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Darth Maja

I shall have my revenge!

About Me

BiGMiX Star Wars Collectibles on Amazon.

The Death Star is currently under construction. It will be fully operational in due time. Keep an eye on your chrono...

I want to start off by saying that this page is completely dedicated to the Star Wars Universe in its entirety. I am not just a fan of certain characters, movies, or books - I absolutely LOVE every aspect of it all! There's not one single thing that I dislike about Star Wars - except for George Lucas making me wait 16 years for the prequels! That was utterly MEAN and UNFAIR of him to do so! To paraphrase Anakin, "I HATE HIM!".

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... I can clearly remember sitting in the movie theatre, 3rd row from the screen, shedding a few tears and being scared to death when I saw Darth Vader enter into the scene through the smoke-filled air of the burned out blast doors onboard Tantive IV. It has been 30 years that I have been a total Star Wars fanatic. Yes, I just said "30 years". I was 5 years old when "Star Wars" was originally released back in 1977 - without the "A New Hope" title add-on. When the movie was over, little did I know at the time, that I would never outgrow it - that I would be consumed by the Universe.
And therein lies the difference between myself and most other SW fans: I am NOT all about the light or dark side of the Force. That's freakin' stupid and shows that one does not fully appreciate Star Wars for all that it encompasses. It's the entire UNIVERSE that has enthralled me over the years. In other words, I am the Force! I'm talking right down to what is known as a vornskyr. For all of you wanna-bes out there - I'm sure you're doing a quick little search on the term "vornskyr". (rolls eyes)

When the expanded Universe started popping up in book stores across the country, I was ecstatic to the point where I was acting like that little 5 year old girl cheering and clapping on the inside when Luke Skywalker used the Force to destroy the first Death Star. It was at this time, when I literally realized: Star Wars DOES = life. LOL I was always a huge fan of the movies. However, with the release of books that expand on the SW Universe as a whole, it was an incredible feeling to be able to read the further adventures of my beloved SW characters. Not only have they shed light on the in-betweens, but they've introduced characters such as; Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Exar Kun, Mirax Terrik, Corran Horn, Kyp Durron, Callista, the twins, Ysanne Isard, and the list goes on and on - literally. Yeah, I'm a bit biased with the X-Wing series. There's so much knowledge to be had from the expanded Universe, it's amazing that I can retain every last word written on a piece of "flimsy"(if you're smart, you'll get that little joke. :P).

Just remember...I am the Master!

My Interests

Darth Maja Welcomes You!

This Sith does not associate with those beyond the Galaxy. Friend invites from those who are NOT consumed by the Star Wars Universe will be swiftly dealt with by the blade of my lightsaber.

My Star Wars contact tables and extended network banners are displayed on my blog, along with their respective codes for your personal use. There's approximately 150 "sets" to choose from, and the aforementioned number will continue to grow. Please note, you must be connected to me in order to view my blogs.

Page 1 , Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 , Page 5 , Page 6 - the newest ones

My newly created Star Wars Desktop Wallpapers are posted in my blog, as well. More will be on the way! :)

Star Wars Wallpapers 1 , SW Wallpapers 2 SW Wallpapers 3

I'd like to meet:

Other Star Wars fanatics cruising around the Universe...

The Sith Dominion is currently looking for GOOD RP'ers to take on leadership roles as the following: Sith Inquisitor(Force sensitive), Politician, Pirate, Noble, Elite Trooper and other non-Force sensitive characters.

In addition, we're looking for members to Role-Play as Sith Assassins, Sith Marauders, Dark Side Witches(NEW!), Criminals(NEW!), and Bounty Hunters alike(NEW!)!

It matters not if you've never Role-Played before! All it takes is general knowledge of Star Wars and a little creativity! Everyone is welcome to join!



Well gee, isn't THIS one just a little obvious! LOL To tell the truth here, I basically ONLY read Star Wars books - over and over again. Although, I have been known to read other sci-fi/fantasy books, along with some Stephen King thrown in for good measure.

I am very anal with my collection of Star Wars books. Meaning, they MUST be shelved in chronological order, as well as read in the same method. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about that - plain and simple. Additionally, I do own an original copy of "Han Solo at Star's End". However, I rarely touch it, fearing a lowered value.

As you can observe directly above, that's a picture of the cover for the first book in the X-Wing series. Now why did I scan that? Well, I'll tell you... The X-Wing series is most definitely my favorite in the expanded Universe. I'm sure a lot of people don't agree with me on this, but to me, it's the most exciting. It tells of all the covert ops in order to gain control of "0, 0, 0" - AKA: Coruscant - and to retain said control. Furthermore, there is a plethora of awesome, kick ass characters interjected into this series, such as; Corran Horn(grew up never realizing his true heritage), Tycho Celchu(who was on holonet with his family when Alderaan was destroyed), Erisi Dlarit, Gavin Darklighter(cousin to Biggs Darklighter, Red 3 in "A New Hope"), Mirax Terrik(who eventually marries Horn), Ysanne Isard(AKA Iceheart), and Kirtan Loor(Horn's arch-rival). And those are just a few from Book 1: Rogue Squadron.

I suppose one of the major reasons I love this series so much is due to the fact that I've always been intrigued by the US Military's Special Forces, as well as the CIA. There's just something about being a "spy" that has infinite enticement. The pilots of Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron are, by far, not your ordinary fighter pilots, they're also covert op specialists - each bringing a specific trademark, so to speak, to the squadron. The X-Wing series is chock-filled with nothing but action, from start to finish which makes this certain series extremely appealing.

One other major factor that I thoroughly enjoy about the X-Wing series is the in-depth plunge into the character, Wedge Antilles. Considering Wedge had such a small part in the original 3 Star Wars movies, this series sheds so much more light into the character and its background. It explores a whole other side of Wedge Antilles - the fun-loving, joke-playing, love-affair, emotional side; not just the hard-edged fighter pilot.

All in all, the X-Wing books are my most recommended series out there. Granted, it's nine books long, but well worth the time it takes to read them.

A must read for all Star Wars fans, especially if you're just getting into the Expanded Universe, is none other than:

Shadows of the Empire

My Blog

Prospective Standpoint - 11 Years Into the Future

Not so long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... The YT-2400 light freighter was settling into its designated docking bay. Maja sat in the co-pilot's seat instructing her "captive" to remain secre...
Posted by Darth Maja on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:38:00 PST