To Return to the Studio and Do what I Do BEST...........Producing and Engineering, and hopefully with a bit of Help to get back on track with my "Disco-Rock-Glam" Band. Check out my nw podcast: click on the arrow in the black box below ?
Other DJ's, Producers, Engineers, and People of Artistic Enlightenment! And, to make a lil' "Dough" on the side wouldn't hurt!
My MUSIC repertoire goes from 1930 to present...from Count Bassy, Duke Ellington to Pink Floyd, Janice Joplin, to the Jacksons (but when they were all one color). From Disco to Acid Rock to Modern Contempary from David Bowie (in his Glam days) to Run DMC in their hard times.Just "Whip it, Whip it good".Oh, and one last thing, HOT DAMN........ "I'm a bad babysitter, I've got my boyfriend in the shower, I'm makin' $12 bucks an hour".HOW YOU LIVIN?????
Dogma, Streets of Fire, Jesus Christ Super Star, Valley of the Dolls, The Exorsist (the original version), Car Wash, Beautiful, The Manatude, Life, Chitti Chitti Bang Bang, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original with Gene Wilder), Purple Rain, The Color Purple, Skate Town USA, Mystro, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Fanthom of the Paradise, Kiss vs. the Phantom of the Amusement Park, Clockwork Orange, Tommy, and Weird Science.
Kim Impossible, Girlfriends, Everybody Loves Raymond, 106 Park, The Sapranos, South Park, Electric Company, School House Rocks (all of them), Jerry Springer, Will and Grace, Electro Woman and Dyno Girl, H&R Puff and Stuff, DW Television, The Next Top Model, and Wonder Woman (the original with Cathy Lee Rigby from "That's Incredible").
The Bible, The Grime, Degrees of the Zodiac, The Biography of Malcolm X, Curious George, Dr. Suess Books (all of them.......FIERCE), My Emagic Logic Manual, DJ Culture, and The Webster's Dictionary.
My Grandfather, my Grandmother, my Mom, Timbaland, Quincy Jones, DJ Didget, my Uncle Harold, Ron Harding, Steve "Silk" Hurley, Tyree Cooper, Prince, and GOD!