High Jedi Master, Mace Windu profile picture

High Jedi Master, Mace Windu

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About Me

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Homeworld: Haruun Kal
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.88 meters
Weapon: Lightsaber and the force
Affiliation: Jedi Council Member/Dark Jedi.
A respected Jedi on par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council. His wisdom and experience were legendary, and his words carried great weight.
In the later years of the Republic, Windu spent most of his time in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant. He regularly conferred with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council, contemplating the very nature of the Force and the affairs of the Jedi Knights.
Windu was well schooled in Jedi philosophy and history. He knew of the ancient prophecy of the Chosen One who would return balance to the Force. When maverick Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn approached the Council with a prospective candidate to fulfill that prophecy, Windu was hesitant. With reservations, he agreed that the child, Anakin Skywalker, could be tested for Jedi potential.
Though Anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count on record, and indeed showed great potential, the Council and Windu decided that he was not to be trained. He was too old to begin the life of a Jedi. After Qui-Gon's death, the Council rescinded their original decision, and granted Obi-Wan Kenobi permission to train Anakin Skywalker.
Windu, a diplomat by nature, believed in the power of words over action. But as the galaxy found itself increasingly fragmented by the rise of a powerful secessionist movement, he grew to question some of his firmest held beliefs.
He thought it impossible that the Separatist leader, former Jedi Count Dooku, could be behind the escalating flashpoints of violence in the galaxy. Such aggression was not in his character, Mace reasoned.
When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed. Though he reminded the Supreme Chancellor that the Jedi were peacekeepers and not soldiers, as the Clone Wars began, the Jedi found themselves leading platoons of clone troopers into battle.
Reversals such as these troubled Master Windu, for they came about too suddenly, and the usually prescient Jedi were unprepared. Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening. That a Sith Lord existed, somewhere in the galaxy, was not in doubt, but could this shadowy villain really bring this much imbalance to the Force?
At the first engagement on Geonosis, Windu arrived ahead of the clone trooper army with a Jedi taskforce. He was there to free Jedi held captive by Count Dooku. In the battle that ensued, Windu faced Dooku's hired gun, bounty hunter Jango Fett. Though Fett had proven himself deadly against other Jedi, he was no match against Windu. The Jedi Master repeatedly deflected Jango's incoming blasts, and quickly decapitated the hunter with his lightsaber.
As the Clone Wars erupted on Geonosis, Windu led a special squad of commando clone troopers into the thick of battle. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement.
Mace also during this tragic time Mace ran across a man that would in essence become the man that Mace would see as himself. Darrain was once a sith, now converted by Mace he was a true Jedi at heart. But his darkside tendencies where only ever seen in one other Jedi, Mace himself. Mace took the boy under his wing, and taught him everything he could, attempting to strengthen a second sword for the republic, Anakin being considered the first. But as the times grew darker, Mace was more often called away to deal with issues only council members knew of leaving Anakin, Obi-Wan, Shaak Ti and Darrain more to themselves and on the missions without the help or guidance of the Master himself. Altho Darrian preformed remarkably on all missions he was overshadowed by the hype surrounding Anakin, feeding the boys ego, a sign Mace should have caught but in the mess of a war happeneing, failed to see. Darrian also tried to warn the master, but his time with the young ones was far limited due to his stature upon the council, that he barely had time to keep pace with the exploits of the two.
Unfortunatly things escalated when Anakin told of Darth Sidious being Chancellor Palpatine. Mace caught off guard by this revelation and lack of insight and help made a hasty but needed move to go and capture the Chancellor. Had Anakin not sought to betray the Jedi, on a false promise by the sith lord, the war very well would have ended in favor of the Jedi, but after a fight involving the three, Mace realized he was outnumbered and alone, would not win this fight. And taking the only option open to him, he escaped from the offices of Palpatine, the Sith Lord, underestimated the Jedi Master tho, and figured a fall like that would end the aged man's life, but that was not meant to be.
