Serg, records, stalking awesome DJs, dance, graphic design circa 1976-1984. I've been taking drum lessons for over a year. I have a degree in clinical psychology and am interested in mental health issues. I walk a lot. I don't drive anymore. I really like sleeping.
Anthony Bourdain
And the drummer from Blue Cheer.
I love music. Some of the DJs I'm currently stalking: Rapid Ric, Catchdubs, The Rub, Fourcolorzack, Krames, Pretty Titty, Them Jeans, DJ B.Cause, Morse Code, Skratch Bastid, Tap 10, Swayzee, Shane King.
I love R-A-P (ALL of it), soul, electro, bass, grime, jazz, Bad Brains, Circle Jerks and the Ramones (R.I.P.). I love Loose Ends, 52nd Street and Incognito. 1974 was a good year for jazz, funk and rock. I was a teenager in the 70s so I love disco. Good disco does not suck. I have a Madonna vinyl collection. I love The Partridge Family. And I LOVE Burt Bacharach.
Hyphy ain't dead.
"Shogun Assassin," "Repo Man," "Black Orpheus," "Akira," "Ghost World," "Sparkle," "The Shining," 1970s movies about summer romance
You Are What You Eat, Project Runway, Mad Men, Trailer Park Boys, Intervention, Austin Stories, Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, Top Chef, Ca$h Cab, Biggest Loser
The Catcher in the Rye, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Joseph Campbell, Ralph Ellison, Charles Bukowski, Ray Bradbury, Harlan Ellison, David Sedaris, George Saunders is king! I am on a graphic novel kick right now--Brian Wood, Tomine and Clowes are great.
My mom and dad, DJ Rob One, Frida Kahlo, Paul Rand, Mary Quant, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, Mike Dream, Bluey Maunick, JBird.