Full comedy web site: www.ianharvie.com.
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Graduates of
The Ian Harvie Show include:
Margaret Cho
Alan Cumming
Jane Lynch
Jorja Fox
Jenny Shimizu
Buck Angel
Jeffrey Sebelia
Sabrina Matthews
Erin Foley
Kirsten Holly Smith
Garrison Starr
Gregory Douglass
Matt Alber
Stand Up Comedian
Butch, Trans, FTX, Queer
I am a Butch, Transgendered FTX, Queer, Standup Comedian. I identify as Female To X instead of Female To Male. The X represents something more masculine. For those who know what that means, great. For all others, you might refer to me (tenderly) as the "trannie comic".When I look down, I realize the shell I was given is biologically female. The cool thing is I can look back up then click the lever on my ViewMaster, look back down and I dont see anything feminine about my body at all. Thats the difference between my sex and my gender. My gender is not male, but masculine. Male is a word I personally reserve for biologically male-bodied people or people who believe they should have been biologically male.I love my masculinity and my history of having been socialized female (the good parts). I'm completely out in every part of my life, public about being trans, my process, and I've always felt queer and want to stay that way.