About Me
I'm an experimental electronic musician and programmer too. I use electronics and amplified objects
to create and carefully compose a very personal sound experience. I began my piano study when I was six.
I've studied istantaneous composition with cellist Tristan Honsinger. I'm composer for theater for prepared piano and
electronics in many differents projects ("Il requiem di Adelchi", "Majakovsky Pictures" directed by Giovanni Sarti and
"Vedentinonvedenti" (a multimedia opera sponsorized by City of Bologna for "Bologna 2000" cultural european capital).
I've composed for movies ("Perdersi di vista" directed by Nico Maccentelli, "Madreperla" directed by Daniela Stara).
I've worked in the field of computer science and computer music in a reserch centre called SCRIME (Studio de
Creation et de Recherche en Informatique et Musique Electroacoustique) at ENSEIRB (Ecole Nationale Superieure Electronique,
Informatique e Radiocommunications) University of Bordeaux (FR).
I've finished her studies in Computer Science at Univeristy of Bologna where I've worked a lot for free,
open-source software development.
I'm interested to genomics science and bioinformatics and I'm studing for PhD in nanotechnologies.
I've played with Tristan Honsinger, Luigi Mosso, Abi Fabrizio Rota, Mirko Sabatini, Cristiano De Fabritis, Renato Ciunfrini.
During year 2000 she performed in tour with Leyna Papach (Amsterdam), Carla Bozulich (Los Angeles), Nels Cline (Los Angeles),
Claudio Parodi, DjWjm, Edoardo Ricci.
During year 2002 I lived in Bordeaux (Fr) where I've played with Mathias Pontevia (Bordeaux), Thomas Bonvalet "Cheval De Frise"
(Bordeaux), Yann Saboia "Api Uiz" (Bordeaux).
During 2004 I've played in Italy with John Berndt and Dan Breen (Redroom Baltimore) inviting other italian musicians
(Vincenzo Vasi, Cristiano De Fabritiis, Mike Cooper).
I've sung in Fheral Choir with Phil Minton (Angelica Festival 2004). During July 2004 I had an US tour.
I've played in Baltimore (Maryland), Philadelphia (Pensilvania), Winston-Salem (North Carolina) with Dan Breen,
John Berndt, Jack Wright, Paul Neidhardt, Chiara Giovando. I've played also in a riductionist festival (No Net Festival)
organized by Jack Wright. In this festival I've played with Ricardo Arias (NY), Mike Balistreri (NM), Dan Breen, Charles Cohen,
Mazan Kerbaj (Beirut, Libanon), Paul Neidhardt, Vic Rawlings, Nate Wooley, Jack Wright.
I've recorded in Rome (april 2006), v38 studio a impro-work with Cristina Vetrone, Enza Pagliara, Redi Hasa, Cristina Atzori,
Manuela Salinaro for NED Label.
I've played for TRIALOGO festival 2007 in "cittadellarte" di Biella, fondazione Pistoletto and Teatro Franco Parenti, Milano (with Yuval Avital,
Wisam Gibran, Federico Puppi, Mariano Nocito)
I've played in Evangelista's Carla Bozulich Italian Tour 2007.
I'm working on a show for "neon gallery" in Bologna (Just toys) and "cuore di pietra" (by Mili Romano)
Instruments live used: electronics selfmade, cello, piano, sinth, microphon, amplified objects, samples, diatonic accordeon