Droids, Sandcrawlers, Blasters and the Mos Eisley Cantina
More Jawas
You scored as Greedo. Greedo, this Rodian bounty hunter fled his home plant with his mother and brothers after the murder of his father. From a young age he dreamed of being a bounty hunter. During a fateful encounter with two bounty hunters he saved their lives, as a reward they cut him in on their bounty. With his newly acquired wealth he bought a ship. Being unable to resist the urge while purchasing the ship he stole a pair of Dekk-6 power couplings, only to be caught by a large Wookie named Chewbaca. For his crime Han Solo took Greedo's rancor-skin jacket and Greedo vowed revenge. Years later Greedo was awarded the exclusive bounty on Solo's head by Jabba the Hutt. Tracking the smuggler to the Mos Eisly Cantina, Greedo confronted Han alone with his blaster drawn. Taking a seat at the table he tried to get the money that was owed to Jabba before killing Solo. Before he could collect the debt and Han's dead body; Solo managed to unsheathe his blaster, aim it at Greedo under the table, and shoot the Rodian dead.
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Aurra Sing
Zam Wessel
The Cantina Band from the Mos Eisley Cantina
What kind of Jedi are you?
LJ Username
Dark Side Growth Potential - 100%
Light Side Growth Potential - 58%
Master's Name Error
How likely you are to lose a limb - 24%
Lightsaber Blade's color Pink
Lightsaber Style Double-Bladed Lightsaber
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