About Me
Born into affluence on Feb. 5 1914 in St. Louis Missouri. Attended various prestigious institutions of education including Harvard (receiving a B.A. in English Lit.), and Medical school at the University of Vienna. All the while writing, inhabited such outfits of employ as those of Private investigator, Barman, Exterminator, and a brief term in the U.S. Army. Two wives, Marries, and Joan, once divorced, once widowed after an accident involving a reenactment of William Tells marksmanship. Had one child, a son, William S. Burroughs III, dies in 1981 at the age of 34. Taught at the City College of New York. Had many friends in the worlds of music, film, and literature including, Jack Kerouac, Allan Ginsberg, Timothy Leary, Iggy Pop, Patti Smith, David Cronenberg, and Gus Van Sant. Collected works by the time of his death at the age of 83 from an apparent heart attack include some 66+ short stories and full length books being published including, Naked Lunch, Junky, Cities of the Red Night and Bladerunner. Collaborations and excerpts of readings over numerous recordings by Sonic Youth, Kurt Cobain, The NBC Symphony Orchestra, and appearances of his spoken word on compilations alongside bands such as Cabaret Voltaire, Throbbing Gristle, and Husker Du, along with many more releases of his solo works of spoken word. Burroughs also appeared in over 35 short films, features, and documentaries not the least of witch include, Drugstore Cowboy, and Bloodhounds of Broadway. He has also appeared in a handful of music videos, including one of his own, Disposable Heroes “A junky Christmas†witch aired on VH-1 Christmas eve 1993, and also one television commercial for Nike.Needless to say the world was forever changed through the mind and creations of William Seward Burroughs. Feb. 5, 1914-Aug. 2, 1997