But in the dark times that followed the downfall of the republic, Mace managed to escape the shadowed Empire and live on. His supposed death was one clouded in mystery. He then had managed to link up with Master's Yoda and Obi-Wan on thier way to infiltrate the Jedi Temple. Being as thier plan had already been set into motion, Mace offered to use himself as a decoy, to lure away the clone troopers and draw off Chancellor Palaptine/Darth Sidious's attention to make things easier for Yoda and Obi-Wan. Mace was immediatly persued by a overwhelming force, that he barely managed to escape from. The Master immediatly took flight and begian hopping star system to star system, keeping under disguie and slowly but surely advancing himself in the ways of the force. But also the Master began to look for ways to stop his advesaries faster and more efficently. Slowly the Master let his Vaapaad form advance into the next step of evolvment. Slowly Mace begain to learn the dark ways, and experiment into the darkside of the force. The Master knew the risks involved tho, and went ahead with it willingly, and well aware that once must tread lightly or else be consumed by it. Mace began to learn the lowliest of the sith powers compounding and expanding quickly tho with is mastery of the force. Slowly the venerable master begin to become what is known now as a Dark Jedi. A Jedi at heart, but willing to use the dark side to gain victory. Finally Mace had gained in enough power in the force and in a small milita to go to his homeworld where he attempted to secretly make himself a base of operations in which to rebuild a army to retake the Republic. But such a dream was never to be had. He was set up and his group of loyal followers where attacked by the Imperial army.
The force powers of Mace Windu: Crush - This deadly Force ability lifts the opponent, whose body literally implodes as it is crushed inward by this power.
Force Lightning/Sith Lightning -Force lightning is a purely energy-based specialty attack of the Sith. Force energy, in the form of lightning bolts exits the Force-user's body through their fingertips. The greater the user's aptitude, the more power the lightning bolts possess and the more they fork, allowing the possibility of striking multiple foes at once.
Chain Lightning - This variant of Force lightning is different in that now the target is one and there is a chance that the lightning will move to another person.
Insanity - This causes the targets to suffer from extreme doubt and fear, such that they flee from the user or become catatonic and cower on the ground.
Core powers are the first abilities a Jedi/Sith learns, and, for the most part, directly affect his or her own body or objects without actually harming or benefiting other people.Core powers are also known as universal powers,and are not usually associated with either side.)
Telekinesis- This ability is used to lift objects and move them, including the wielder and enemies, in a desired direction. Due to his immense strength with the darkside, Nihilus's telekinetic attacks tend to be more deadly than the average.
Force/push pull-Telekinetic abilities to pull or push objects away, as well as enemies. The greater the user's aptitude, the heavier the object that can be manipulated or the more wide the arc or radius of the Force 'wave'. It can be used to pull weapons from enemies.
Force strike-To a large extent, Force Push and Force Strike are the same power, with Strike being more destructive but less capable of repulsing an opponent.
Force leap/jump-Uses the Force to augment the user's natural leaping ability. Force users adept in this can perform incredible vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity
Telepathy-The ability to mentally communicate over small or vast distances. Mace has mastered the fine art of not only speaking to aan indivual far away,Hes also mastered the form of taking control of one's mind over great distances.
Burst of speed- Makes the user able to maintain sprinting speeds (even moving in awkward directions like backwards) for as long as the effect lasts.
Force sense-Warns a force wielder of impending danger (i.e.-Someone attempting to sneak up on them.)
Seeing-Enhances the bearer's visual and spatial perception even in the dark or behind walls. Trained users can have their sight amplified to the point that they are able to counteract Persuasion and Blinding
Farsight-Makes the mind of the force user fly through space and perceive all around. This is a key ability, as it allows the user to see events over great distances that are occurring.
Psychometry-The mental technique of picking up impressions and traces of information about the object touched and the events that have surrounded it.
Precognition-Certain devotees of the Force are gifted in the ability to sense extreme danger however subtle it is, and receive ample warning to defend against the threat.
Force Suppression-Certain Force powers are not instantaneous in effect, but last for a period of time on a target. Examples of such powers include but are not limited to Force Aura, Burst of Speed, and Energy Resistance. Force Suppression instantly cancels such powers on the target. The greater the user's skill in this ability, the stronger the removed powers active on the target. This power completely breaches any Force defenses on a user, and is thus unaffected by things like Force Resistance or Immunity.
Saber throw-Allows the hurling of a lightsaber like a boomerang, cutting its way through objects, and returning to the hand of the user with Force Pull.
Cloak-this power channels the Force to bend light around the user, rendering him invisible to others. The liability of this can be seen when machines/aliens that can scan beyond the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infra-red, easily discover the user.
Mace Windu's Lightsaber combat forms:
Mace does have a general understanding of all combat forms, and could if forced to, fight in each with equal level of talent of that of a Jedi Knight, but the only ones truly Mastered by him are the Sith form Zero, taught to him by Darrian. The Vaapaad Form, also known as Juyo. This is his prefered and more perfected form. He is also more adapt at Ataruu, but barely above the level of a Jedi Knight in it.

