About Me
Author / Klingonist / Psychologist
Hey there! I'm Lawrence M. Schoen. Most people know me as the "Klingon Guy"because in 1991 I founded the Klingon Language Institute , and ever since I've been traveling the world introducing the language to fans, speaking at conventions and museums, and basically building this unique linguistic community.But I'm also a writer of science fiction and fantasy, and I'm here on MySpace to help people discover that facet of my life. More than just being a "Klingon Guy," I'm also a "Writer Guy."My short stories have appeared in such places as Absolute Magnitude, Aeon, Analog, Andromeda Spaceways, Apex Digest, Artemis, and the All Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories anthology, and that's just the A's.Most of what I write is light, even humorous. I tend to focus on themes of language and cognition, which isn't too surprising when you consider I spent ten years as a professor of psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology. I'm perhaps best known for a series of short stories involving the Amazing Conroy , a world-hopping stage hypnotist, and his faithful alien pet, a buffalo dog named Reggie who can eat anything and farts oxygen. No, really. You can read an excerpt from the first story in the series at Fictionwise.com .I'm looking to reach out to readers of science fiction and fantasy who haven't yet found my work, particularly in other countries. As you might imagine, I have a thing for languages, and I'd like to see more of my work translated into other tongues. So far I've been in, Dutch, German, Greek, Finnish, Portuguese, Spanish, and of course Klingon.So, here's the deal. Check out some of my reviews here . If I sound like I write the kind of stuff you enjoy reading, send me a note here. Include a return email address and I'll send you one of my stories (see, that's the scientist in me, very empirical) and you can decide for yourself.