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John Joseph Adams

Science Fiction Geek. Metalhead. Evil Genius.

About Me

    the assistant editor at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction a book reviewer for Kirkus , Publishers Weekly , and Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show a reporter/interviewer for SCI FI Wire a freelance writer whose non-fiction has appeared in: Amazing Stories , The Internet Review of Science Fiction , Locus Magazine , Locus Online , Novel & Short Story Writers Market, Science Fiction Weekly , Shimmer , Strange Horizons , and Subterranean Magazine
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Here's a review of mine, which originally appeared in the webzine Strange Horizons:
Peeps by Scott Westerfeld
Reviewed by John Joseph Adams
03 October 2005
Cal is a freshman studying biology in New York City, a fresh transplant from Texas, when he wanders into the wrong sort of bar and is picked up by the wrong sort of girl. Of course, at the time Morgan seemed like exactly the right sort of girl, being that he was drunk, and that she was ready, willing, and able to help him lose his virginity.
Cal's relationship with Morgan turns out to be nothing more than a one-night stand, so he tries to forget about her—which isn't too difficult considering how drunk he was, and that he never even learned her last name. That his first sexual experience wasn't something memorable isn't terribly unusual, but what is strange is that his first and only real girlfriend, Sarah—along with every other girl he ever kisses after his encounter with Morgan—turns into a raving, bloodthirsty maniac.
See, Morgan is what is known as a parasite-positive, or a "peep," and peeps have this nasty habit of passing along their parasites via sexual contact. But the disease Cal contracts is nothing so prosaic as HIV or herpes; instead, he's infected with the parasite responsible for what legends refer to as vampires.
But Cal is one of those rare people who have a partial inborn immunity to the parasite, and although he's infected with vampirism, he's what's known as a carrier—a vampire Typhoid Mary. He carries the parasite, but is immune to its effects. Or mostly immune; he doesn't fear sunlight or thirst for blood (though he does often crave a nice piece of rare meat), but he does enjoy some of the perks, like a hypersense of smell, night vision, and increased strength.
After being infected, Cal is recruited by an ages-old shadow organization known as the Night Watch, a group that predates the formation of the United States, as do some of its carrier peep members. The Night Watch's mandate is to keep the peeps under control, and to protect normal humans from this hidden menace.
So things could be worse. Cal finds himself with an interesting, if extremely dangerous, career, some cool superpowers, and a really long life span to look forward to. But after hunting down, capturing, and rehabilitating his girlfriend and the other girls he'd kissed, he still hasn't come to terms with his disease, and feels a sense of disquiet. And so he's given a task: he must find his progenitor—the elusive Morgan—if he is ever to learn to cope with being a peep.
That won't be as easy as it sounds, considering all he has to go on are hazy recollections, a first name, and the memory of a drink called a Bahamalama-Dingdong. This, in a city of millions, isn't much help. But when a handbill advertising the drink is brought to Cal's attention, he has somewhere to start his investigation . . . an investigation that will take him into the deepest, darkest parts of the New York City underground, where he will discover the roots of a conspiracy, the true nature of his affliction, and how to live in this new world.
Westerfeld's prose is pellucid—tight and clean, with hooky chapter endings that defy the reader to put the book down. The first-person narrator tells the tale in a believable and engaging young-adult voice, which is full of droll asides and keen observations of the world around him; likewise, the dialogue is both witty and true. So too are the characters well drawn and empathetic; Cal, the protagonist, and Lacey, his unwitting partner in his investigation, are a vibrant, vividly realized hero/heroine duo. As their biologically forbidden desire for each other unfolds, anyone who has ever has had his or her love denied cannot help but identify with their struggle.
But perhaps what's most compelling about Peeps is the sense of verisimilitude Westerfeld brings to the vampire archetype. His rationales for the various myths of vampire lore are both delightful and logical. Parasite-positives are not at all the standard vampires of legend. Everything from a vampire's bloodlust to their renowned aversion to sunlight is explained scientifically. For example, a peep's loathing of crosses and sunlight is due to a side effect of the disease known as the "anathema effect," which makes peeps grow to hate what they once loved. Hundreds of years ago when vampire myths first arose, most Europeans were Christian, so this is what the vampiric cruciphobia is derived from. Interesting tidbits like this, along with some fascinating parallels drawn between the fictional vampirism parasite and real parasites, make for a fascinating read.
With Peeps, Westerfeld has crafted an infectious and clever reinvention of the vampire novel: one that turns the archetype on its head, and makes what is old new again. Though Peeps is marketed as YA, adults should have no compunctions about picking up this, or any of Westerfeld's other YA novels. He is a natural storyteller, and like Lloyd Alexander or J. K. Rowling, his fiction can—and should—be enjoyed by all ages.

Here's an informal review I wrote of Spin by Robert Charles Wilson, which I published on my blog :

Spin is a superb novel full of Big Ideas, but those Big Ideas don't come at the expense of rich character development as is so often the case with books of this sort. Wilson has a real knack for creating characters one can empathize with and can really grow to care about. The famil y relationship depicted here, between the narrator, Tyler Dupree, and his childhood friends Jason (the genius) and Diane (his first, unrequited love), is the real driving force of this novel, and is what makes it such a compelling page-turner. The prose is clean and fluid, and Wilson expertly paces the book, keeping the reader engaged and anxious to find out what comes next. This can be tricky in a novel that spans several subjective years (and billions of relativistic years), but Wilson pulls it off marvelously.

