CHOREOGRAPHY REEL +++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++ ++ +
WE ARE THE WORLD, work, jerber jones, the only ones, beachouse, patti smith, herbert, closer music, the knife, mu, yoko ono, lavender diamond, bjork, circlesquare, kd lang, indian jewelry, crossover, arthur russel, out hud, broadcast, antony, modern eon, white magic, underworld, roberta flack, modest mouse, kate bush, !!!, mike dred, ovuca, cat power. ++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++ ++++ +
solid gold, strangers with candy, dallas, the tracy ullman show, six feet under and 120 minutes.
individuals who give their all...street hustlers, gareth pugh, mcqueen, lloyd newson (dv8), bjork, chris cunningham, william forsythe, divine, fred astaire, christopher kane and good kitty.