Hacke profile picture


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

About Me

Married to Danielle de Picciotto on the 2nd of June
Composition of score for the feature-film "Das Wilde Leben"
Contribution on the compilation "Silver Monk Time" a tribute to the Monks
International travels and performances of the current projects:
The History Of Electricity
and Mountains Of Madness
Release of Solo Record SANCTUARY on Label Koolarrow - with ensuing European tour
Directed and initiated "Mountains of Madness" together with artist Danielle de Picciotto - a production with the Tiger Lillies based on H.P. Lovecraft
EN play 50 shows in 20 countries on another 3-month world-tour "Gegen Die Wand" wins the Berlin film-festival, 4 awards at the german equivalent of the "Oscars" and the European film-award in Barcelona.
Extended stay in Turkey for the music-production and appearance in Fatih Akin´s documentary "Crossing The Bridge / The Sound Of Istanbul"
Travel to Istanbul to produce music for the movie "Gegen die Wand" by Fatih Akin with traditional Roma-musician Selim Sesler. Creation of the performance-series "Bada Bing!" with artist Danielle de Picciotto. Consequently 12 monthly shows in Berlins 70s discotheque "Big Eden".
neubauten.org goes online. The new CD is financed with one-time contributions by so called "Supporters", who register on the site, witness the production via web-streams and provide commentary on various threads in a forum. They receive an exclusive edition of the album "Perpetuum Mobile" released on Mute-Records 2 years later. 1st "Purgatory"-event with contributing musicians of various backgrounds.
Production of the album "Les Chiens Mangent Les Chiens" by French anarchist-songwriter Fred Alpi in his fathers' cottage at Normandy.
Begin of the work on the road-record-project later titled "Sanctuary". Travels to the US, Mexico and UK.
Composer, Director and Producer for the spoken-word CD "Fieber - Tagebuch Eines Aussaetzigen" with poems by Klaus Kinski.
EN celebrates their 20th anniversary with the longest world-tour in their history.
Daughter Lulu is born. Guitar on "Close The Door" by "Terra Nova".
Producer for "Live Saver" by south-German band "Blind". "Fairytales About Slavery" by "Miranda Sex Garden" and "Nachtmahr" by Meret Becker. Parts in airplays by authors Ammer/Eiheit/Haage "Apocalypse Live", "Odysseus 7" and "Nibelungen Schlachtplatte".
JMB release CD "Bury The Bottle With Me" on "Blue Million Miles". Guitarist on Gianna Nannini´s album "Dispetto". Numerous concerts with her band.
Front man of the "Jever Mountain Boys" who play their favorite songs of any genre as country-music cover-versions.
Composition of various film-scores. Release of CD "Filmarbeiten".
In October son Joshua is born. One month later the wall falls.
The theatre-play "Andi" premiers at the Hamburg Schauspielhaus. EN makes money for the 1st time.
Joining "Crime And The City Solution" (3 LPs on Mute-Records).
EN play the "EXPO" in Vancouver as official German contribution.
EN tour Japan.
the expected apocalypse fails to happen.
Founding of "Mona Mur".
Release of "Hiroshima" 12 Inch EP on Hamburg's "Super Max"-label. Voted "Single Of The Week" by the NME, London.
1st travel to the USA. Collaborating with the "Los Angeles Free Music Society". Producing bands "Die Ichs" and "Schlaflose Naechte" back in Berlin.
Release of "Borsig-Werke"-tape on the "Cassettencombinat"-label. Joining "Sprung Aus Den Wolken". "Die Berliner Krankheit"-tour with EN, MDK and SADW through Germany and the Netherlands.
Joining "Einstuerzende Neubauten". Concerts with Frieder Butzmann. Release of 1st tape entitled "Das Leben Ist Schoen" on the "Eisengrau"-label. Stage-name: Alexander von Borsig.
Purchase of analogue synthesizer (Korg MS-20). Member of avant-garde band "P1/E".
High-school-band "Blaesse" plays at the "Antifaschistisches Festival at "Alte TU Mensa". Founding of the "Mekkanik Destruktif Kommandoeh" Tour.
13 baby teeth need to be pulled. Mama buys 1st electric guitar.
Inheriting drum-kit from great grandfather.
1st acoustic guitar and several attempts to take lessons.
1st cassette-recorder on 5th birthday.
Born in Berlin/Neukoelln.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/26/2006
Band Website: hacke.org
Band Members:

Fotos by Markus Johannes Reinhardt, Fritz Brinckmann, Max Dax, Danielle de Picciotto
Alexander Hacke
with the Tiger Lillies & Danielle de Picciotto

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Alexander Hacke

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on tour with neubauten.org DVD

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Influences: It could happen to someone looking back over his life that he realized that almost all of the deeper obligations he had endured in its course originated in people on whose "destructive character" everyone was agreed. He would stumble on this fact one day, perhaps by chance, and the heavier the blow it deals him, the better are his chances of picturing the destructive character.The destructive character knows only one watchword: make room; only one activity: clearing away. His need for fresh air and open space is stronger then any hatred.The destructive character is young and cheerful. For destroying rejuvenates in clearing away the traces of our own age; it cheers because everything cleared away means to the destroyer a complete reduction, indeed eradication, of his own condition. But what contributes most of all to this Apollonian image of the destroyer is the realization of how immensely the world is simplified when tested for its worthiness of destruction. This is the great bond embracing and unifying all that exists. It is a sight that affords the destructive character a spectacle of deepest harmony.The destructive character is always blithely at work. It is nature that dictates his tempo, indirectly at least, for he must forestall her. Otherwise she will take over the destruction herself.No vision inspires the destructive character. He has few needs, and the least of them is to know what will replace what has been destroyed. First of all, for a moment at least, empty space, the place where the thing stood or the victim lived. Someone is sure to be found who needs this space without its being filled.The destructive character does his work, the only work he avoids is being creative. Just as the creator seeks solitude, the destroyer must be constantly surrounded by people, witnesses to his efficacy.The destructive character is a signal. Just as a trigonometric sign is exposed on all signs to the wind, so is he to rumor. To protect him from it is pointless.The destructive character has no interest in being understood. Attempts in this direction he regards as superficial. Being misunderstood cannot harm him. On the contrary he provokes it, just as oracles, those destructive institutions of the state, provoked it. The most petit bourgeois of all phenomena, gossip, comes about only because people do not wish to be misunderstood. The destructive character tolerates misunderstanding; he does not promote gossip.The destructive character is the enemy of the etui-man. The etui-man looks for comfort, and the case is its quintessence. The inside of the case is the velvet-lined track that he has imprinted on the world. The destructive character obliterates even the traces of destruction.The destructive character stands in the front line of the traditionalists. Some pass things down things to posterity, by making them untouchable and thus conserving them, others pass on situations, by making them practicable and thus liquidating them. The latter are called the destructive.The destructive character has the consciousness of historical man, whose deepest emotion is an insuperable mistrust of the course of things and a readiness at all times to recognize that everything can go wrong. Therefore the destructive character is reliability itself.The destructive character sees nothing permanent. But for this very reason he sees ways everywhere. Where others encounter walls or mountains, there, too, he sees a way. But because he sees a way everywhere, he has to clear things from it everywhere. Not always by brute force; sometimes by the most refined. Because he sees ways everywhere, he always positions himself at crossroads. No moment can know what the next will bring. What exists he reduces to rubble, not for the sake of the rubble, but for that of the way of leading through it.The destructive character lives from the feeling, not that life is worth living, but that suicide is not worth the trouble.You can't hold me I'm too slippery I do no sleepin' I get lonely You can touch me if you want to I got poison I just might bite you Lie in circles on the sunlight Shine like diamonds on a dark night Ain't no mercy in my smilin' Only fangs and sweet beguiling Future, he don't try to find me Skin I been through dies behind me Solid hollow wrapped in hatred Not a drop of venom wasted You can slip in Try to find me Hold your breath and flat deny me It makes no difference to my thinkin' I'll be here when you start sinkin'.
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www.hacke.org now online


and some ancient material for download from PotatoSystem

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Type of Label: Indie