Ron Anderson profile picture

Ron Anderson

Ron Anderson, PAK, Molecules, RonRuins, Infusion

About Me

RON ANDERSON is a multi-instrumentalist intuitive music maker who plays traditional instruments like the electric guitar but also will use anything that can make a sound - including the recording studio. He has 47 recordings released with the newest CD being Motel by his trio avant-rock trio PAK. He has performed in 15 different countries with multiple tours of North America, Europe and Japan. Ron was a co-founder of the notorious rock group RAT AT RAT R in Philadelphia 1980- 81. It was in Philadelphia that he purchased 2 reel to reel tape recorders and started experimenting with tape editing, found sounds, noise, improvisation and combining these with composition. In 1982 Ron moved to New York City’s Lower East Side. He continued to experiment, moving to Downtown Brooklyn in 1984 starting his first recording studio where he held weekly improvisation nights, releasing his first recording (on vinyl) Fever Dream in 1987. Throughout the 80’s performed in many of the clubs in New York’s Downtown music scene, CBGB’S, LA MAMA, THE PYRAMID, THE GAS STATION, THE KNITTING FACTORY with various groups and musicians. At this time he worked on tape installations for various art galleries, composed music for two premier performances of the ROBERT SMALL DANCE COMPANY at DANCE THEATER WORKSHOP and ST. MARKS CHURCH. Moved to Oakland, CA in 1989, set up a new studio. 1990 began his longest running project THE MOLECULES. These bad boys of new music developed a controversial approach of free rock and dada concepts, which left them equally loved and hated in San Francisco. Completing a total of 6 CDs and an unreleased triple cd set. Their first called Steel Toe was released in 1991. Toured the U.S.A. in 1992, the East Coast of the U.S.A. in 1997. Also Europe in 1993,94,95,97 including festivals - MUSIC ACTION 93 -Nancy, France, VORAX - Vicenza, Italy, EUROCOT - Zurich, Switzerland. One tour of Japan in 1995. Ron played in VACUUM TREE HEAD which has released 2 CD’s and HAPPY NEW YEAR who have released 2 CDs, toured the East and West Coasts of the U.S.A., one European tour in 1995, playing in MUSIC ACTION 95. Ron has recorded one studio CD and one live in Tokyo with YOSHIDA TATSUYA. August of 1998 Ron moved to Geneva, Switzerland. Started a recording project with members of the French Band ULAN BATOR. Followed by a European tour in November of 23 concerts in 25 days, performing every night in two groups, RONRUINS and the British band GUAPO. Tour of Italy in April 1999 with METAL EATER (a duet with STEVE BUCHANAN). Metal Eater also performed in the 4thTOURNOI EUROPEEN D’ IMPROVISATION MUSICALE in Poitiers, France. Returning to the USA in August 1999, Ron moved back to New York City. In November he performed in the DENSITES FESTIVAL 6 EDITION in Verdun, France with a new trio called NO PLAN (with OLIVIER PAQUOTTE and PETER HOLLINGER) formulated by the festival. 2000 brought a ten-concert tour of Japan with RONRUINS, and the formation of his new group PAK, who did an East Coast/Midwest tour of the USA with RUINS. THE INFUSION, Ron with OLIVIER PAQUOTTE and CAMEL ZEKRI went into the studio to record and give a few concerts in France at the beginning of 2001. NO PLAN was invited to perform at MUSIC ACTION 2001 (Nancy, France) in May, and PAK gave their European début in August at Festival Fruits De Mhere (Mhere, France). In March 2002 PAK toured in Germany, The Netherlands and France. PAK performed at FESTIVAL FRESNES EN WATT - Fresnes en Woevre, France in September followed by a tour of Luxembourg and France. Immediately after completion of the PAK concerts, Ron did a solo tour of Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, with duets with Michel Oury, Claudio Parodi, Hops Barnemann. Two work shops were given during the solo tour in Brest, France and Universite de Metz, France. Solo tour highlights were at Musee des Beaux-Arts de Nantes, France and a surprise concert with RonRuins in Italy. The first CD of PAK - 100 percent Human Hair was release February of 2003 co-produced with Elliott Sharp. THE INFUSION has been invited to the FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE MUSIQUE ACTUELLE DE VICTORIAVILLE, Quebec, Canada in May. In September Ron participated in the HIGH ZERO FESTIVAL in Baltimore, MD. 2004 brought Ron’s second appearance at Festival Fruit Mhere, Brassy, France with a performance with the Infusion and participation in an large improvising band surrounded by the fireworks of Patrick Auzier. The release of Motel the second PAK CD in 2005 was meet with critical acclaim, and followed by a 21-concert tour of Europe. In November PAK performed in THE FUTURE FESTIVAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ROCK in New York City with the following bands - Doctor Nerve, Friendly Bears, Z’s, Trio Convulsant, Snuggle/Stencil. April 2006 concert of the Molecules in San Francisco at the Hemlock was fun and successful, few days later Ron was on a plane bound for Tokyo for a RonRuins tour of Japan with Jesse Krakow the bass player PAK as the third member of the Trio. Back in States Ron tour and did some recording with French Double bassist David Chiesa. Ron Anderson currently resides in Brooklyn, working on the third PAK CD, the Molecules new CD/DVD called friends (release date January 1st 2007), RonRuins DVD, CD with David Chiesa and studying and playing tournament chess. Ron has performed and/or recorded with - FRED LONBERG-HOLM, JAMES CHANCE, JOHN MEYERS, MARK RIBOT, ELLIOTT SHARP,YASUKO ONUKI, MICHEAL EVANS, THE SUN CITY GIRLS, SHELLY HIRSCH, THE POOL, OTOMO YOSHIHIDE, CAROLINE KRABBLE, GINO ROBAIR, SEIICHI YAMAMOTO, JACK WRIGHT, JOHN ZORN, 99 HOOKER, MYLES BOISEN, MIC GENDREAU, DONALD MILLER, HOPPY KAMIYAMA, DANIEL CARTER, HACO, TERRIE EX

