Veltis profile picture


Babe... Ur lookin' at trouble!!

About Me

The basics:
My name is Veltis! Yes, it's my real name! I am a website publisher and nightlife personality. Angel In The is the website that I publish, which is a lifestyle and social guide to New York City. It has the most complete calendar of events happening in town because top tier event planners and nightlife promoters post their events directly on the site. I've also put a lot of work into making sure the site has plenty of helpful NYC survival tips and links for those in need.
More personal stuff:
My life is filled with lot's of projects, meetings, events to throw, events I must attend, and so much more. I am sure to keep very, very busy every single minute of the day because I believe in the philosophy of living each day as if it were your last.
I enjoy my lifestyle, but it is not without its ups and downs which I share in my personal journal / blog . It may need updating from time to time but it's where I have been documenting my life since 2002. It's has all the drama of reality tv, the silliness of a sitcom, and the practicality of a talk show all wrapped up into cute little daily entries.
Just so you can get a little idea of what I am actually like in person, check out this cool segment I did for The Web Show with Toggsy, based in Australia as he visited NYC. My interview was just one among many of his videos documenting his travels all around the world asking different individuals and characters about how they have gone about fullfilling their ultimate dreams in life:

My Interests

In more of a nutshell, fundraising, socializing, dancing my ass off, fashion, film, web design & graphics, traveling, writing science fiction and fantasy novels, writing screenplays, writing dark poems, researching antiquity, working hard like a maniac, being extremely lazy, causing lots of trouble... what have you. But I have also discovered something about life and that is COURAGE. Courage is inhibited by the fear of the worst, which are illusions that play over and over again in your mind. So that line that says, "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself" is not just a cool saying, but the method to success. Having courage is the faith in yourself to believe you were put on this Earth for a purpose not exactly meant for you to understand, but for you to live out. So live got damn it!......
That's one heck of a nutshell, isn't it?

I'd like to meet:

Everyone. I am not snobby or biased. You never know what great friend you'll meet. Over the years I've met a lot of great personal friends and business associates on Myspace believe it or not.
I need friends that understand that I have a really busy lifestyle and I can't always be on Myspace, eventhough I'd like to. You will have to understand that eventhough you haven't heard from me in a while, you will still have my love and support. Don't flip out and assume that I don't like you any more. My true friends understand what's going on.
I am here mainly to make new friends, keep up with current friends, reconnect with old friends, and network with the entertainment industry. All friendships are welcome.
****************I am not here for a date!****************

Good grief, thanks for reading all of that! :D

Below you will find my calendar. You are welcome to attend any of the Angel In The City events.


All types of music. I really like anything from Classic Rock to Metal, Rap, R&B, 80s Electro-Pop, Ambient, Tribal Beats, HOUSE, Trip Hop, Techno, Pop, Jazz, B-Bop, Swing, Blues, Broadway, Classical and yes, even Country. I really love it all. I especially love JOHNATHAN PETERS!!! The Darkness, Ozzie, Coldplay, DMX, Jay Z, Mary J, and Panic at the Disco... You'll definately wow me if you can remember Frehley's Comet, Bad English, and Jean Beauvoir!
The list goes on but I've got to stop somewhere.......


