When the Sith Order on Korriban turned on themselves after Malak's death and Revan's disappearance, I was one of the Sith Lords that escaped to the Unknown Regions in the galaxy. But I went to Malachor V, where I became apprentice to Darth Traya, a former teacher of Darth Revan.I was a uniquely powerful individual, having learned the ways of pain in the Trayus Academy on Malachor. Torturing and killing others enhanced my strength in the Force, and my ability to feed on my own pain and hatred made me immortal. A master with a lightsaber and perhaps the most infamous Sith Assassin of the era, I am known to be responsible for the death of countless Jedi during the shadow war waged by myself and Lord Nihilus.While on Korriban, I captured and killed Jedi Master Lonna Vash, who was one of the members of the Jedi Council which sent the Jedi Exile into the Outer Rim to serve his sentence. Before her death at my hands, she had this to say about him: "This Sith Lord, Darth Sion, is a perversion of the dark side, the likes of which I have never seen before. Although he was cunning enough to capture me, he seems like a volatile brute, and should be easily coerced." She couldn't have been more wrong, as I cut her down easily.I would later duel with the Exile on Korriban, and defeat him, but the Exile would escape.Me, along with fellow Sith Lord Darth Nihilus, was a former apprentice of Traya, before me and Nihilus cast her out of the Sith Order and stripped her of her powers. I sought not only the destruction of all Jedi, but I also hated my former master Kreia, and hoped to destroy everything that she held dear.Having lived so long knowing nothing but hatred, I was glad to leave that evil place at last. Interestingly enough, because of my awesome command of his own pain, saber skills, and preternatural ability to survive through the dark side, the Exile was unable to defeat him hand to hand
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !