Patrick McPheron profile picture

Patrick McPheron

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My newest dj mix cd....with a very limited pressing of 12!!! Some new Photos of Mine
Double Dream

Under the Pier
Some new design work
All of my artwork and stuff has been moved to folders in my pictures...and you can aslo view them at my website by clicking below! wanna be my friend and post this banners on YOUR myspace....i luv you long time!

Twelve principles that Michel Gondry (MY CREATIVE HERO)

learned from people in his life...that I'd like to apply to my own

1.mother - We dont' all fall from the earth because we are attracted to it.

2. father - You are gonna be all right.

3.Mr.Lafell (school teacher) - An infinite straight line goes on forever.

4. A friend of parents - Draw from real life, not a picture.

5.Physics teacher - When you do a demonstration, don't use the word "because" but "so" instead.

In other words, don't start the consequence to find the cause, but start the cause to find the consequence

6. French Teacher- Your life is just as interesting as a celebrity's life on TV. Tell me about it.

7.Guy Boucart- Even if it's just a fly, it's alive. Don't play with it.

8.Jean Louis Bompart- Your have to finish your projects!

9.Bjork- Follow your instinct.

10. Julie Fong - You are much stronger than you think.

11. Georges Bermann: Don't ask the question if you expect a negative answer.

12. Brother - You can't be in love with your girlfriend everyday. It comes and goes and it's normal. But it always comes back... in general.

If you would like any of my photos/artwork...let me know Ill hook ya up
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WATCH ME GROW..grow grow!!!...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Growing Up

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Some new Art

and you were void and empty to the curious+

My Interests

hanging with friends, dj-ing, art, photography, graphics, jokes, reading, laughing, fun..., djs & parties, 70-80s horror movies & g.romero, thinking about the future, NOVA, underground cult shit,people, pop culture stuff.fall and spring, traveling, libraries, nature, music videos..."...experimenting...."how did they think of that" stuff.......and ohh so much more..

I'd like to meet:

real go getters! Mrs. Dash, Mr. Belvedere, David the Gnome, Muffy the Mouse


My favorite of all time are The Chemical Brothers...Every album of theirs has everything I need..Killer phat basslines pumping their club tracks...and then all the dreamy vocals laid over guitar and more sound fx than you shake a stick at kind tracks too! They are amazing!...second place is Massive Attack..the fathers of Trip Hop..and what I consider modern Physcadelia! All of their albums from start to finsh are just awesome. my new time favorite is Neko Case..She has some amazing lyrics and great kind old country sound..some of the best music I have heard in years!!dj rap, icey, prodigy, beck,(sea change!! One amazing Album)missy elliot, 80's electro, Pink Floyd, stuff, Bjork, Talvin Singh, Res,u2, Underworld, Coldplay, Baby Anne, Gorillaz, Postal Service, Tori Amos, BREAKS, Elliot Smith, Sigur Ros, dj irene, Radiohead, David Gray, Bad Boy Bill, fluke, portishead, music made by me, and mo' stuff..


Night -Day- Dawn of the dead(78), Y Tu mama Tambien, Creepers, Momento, Go, Basketball Diaries, Welcome to the Doll House, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, Unsane, Society, Hackers, The War, Oh God II, The adventures of Baron Muchausen, Heavenly Creatures, Back to the Future, Total Recall, Hills Have Eyes(orginal), Bride of Boogedy, Wax Works, Nothing But Trouble, Splash, Legend of Billy Jean, The Goonies, Babes in Toyland, Lord of the Flies, Legend, Poltergeists, Stand by me, Rad, Lady in White, Nightmare before Christmas, The Shining, Moulin Rouge, Demons(dario argento), Legend, Requiem For a Dream, Killbill, Labyrith, The Exorcist, Edward Scissorhands, Phantasm, American Beauty, Deep Red, The Wall, Seven, Hard Candy, Female Trouble, Candyman,......


conan obrian show, strangers with candy, land of the giants, SNL, pinwheel, todays special, you cant do that on television, dungeons and dragons, lost in space( 70s), land of the lost (80s),


One of my new favorite books is ABARAT by Clive Barker..its a sort of "alice in wonderland" kind of story but better!..It is the first book in a series of two so far and I know that the movie rights have been bought as well... so read it first! Its an awesome read! desperation, the witching hour, the plague tales, white cargo, I am Legend, way side schewl is falling down, castle in the attic, where the sidewalk ends, smokey the cow horse, wigfield


ill have to think about this one..........

My Blog

Who Owns What?

Where do you get your news? Are there alot of choices in the mainstream media to get news might suprised to see who owns what and what else they do..........GE -- General ElectricGeneral E...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:00:00 PST

One Year in Los Angeles

One Year in Los AngelesOne year ago this week Josh, Beth, Venus and Myself all hopped in some vehicles and drove west! Our final destination would be Los Angeles! I hoped to find opportunities that we...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:45:00 PST

How I would spend 3 trillion Bucks!!!
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:14:00 PST

"A wise falcon hides it talons"

...or so foes the proverb. China, vastly perceived as a land populated by the poor, has lent $1.4 trillion to the US and that figure grows by $1 Billion every day. Every American owes someone in China...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:14:00 PST

If Celebrities Moved to Missouri

Posted by Patrick McPheron on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:21:00 PST

More Evidence that Mainstream Media is deceitful

I was on CNN the other day checking out the results here in California for the presidential primaries...and looking at the pictures of the candidates it occurred to me that somebody at CNN choose real...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:13:00 PST

Before you vote today...Watch this Video

and consider who is the best candidate really is....not just who the majority of people are voting for!!!.... the new leader of America not only controls many things here in the US but also influences...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:33:00 PST

Warhol Dead at 21 Art Show - Video

January 11, 2008. A Video from opening night at the World of Wonder Gallery in Hollywood. WARHOL: DEAD AT 21 chooses the 21st anniversary of Warhol's death to showcase this dazzling, celebrity-charged...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 02:38:00 PST

Warhol Dead at 21 Art Show

Here is the info on a new Art opening that I have a piece in. The show is on Friday January piece celebrates the one and only Joe Dalessandro Los Angeles, Dec 20 2007  World of Wonder Produc...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 09:19:00 PST

Merry Titmas Art Show is a video from the opening of Merry Titmas Show in Hollywood. It was the first show that I had work in here in Los Angeles!!! So Enjoy! ...
Posted by Patrick McPheron on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:21:00 PST