I did a survey once that told me that my life was like The Big Lebowski. That's wild, it's a great movie, but I always felt like my life was more like Barberella meets Tomb Raider. I don't know. Does anyone remember a movie in the 80's called "Dead Friend". Ooooh that was a great cult film concept. I think I may have watched it on cable a million times and yet I can't find it anywhere. The Lord of the Rings trillogy was good. I especially love the first. The army of monsters were awesome. I wanted to see more of them in the film. Fritz Lang's Metropolis is the marvel of creation to me. The sci-fi concept is still very hot. No remakes of that film yet? Can't touch it. Why oh why did they remake The War Of The Worlds. The original was such a masterpiece. Logan's Run was one of those sci-fi movies made in the 70's that just blew my mind. Michael York was so gorgeous in that film. All the stars of that movie were good looking. I guess everyone had to be good looking since it was sort of a utopia that they were living in. The example of a perfect society with so many horrible flaws. Scarface was a great movie. The acting was phenominal. Pacino! What else can be said. I had a crush on him. Scarface was a survivor and made no mistakes about being the bad guy, but he was just like an average guy in a way that put his face in a mountain of coke and carried an uzi. lol. Did you ever see The Betsy? What a movie with Sir Laurence Olivier. What about the Boys From Brazil? Peck was in that one. It was awesome. Everyone loves The Shinning. for me as a kid, the scariest scene was the huge wave of blood filling the hotel lobby and "red rum". Dangerous Liaison with Glen Close was really good. Anne Bennett did another version of that called Valmont which was quite good as well. The original Dune with Kyle McGlochlin was such an influencial movie to me as a child. And I had a big crush on Kyle. I liked the remake mini-series that was on the Sci-Fi channel, but I am not a big fan of remakes. Creat a new idea and run with it. I don't care if you knock off a few ideas either. Like Battlestar Galactica. They changed everything. They should have called it something else. But I am getting off course. Battlestar Galactica is not a movie so I'll talk about it in the Television section below. Has anyone seen the Mystery of Chess Boxing? It's an awsome classic Kung-fu 70's film with a charachter called Ghostfaced Killer... Sounds familar? That's where the rapper got his name. Fight Club was really good. Loved the twist at the end. Other great movies I can remember are Requiem For A Dream, Barton Fink, The Outsiders, Sixteen Candles, Revenge of the Shogun Women, A Bronx Tale, The Warriors, Clockwork Orange, The Color Purple, To Kill a Mockingbird, Army of Darkness, Videodrome, Inner Space, The Professional, Risky Business, Breakfast Club, Blade Runner, Born Invincible, Citizen Kane, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Willow, Barbarella, Godfather, Casablanca, Alien, Aliens, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Back to the Future, The Hidden, Eyes of Laura Mars, The Great Gastby, All About Eve, The Egyptian, Planet of the Apes (original, though I love them all), Highlander - original first, Matrix - 1999, The Road Warrior, The Fly, The Mummy - 1959 (& the remake is pretty good too), Terminator (original), The Time Machine, Life Force, Star Wars -1977, Empire Strikes Back - 1980, Total Recall, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, War of the Worlds, Heavy Metal, Sleuth, Whatever happened to Baby Jane, Gigi, The Exorcist, Enemy Mine, La Femme Nikita (the one with the french actress), Fahrenheit 451 (this is a great scifi story about "firemen" who find and burn books because they are outlawed in the proposed future.), Cotton Club (Diane lane and Richard Gere. Execellent film), Auntie Mame, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Omen (original), Mutiny on the Bounty (original), The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Some Like it Hot, Adventures of Hans Christian Andersen, West Side Story, Boys from Brazil (Sir Laurence Olivier), Excalibur, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Purple Rose of Cairo, Dead Zone, Dreamscape, They Live, Thelma and Louise, Brazil, Blade, Dracula (1979 with Frank Langela! He rocked it!), and The Sound of Music. Does anyone remember The Wraith (with Charlie Sheen) - a wonderful little B movie from the 80's - great metal songs.


Family Guy, Futurama, the whole Adult Swim line up, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Joe Schmoe, Fairly Odd Parents, Dexter’s Laboratory, Kim Possible, Crossfire, Extreme Eliminations, Saturday Night Live Reruns (up until Will Farrell left), E News, E Hollywood True Stories, I love the 70's/80's/90's, I like the new Battlestar Gallactica, it's really gritty and I guess you could call it a space drama. There's not enough of those out there. Startrek was awesome... all of them. Kirk was the classic captain, but Picard was my personal favorite. Back to Battlestar Galactica, I loved the 70's version I watched in syndication in a completely different way. I wish they would have just stole the story idea and just named it something else completely. The original was cheezy in an almost rediculous way and that's what was so entertaining about it. Anyway, what's hotter than seeing two supersexy guys running in your direction. Come on, let's face it, Starbuck and Apollo were so super cute with their tight pants hot shag hair cuts! Other TV shows... I swear that sometimes I am a man in a girl's body sometimes. I like all the guy shows. I love Spike TV, The Man Show (original), Crank Yankers, Mad TV, Premium Blend, The Chapelle Show, Robot Chicken, Girls Next Door, Drawn Together, CNN, I can't seem to get enough Venture Brothers (it's hardly ever on anymore. Metalocalypse is completely insane! I love it. The Daily show and the Cobert Report is pretty good. Any cartoon that Adam West voices over. Billy and Mandy (Mandy is probably my alter ego and I love her). I like the Disney channel and the comedy channel. I admit, I am juvenile when it comes to daily TV intake. I like to laugh and I like to see what kids are into. But every now and then cnn, court tv, nip/tuck or csi miami will engulf my attention from time to time and then I am yelling at the screen reacting to what's happening!!! Hee, hee!


