“ [..] For God’s sake, their music smells indeed of panther. It’s elusive, systematically unsteady; although it embodies a sudden turnover of styles and arrangements, there’s a clear idea of the game that lies underneath, that is songs with squaring the circle included.â€
Transgender were born in Imola (Bo) in 1997. The idea at the bottom is to explore and find an interaction between cultures and different musical genres without falling in the cliché of world music. The band recorded “Sen Soj Trumà S†(featuring Eraldo Bernocchi and Giovanni Lindo Ferretti) in 2003 after taking part in many projects, festivals and competitions.
“It’s hard to approach "Sen Soj TrùmaS", but if you’ll make it you’ll never leave it behind. It could be dangerous.â€
You can perceive many echoes, affinities, influences, but no clear placing. The band itself finds it difficult to classify its incoherent attitude: from post-rock to alternative rock, passing through jazz and electronic music, paying great attention to and respecting all sound materials produced by cultures from all over the world.
“[..] Then, if we want to open the language chapter, in that case we might drop dead, because, except Italian, French and English (each one of these was dedicated a song), the language mainly used is a re-articulation of Balkan, Greek, German and Eastern (!) elements by the enterprise of the vocalist Lorenzo Esposito Fornasari. “
After breaking music schemes, with their last album, Transgender succeed in smashing also the linguistic ones. The voice leaves its nature of direct grasp and becomes an instrument even itself.
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