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. You scored as Form VII: Juyo/ Vaapaad. Dubbed the "Way of the Vornskr," Form VII was an incomplete form for millennia. It was further developed by Jedi Master Mace Windu, who could complete it with his, "Vaapaad" style. The most challenging and demanding of all forms, Form VII requires extreme, intense focus, high levels of skill, and mastery of other forms. Only two Jedi have ever mastered Form VII fully, Mace Windu and Depa Billaba. One other Jedi, Sora Bulq, mastered its physical aspects but was overwhelmed by the required mental discipline. Form VII, when fully mastered, results in extraordinary power.

Form VII: Juyo/ Vaapaad


Form V: Shien


Form IV: Ataru


Form II: Makashi


Form VI: Niman


Form III: Soresu

Which Lightsaber form would you use?
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My closest freind Sion


. You scored as Mace Windu.

Mace Windu




Obi Wan Kenobi


Darth Vader


General Grievous


Anakin Skywalker








Padme Amidala


Clone Trooper


Emperor Palpatine

Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
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A Jedi does not have time to watch these movies. Surely there is a more important matter at hand somewhere in the galaxy.


Only those willing to aid others in thier fight against the dark side of the force.

My Blog

Mace Windu's Bio

Homeworld: Haruun KalSpecies: HumanGender: MaleHeight: 1.88 metersWeapon: Lightsaber and the forceAffiliation: Jedi Council Member/Dark Jedi.A respected Jedi on par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu...
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 10:37:00 PST

The Evil Rises

*The dark thoughts swarm tho the force users as the ground around the grave shakes and splits asunder a skeletal hand emerging from the ground as a hellish scream tears thro the night air the blazing ...
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 08:21:00 PST

A totally Non Star Wars Story I worte awhile back

Handfuls of Rain in Erie, PA Dad wakes us up at 4:30. Got to get an early start, he says. Beat the traffic. Its Saturday morning. There is no traffic. My little brother Tyler...
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 09:57:00 PST

The Temple

Mace waits for Ryain, Jaden and all the others involved in the arguement.
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 01:44:00 PST

Jaina and Ryain

*High Master Mace sits in the council room awaiting the two Jedi that he has summoned to undertake a mission*
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 08:14:00 PST

talking ooc

basic bs due to shitspace ahh
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:34:00 PST

The Army Attacks

The army of Death attacks the world of Naboo as the Jedi rally to stop them. 
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 07:17:00 PST

the sign up for the naboo fight

Who all wants in on the Naboo fight good and bad both. If eough then it happens tonight if not tommorow night.
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:42:00 PST

The Demons return

The creature stands atop a rock formation on Mustafar seeing if any answer its call.
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Battle between Mace and Maul

*Mace stands at the place where Maul said to meet to battle for his beloved Cordelia as the others that support the Master arrive he motions them to stand aside as this is a personal offense to him.*
Posted by High Jedi Master, Mace Windu on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST