dead city radio / church of noise profile picture

dead city radio / church of noise

listen to our radio shows!

About Me

[email protected]
dattel und zellhofer kennen sich schon ewig, sie sind echte musik-nerds. vor einigen jahren begannen sie ihr gemeinsames interesse fuer's radiomachen zu entdecken. mittlerweile gestalten die beiden zwei radiosendungen:
dead city radio (radio orange)
alle zwei wochen, am dienstag von 15:00 bis 16:00 uhr
playlists aus der prae-myspace-zeit
church of noise (gymradio)
woechentlich am dienstag von 21:00 bis 23:00
playlists aus der prae-myspace-zeit (benutzername: gymradio, passwort: 9451022)
es geht um musik, irgendwo zwischen indie, hardcore, metal, pop, punk, singer/songwriter zeugs, wave u.s.w. manchmal wird auch 80er, austropop oder ndw reingemischt. ausserdem werden immer wieder gerne gaeste ins studio eingeladen.
erkennt ihr eine klare linie? nein? die gibt es auch nicht! eigentlich ist alles moeglich.
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english version:
dattel and zellhofer know each other for a long time, you can call them real music nerds. some years ago they discovered their common interest in making radio shows. in the meantime they run two shows:
dead city radio (radio orange)
every two weeks, on tuesday from 3 pm to 4 pm (gmt +1)
playlists from the pre-myspace-era
church of noise (gymradio)
weekly on tuesday from 9 pm to 11 pm (gmt +1)
playlists from the pre-myspace-era (username: gymradio, password: 9451022)
it's all about music, a mixture of indie, hardcore, metal, pop, punk, singer/songwriter stuff, wave and so on. sometimes even 80ies, austropop or ndw are featured. on and off guests are invited to the studio.
do you make out the thread? well, there isn't one. everything's possible.
playlist dead city radio, 19.2.2008:

ronnie urini & die letzten poeten: niemand hilft mir
jm kanes: background of a god
er ist tot, jim: das schweigedilemma
zeronic: i feel
fadin´ to whiteout: and all our buildings go down
griffins: dolly´s song
griffins: the light
paperbird: colony
paperbird: none of the above
go die big city: go spiders go!
nitro mahalia: flieg kleiner trochaeus
roscoe fletcher: going down
lamexcuse: yesterday´s ditch
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playlist church of noise, 12.2.2008:

jm kanes: nowhere
nevergreen: verwendbar
parole emil: grund genug
stereoface: fakes
the beautiful kantine band: ich wein
roia: sightseeing
rotkopf: naiv
griffins: hiding place
griffins: a walk
[:si´thru´as:]: metamorphosis
across the delta: the intensive alibi
loony brain: armament industry
fadin´ to witeout: and all over buildings go down
fadin´ to whiteout: brakin´ at light speed
marilies jagsch: beloved stranger
marilies jagsch: ghosts
marilies jagsch: shadow and light
paperbird: none of the above
paperbird: milk
we make music: parting of time
seelenriss: he-x-ago(n)
werner kitzmüller: outta sorts
naked lunch: on our last day

My Interests


Member Since: 3/4/2006
Type of Label: None

My Blog

dead city radio playlist 19.2.2008

"österreich"   ronnie urini & die letzten poeten: niemand hilft mirjm kanes: background of a goder ist tot, jim: das schweigedilemmazeronic: i feelfadin´ to whiteout: and all our buildings go...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 11:45:00 PST

church of noise playlist 12.2.2008

"seattle"mudhoney: touch me i'm sickscreaming trees: shadow of the seasonswallow: trappedalice in chains: them bonesjimi hendrix: may this be lovesoundgarden: birth ritualtad: jinxmelvins: hoochmother...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:07:00 PST

church of noise playlist 5.2.2008

queen: don't stop me now aereogramme: a life worth living far: bury white the static age: vertigo rye coalition: communication breakdance desert sessions feat. pj harvey: powdered pig machine velvet r...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:51:00 PST

dead city radio playlist 5.2.2008

"hosted by jm kanes"   jm kanes: a ghost an the queen jm kanes: a letter about boys noize: oh! team:lawine: das ahnungslose ganze team:lawine: das system der tante renate: betarock metric: dead d...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:49:00 PST

church of noise playlist 22.1.2008

"das war 2007 - zellhofers jahresrückblick"   architecture in helsinki: heart it races (trizzy's rusty can mix)kimera: push resetnavel: vomitingkreisky: mit der musik kamen die spinnerkontrastpro...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 05:17:00 PST

dead city radio playlist 22.1.2008

"flieger, grüß' mir die sonne"klaus prünster: wunderwelttrio: da da dafoyer des arts: hubschraubereinsatzdie doraus & die marinas: fred vom jupiterrosachrom: ich möchte bei den sternen liegencontact: ...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:08:00 PST

church of noise playlist 15.1.2008

"österreich"dying humanity: light of realitykimera: the beachsatory: suspicious behaviorpanjapol: der wilde schlag meines herzenser ist tot, jim: wenn dir dein leben lieb ist (dann lauf)jm kanes: smel...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 04:01:00 PST

studioumbau & entfallene sendungen

die letzten beiden sendung der "church of noise" auf gymradio haben entfallen müssen, grund war der länger als geplant dauernde umbau des studios. die für gestern (8. jänner) angesetzte und sehr kurzf...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 04:40:00 PST

dead city radio playlist 8.1.2008

"jahresrückblick 2007"the twilight singers: i wish i wasbiffy clyro: saturday superhousemuff potter: gestern an der frontjaq gallier: expecting to flydillinger escape plan: milk lizardreduce speed now...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:13:00 PST

church of noise playlist 25.12.2007

"das war 2007  dattels jahresrückblick"bcsb: 1,2rika: fight fire with fireworksok king: where have you gonekreisky: energierentokill: discontent industrynaca7: passionmarilies jagsch: concrete garden...
Posted by dead city radio / church of noise on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:49:00 PST