My Interests


Member Since: 12/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: This site is for all my bands, collaborations, and solo projects - PAK, The Molecules, RonRuins, The Infusion, Happy New Year, Metal Eater. The First track – Because That’s Why is by the Molecules and is my idea of fast tight punk rock, but not so easy to play. The Molecules will be on tour in Europe in May and November of 2007. The Molecules new CD is called Friends and it also so includes a DVD of past performances. More tracks from the Friends CD can be heard at In France there are very cheap hotels we sometimes stay at while on tour, where the entire room is molded out preformed plastic, this inspired the title of the next composition, Bienvenue a L’Hotel Plastique a 10 minute Prog-rock instrumental epic, performed by PAK. More music by PAK can be found at The next track Sunset Though The Trees was recorded live in Tokyo and is from the CD Bigshoes by RonRuins, which is the band I have with the duo Ruins with Yoshida Tatsuya on drums and Sasaki Hisashi (and later Jesses Krakow: see video below) on bass. I did a fun photo essay on girls wearing large platform shoes (Bigshoes) in Japan: m . Hairball is some insane crazy wackiness that was recorded way back in 1994 and can be found on a CD entitled Pack Small Are Half Inch , it is one of my favorite CDs that I have recorded. Around 1992 or 93 Allen Bishop of the Sun City Girls sent me a postcard and in one corner was found the cryptic PAK r ½” ............................................................ .......................................... ............................................................ .........................................................Mos t of my music can be bought direct from me at, also from...
CD Baby - the fastest, safest, and easiest place to buy CDs online.

The Molecules - Friends

PAK - Motel

PAK - 100% Human Hair

Ron Anderson/Jason Willett - Be The First On Your Block To Eat The Snake

The Infusion - Red Horse

Sounds Like: Ron Anderson
Record Label: Ra Sounds
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

PAK is looking to do a gig in Philly, July 11th.

Hi EveryonePAK is looking to do a gig in Phillidelphia on July 11th.  Any bands want to set something up with us?  please let me know. thanks, Ron
Posted by Ron Anderson on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:27:00 PST

Reveiw - PAK live at the Stone 3/28

Pak, live 3/28 at the Stone, was quite a show. The newly formed version of Pak might have left some wondering what would happen without Jesse Krakow, but the new line-up shows that this isn't an imita...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:21:00 PST

Molecules - Track of the week

Track of the week: WINTER VICTIMS by THE MOLECULESCategory: Music February 18th 2008 - Track of the week: WIN...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:47:00 PST

Review of Molecules and PAK in German

From Bad Alchemy Magazine by Rigobert DittmannRA SOUNDS (Brooklyn, NY)Der PAK-Release Motel (Ra007) ist zwarvon 2005, aber was Ron Anderson macht,ist auf unabsehbare Zeit brandaktuell. PAKist Anderson...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:20:00 PST

Molecules - Friends CD review in German

Review: FRIENDS CD+DVD (RA Sounds/CD Baby)Artist: RON ANDERSON & THE MOLECULESOx-Fanzine / Ausgabe 73 Ron Anderson ist Gitarrist, aber es ist eigentlich egal welches Instrument dieser Kerl in...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 06:36:00 PST

The Molecules review of the Friends CD in Impose Magazine

The Molecules - review of Friends in Impose Magazine.  Original link - By Dan Berkman Ron Anderson and his band of sonic jihadists have reemerged after ...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:25:00 PST

The Molecules European Spring Tour 2007

 The Molecules Ron Anderson, Thomas Scandura and John Shiurba will be touring Europe in May and in support of our new CD/DVD called Friends. 4 tracks of Friends can be heard at
Posted by Ron Anderson on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 02:22:00 PST

concert preview - Portland Mercury Jan. 2007

Preview in the Portland Mercury Jan. 25-31 THE MOLECULES, ETERNAL TAPESTRY, I RETARD (Towne Lounge, 714 SW 20th Pl) Chemistry 101 teaches us that molecules are formed by atoms bonding together. In Ron...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:34:00 PST

Review -The Molecules - Friends

from KFJC website Molecules, The - "Friends " - [Ra Sounds] Thursday, January 25, 2007 12:28 am It's been a while, Ron Anderson went free radical, and dissociated himself from the Bay Area, from the ...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:28:00 PST

Ron Anderson various projects

This site is for the music of Ron Anderson and his various projects. The Bands include PAK, The Molecules, RonRuins, Happy New Year, The Infusion, Metal Eater. For more info go to www.ronanderson-mole...
Posted by Ron Anderson on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:54:00 PST