Hello! My name is Teek, and I'm a native of the Endor moon. I'm very playful, friendly, and helpful to others, as you might already be aware of if you've seen the film, EWOKS: THE BATTLE FOR ENDOR. It's available on DVD, so buy it! Anyway, my species has been given a bad wrap of being scavengers and stealing from nests, so my involvement with that film was so important to me. Most other living beings, namely the ewoks, see us as pests. But I, on the other hand, love my fellow furry creatures. In fact, I love everybody! So I did THE BATTLE FOR ENDOR to prove that we are indeed loyal and couragious, especially under dire circumstances. And not to give anything away if you haven't seen the movie, but after all was said and done with that project, I made a lot of friends and hopefully altered some perceptions here and there. Anyway, enough of my word-hemorrhage here. Welcome to my site! :-)
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