I wrote quite a bit in this section originally, but then I got hacked. They used this section to put in some very nasty html. Luckily I found it and erased it, but it took everything I wrote in the section. Freedom always comes at a price, doesn't it?! Now, I'm too exhausted to really fill this section in like I had it. For now, the books that pop into my mind are Dune and Martian Chronicles. Sci-fi! Shakespare is always good. MacBeth & Richard III are my favorites. I like MacBeth because he's basically a good guy, but greed leads him to become an insane murderous fool. MacBeth could be anyone of us. I love the complexity of knowing that. Richard III was an innocent victim brought up in a vicious environment. His murderous nature just evolves from fantasy to action. Even those who feel as if he's justified are turned against him in the end because as all people in power, he takes it too far. Hamlet is another one of my favorites because I love the way Hamlet proves his hunch in the end after a long struggle with the people around him. He acts out of his own greiving but because of his vengence he causes the deaths of five individuals that would have otherwise lived if he didn't pursue his notions so vivaciously. I like books about antiquity versus common belief such as Moses and Monotheism. This book is so good because it structures quite a bit of facts that link Moses to one of the Pharoahs of ancient Egypt that, for a short time, changed the belief of traditional ancient egyptian gods during his life. It mesmerized me. Good times, good times.


My heroes are children. Their abundance of hope and energy are the shadows of dead dreams adults once had. Very few adults can keep their hopes and dreams as free as children... and endure much ridicule for doing so.

My Blog

Parties, Events, & Fun Activities in NYC!

Veltis invites you to visit her website to find the most complete event listing in NYC.  The staff at the website gets submissions and posts from NYC's most notable event ...
Posted by Veltis on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:48:00 PST

8/2/08 - SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!!

Posted by Veltis on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:02:00 PST

My Blog / Journal

My life is filled with its ups and downs which I share in my personal journal which I started back in 2002.  Visit anytime!  :D Cheers, -Veltis PS: Many thank...
Posted by Veltis on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:50:00 PST

PLEASE READ! Security: Messages & Comments on my page.

Hey everyone.  Thanks for visiting my page on Myspace.  I really appreciate it.   I just had to let you know that if you sent me a message and I didn't get back to you or if made a com...
Posted by Veltis on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST


Insane Some people call me a walkin' disasterJust a waitin' for a place to occurBut I still got enough that'll last her'Till the blood gets ready to burnMy meter's running, still got a lot of livin' t...
Posted by Veltis on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 07:20:00 PST

Like Tears in the Rain...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, li...
Posted by Veltis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan...

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran Through caverns measureless to man Down to a sunless sea. So twice five miles of fertile ground With walls a...
Posted by Veltis on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Heaven Sent!

There seems no justice when you fall in loveIt gives you blindness when you are the oneThe one thats hurting cause they got the gunThere seems no justice when you fall in loveSave me, dont let me fall...
Posted by Veltis on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 03:20:00 PST

Feel the Heat

All along, we knew it wasn't rightWe were standing sound, losing sightPlay a game that isn't fairAnd your partner's left standing thereAt least you know you dream aloneSometimes feel your heart's made...
Posted by Veltis on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 03:47:00 PST

Love Kills

Love Kills So long since I've waitedTo live againYou've brought my world to an endLove takes its victim and leaves its remainsMy broken heart has died in vainTell me why have we forsaken the dreams we...
Posted by Veltis on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:29:00 PST