music, photography, caking, stickers, painting, reading, camping, being outside, laughing, bartering, kitchen haunting, snow taunting, bargain flaunting, recycling, visiting recycle center to rip off & steal back page of the phone book featuring Aaron Sach's photo so that I can draw additional features on the canvas that is his face, bicycling, making rice, tea & cookies
moofy boo boos, shrinky coladas, sly foxes, yipee hedos, strawberry sundaes, garden tillers, disco ponies & weed killers, Shady Frost, alphacats, binx, caramellos, damsels, ecologists, furfighters, gnomes, HaloHorns, Illusions, JuJuBees, Kilamanjaros, Laughers, Music Makers, Newsbakers, Olive Shakers, Poltergeists, Quizmasters, Rockers, Shadows, tourists, Unforgettables, Vagrants, Wizards, X-Wives, Yodelers & Zorro
2Pac, Air, Arcade Fire, Beck, Cibo Matto, Erykah Badu, Fugees, Goodie Mob, Hank Williams Sr., Massive Attack, Modest Mouse, Outkast, Pixies, Postal Service, Rakim, Scissor Sisters, Strokes, Talking Heads, The Make Up, The Sea & Cake, Velvet Underground, White Stripes,
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Heroes, Smallville, Conan O'Brien, Law & Order SVU, Infomercials
Chicken Soup for the Trapper's Soul, The Tunnel Calamity, Spice Girls Photo Album, Diaries, State Farm Atlas, Betty Crocker Flashdance Cookbook
Mary J. Blige