, Tucson AZ
"I don't have to tell YOU what the cool kids are up to... YOU are the cool kid!!!"
- Rob Butler (RJB PHOTO), Seattle WA
"It's too bad I can't remember that(naturally brilliant) thing I said that would have finally made it into your quote section. Thank goodness I really don't care all that much."
- Heather Fenech, Ballard WA
"you are one evil bastard, matt brown."
- Heather Murphy, Fife WA
"No fair! How come Matt Brown gets all the hickies?"
- Country Mike, Ballard WA
"I have a lot of distrust for the internet and modern conveniences such as cellular phones, but these devices have also allowed me the honor of getting to know Matt Brown, and his soul is about as pure as God can allow."
- Steve Davis, Portland OR
"could you please clone yourself and send clone matt brown to portland maine to pleasure my lady friends? thank you."
- Amy Simpson, Portland ME
"you remind me of a little boy that had a crush on me in grade school....he picked his nose and ate it ;) xoxoxoxo"
- Lynda Mandolyn, San Francisco CA
"Matt Brown - seek him out and learn!"
- Michael Hummer, Tucson AZ
"Wow! Matt Brown with shaved eye brows and no shirt singing Black Flag's "Six Pack" as "Half Rack" (Upping the ante!) as Fistsized rawked out---Now that's HOT!"
- Juhu Beach, Seattle WA
"i guess the only question i have is HOW am i going to convince iwona (assuming I have my first with her) to let us name our son or daughter Mattbrown Lamar Owen??"
- Doug Owen, Seattle WA
"I think I may break my record of never voting in any Tammies for anything just to write you in as scenester of the year. You were here for at least a few days of the period that we're voting on, so I think that counts. I'm sure you hit more shows that Halloween weekend than many of the layabouts who live in Tucson do in a whole year, anyway!"
- Mullarkey, Tucson AZ
"Sound bite of the night comes from Matt Brown when over my first PBR of the night i was told that i 'make Mary Poppins look like a bitch' and That makes me smile."
- StasiaBlue, Seattle WA
"matt brown's name should be forever associated with women taking their clothes off."
- Lesli Wood, Seattle WA
"Matt Brown is an awesome man!!!"
- Steph Hasselman, Seattle WA
"Me and my Hobo friend Matt Brown live behind the KFC on Speedway."
- Dick Army, Tucson AZ
"I just read Matt Brown's most recent blog and it has inspired me to write. I have no delusions that my writings are as whimsical & funny as Matt's, but I enjoy writing nonetheless!"
- Snuf, Tucson AZ
"two words I never imagined seeing on the same page: "Matt Brown", and Safety. Well, since I have 2 degrees in mathematics, I feel it necessary to point out that there are three words there in fact, but you knew that, and you also knew that I am pointing this out merely to prevent you from rubbing it in my face like a dirty pair of panties. x0x0"
- Madraso, Seattle WA
"...until I gave birth to the minivan out of my pink pip, we didn't have a ride. I am not quite sure yet who the father is... Matt Brown... are you part minivan?"
- Starr Harris, Ballard WA
"Matt Brown- boot connoisseur"
- Eloise Govedare, Seattle WA
"Matt; you are everywhere!"
- John Althoff, Portland ME/Tucson, AZ/Phoenix, AZ/Everywhere Else
"i love matt brown. period."
- Neil Kight, Tucson AZ

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fallen women and superfluous men.



Stanley Francis Brown
My grandpa was born and raised in the harsh Arizona heat, helped build the Alaska Highway during WWII, tended bar in the roughest part of post-war Fairbanks, ran Paxson Lodge for decades on the principle of exceptional customer service and taught me everything I need to know about professionalism and integrity... as my first and toughest boss and by the lessons he passed to me through my dad, another man of strong character. Stan Brown passed away on the evening of June 30th, 2007 and will always remain someone I am truly proud to be related to.
(This MySpace profile - the good, bad and ugly parts combined - is dedicated to my father, James Ervin Brown. Dad was supportive of every creative pursuit of mine and followed my online exploits avidly, reading every blog and listening to every band I wrote about. He passed away on August 16th, 2006... a few weeks after proudly showing Grandpa this portion of the page. My father was truly my best friend, as well as my hero, and I think of him and miss him every day.)

My Blog

Who The Hell Reads Matt Browns Blog? - The Current Table Of Contents

Part One - Bridget. (Subscribed 7/14/2006) Part Two - John Althoff. (Subscribed 10/09/2006) Part Three - Brooke Harker (Subscribed 2/08/2008) Part Four - Linda! (Subscribed 3/23/2006) Part Five ...
Posted by Matt Brown on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:38:00 PST

Behind The Promotion: How I end up spewing out these pseudo-blog commercial thingamagummies...

I lead what I feel to be a fairly well-rounded and interesting life, all things considered. The tiny bit of it that makes it into this blog may seem a bit monotonous, but that's mainly because I like ...
Posted by Matt Brown on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 04:58:00 PST

Janet Brown update...

For those who've expressed interest in my mother's recent move, but might not be tuned into her blog yet, click here to see Mrs. Brown's first transmission from the Chokchai Ruammit neighborhood in Ba...
Posted by Matt Brown on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:33:00 PST

Sage at REVERBFest

Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth were sludgy brilliance, Kublakai was pulling 'em in off the street, Kim Virant's voice is as sweet n' smoky as ever, Man Plus rocked the Chai Hole&...
Posted by Matt Brown on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 09:35:00 PST

Monotonix in Bellingham.

The snug confines of Cap Hansen's in Bellingham make the Comet Tavern seem like the Tacoma Dome in comparison: I've never seen Monotonix in such an intimate venue, and I doubt that I'll get the c...
Posted by Matt Brown on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:38:00 PST

Bacon drama revisited, tonight at the High Dive...?

From Kusikia's MySpace page... Kusikia 10-02-2008 21:00 at high dive w/ panther attack and capillary action!513 N 36th St G, seattle, Washington 98103Cost: $5 this bill kicks ass!!! ya!!! Remember Kus...
Posted by Matt Brown on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:01:00 PST

Departures and arrivals.

Nick and Janet Brown JB and her eldest smartass. Drew from The Cops The crowd shows their love for Johnny Cop Mike Cop. Matt and Ben from Hater. Matt ...
Posted by Matt Brown on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 11:59:00 PST

And by the way...

Typical rock n' roll dain bramage: I can never type "and by the way" without thinking of the Butthole Surfers' classic intro to "Sweat Loaf"..."Well son, the funny thing about regret is,It's better to...
Posted by Matt Brown on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:19:00 PST

Im gonna miss this lady.

The one on the left, next to Lesli Wood's lovely uvula... (wait! Does Lesli have an uvula? Now that I really look at this photo, I don't see it!)Less than 48 hours from now, Janet Brown will be s...
Posted by Matt Brown on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 08:57:00 PST

The 206 hits PDX tonight...

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Get Loweded!Date: Sep 25, 2008 12:17 PMA rivalry for most bad-ass city in the Northwest has been waging for years between Seattle and Portland...
Posted by Matt Brown on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:47:00 PST