Spin is exactly the sort of novel that I think we need to see more of, one that infuses the reader with that gosh-wow sense of wonder that many writers seem to have forgotten is the reason we all fell in love with the genre in the first place.

Here's an informal review I wrote of Lady of Mazes by Karl Schroeder, which I published on my blog :

Lady of Mazes is a novel full of big hard SF ideas, but here the emphasis was on hard, rather than big, as in Hard to Read. When I saw the publisher's description, I wondered if it was so Hard to Read that the jacket copy writer couldn't figure out how to synopsize it (in fact, the book jacket has some other copy, but it's provided in the form of quotes from Charles Stross and Charles Harness). Schroeder comes up with some delightful futuristic, post-human scenarios, but he does it so convincingly that at times it's a struggle just to keep up with what's going on since I'm just a regular non-post-human human.

This novel is by no means entry level SF, which is fine--not all SF is written for the novice reader (nor would I want it to be). However, this book was chosen as part of the Tor/SCI FI Channel cross-promotion program called " SCI FI Essentials " (in which a science fiction novel is chosen each month to be featured as the "Pick of the Month" and will be featured on and possibly in SCI FI Magazine ), and such a complex and difficult read would, I think, do more to turn off new readers than bring in new ones. People who think cutting edge science fiction can be found on the SCI FI Channel (or on TV in general) aren't ready for this sort of thing.

Moh's Hardness Scale is a " a crude but practical method of comparing hardness or scratch resistance of minerals " (see below). I tend to categorize hard SF novels by how hard they actually are. Ben Bova writes hard SF, but what he writes is very accessible, entry-level type stuff. What he writes could be considered say, gypsum hard SF. On the other end of the spectrum is Charles Stross who writes ambitious, yet incredibly dense and challenging SF, or diamond hard SF. This novel isn't quite a diamond, but comes close, as corundum hard SF.

So if you're a hardcore SF geek, this book is sure to entertain, though the effort of reading it might turn your brain to goo.

My Interests

reading, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, music, heavy metal, death metal, thrash metal, hardcore

I'd like to meet:

Geeky babes who dig bald men and science fiction.


The Agony Scene, Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, At the Gates, Behind the Scenery, Callenish Circle, Carnal Forge, Cradle of Filth, Dark Tranquillity, DevilDriver, Dimension Zero, Entombed, The Haunted, In Flames, It Dies Today, Killswitch Engage, Mastery, Most Precious Blood, Nightrage, Old Man's Child, Rise Against, Scar Symmetry, Sentenced, Shadows Fall, Trivium, Unearth, Unleashed, Warblade.


The Princess Bride, Fight Club, Gattaca, 12 Monkeys, Sling Blade, The Shawshank Redemption, The Silence of the Lambs, Memento, Pi, Blade Runner, The Running Man, Donnie Darko, Robocop, Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Usual Suspects, Crimson Tide, Full Metal Jacket, Indiana Jones trilogy, Reservoir Dogs.


Battlestar Galactica, Lost, The Amazing Race, Survivor, ER, CSI, The West Wing, The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Without a Trace, The Shield.


The Stars My Destination, A Canticle for Leibowitz, Fahrenheit 451, 1984, No Blade of Grass, Earth Abides, Moonfall, Starplex, The Day of the Triffids, Kirinyaga, Sphere.

My Blog

JUMPER trailer

Check out the trailer for the new film JUMPER, based on the cool novels by Steven Gould. Looks like a lot has changed, but I remain hopeful... ...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 08:55:00 PST

Wastelands now available for pre-order

Night Shade Books just announced a big sale, and oh look, you can now pre-order my anthology Wastelands!  It's sale time at Night Shade again. We've got a few big titles coming in, and we nee...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:15:00 PST

Wastelands cover!

Wastelands now has a cover!   WASTELANDS edited by John Joseph Adams Famine, Death, War, and Pestilence: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the harbingers of Armageddon--these are our...
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Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic reprint anthology

Big news! I just sold an anthology to Night Shade Books. Read on for more information...WASTELANDSedited by  John Joseph AdamsFamine.  Death.  War.  Pestilence.  These are sa...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 03:16:00 PST

Fantastic Genres Conference

Fantastic Genres IIScience Fiction, Fantasy, Horrorand Children's LiteratureOctober 6-8, 2006 SUNY New Paltz Following the success of the first Fantastic Genres conference in late April-early M...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 05:34:00 PST

eMusic and New Metal

I recently learned of a new online music store called eMusic, which offers a 14 day trial period, during which you can download 20 free songs. I checked it out pretty thoroughly during my trial period...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 05:05:00 PST

eBay Bans Black Metal? is reporting that eBay is allegedly banning the sale of black/extreme metal on their site, claiming that it "promote[s] or glorif[ies] hatred, violence, or racial intolerance."It appe...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 06:00:00 PST

HUNG and other new music

After all the research I've done to discover new metal bands, it's nice to have them find me once and a while. See, MySpace *is* good for something. First, this band, Behind the Scenery, contacted m...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 09:24:00 PST

Behind the Scenery and Silent Civilian

Just discovered a couple new bands via MySpace.  Go check them out:Behind the Scenery and Silent Civilian....
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 06:01:00 PST

A Look Into My Mind

So, you've always wanted to get a look into the mind of The Slush God.  Well, this is as close as you're going to get.  This is a look into my retina, and my doctor said (in a very complex a...
Posted by John Joseph Adams on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 05:41:00 PST