If I can't dance.... profile picture

If I can't dance....

... I don't want to be part of your Revolution!

About Me

I like to procrastinate - a lot. So I am just now filling you all in on this 'about me' crap. I also dislike having people know anything other than the superficial about me - but I like 'em to think they know it all. It's a power trip thing. I'm like an open book written in some unintelligible, completely defunct language that no one gets. I use words like 'unintelligible' and 'defunct'.Three of the most important things in my life are my friends, my music and my activism. (Included in friends is my family because I can't seperate the two groups - I love my friends and family with no differentiation). AND I love when other people can combine the three.My message: I think that if everyone would just quit focusing on everyone else and start focusing on themselves and what is good for them the world would be a better place. That seems odd, but its true. We don't NEED any of the crap we work so hard for and make ourselves crazy over. I don't need to eat out, or to chew gum, or to have a car - let alone an expensive worked up model. I don't need my laptop - although I love it and I certainly don't need to pay excessive sums of money for shoes because they have a bloody 'swoosh' on them, I just need something between my bare feet and the ground when the pavement is like ice. But we think we need these things because the greatly infamous 'they' tell us we need them to be whole people in a modern and civilized society. Bullshit. All we need is each other. And food. And shelter. And clothing. I'm not saying we shouldn't have luxuries, but if we focused on the things that really gave us joy, then we wouldn't find ourselves ravaging one another for crap we don't need and that in the end provides little cold comfort.Love your friends and the people around you. Take care of each other. Fuck them if 'they' tell you any different. Or call me - I'll take 'em on one by one and all alone if I have to.I like to rant and attempt to incite riot....that was my daily rant. It just happens.I also like radio - I used to do two shows on CHRY 105.5 in Toronto. ProPIRGanda noon-1pm on Thursday (Saira is still keeping that show going. Thanks go out to her, the info provided there is really important!), ProPIRGanda does the rant and incite riot thing....political/social issues from the GTA, Canada and the world are hot topics. Also used to do The Metal Union - the best of punk, metal, hardcore and industrial - or whatever else I wanna play. The Metal Union was the project of a loosely formed collective consisting of Sarah, Liam, Brian and myself) The Metal Union no longer exists as the collective broke up, but you can still catch Sarah on punkradiocast.com Wednesdays. Actually that's bullshittoo, she left shortly afer I did. But it's still a good station to tune in to. It's internet radio, you stream it through the PC. You can also webstream CHRY if you can't get the signal. Go to: http://www.yorku.ca/chry. I DJ'ed for punkradiocast.com for a while building a reputation for pissing people off, telling them things they didn't want to hear, and being disgusting and explicit. I used to review porn from time to time, and report on the most interesting sexual and sexualized exploits from my life and the lives of my friends. I may or may not have made a habit of stripping on air from time to time. I loved it. Show was called Rough Me Up, named after a Pantychrist song. Love that band. Cheak out their profile on myspace if you're interested. Tune in to PRC if you get a chance.I miss radio but I stopped doing it because I rediscovered an old way of including both politics and music in my life. I moved to Winnipeg in January 2006 to help reform the Brat Attack. One of my favorite political punk bands at the time. They're on here too. Check them out if you're interested. But I left the band in March to come back to Toronto so there will be no Mary love in that direction. I'm in another band now. Old country in the tune of Cash and Parsons. Weird I know. But I love it. We're on here too. The name's Deep In the Ninth. The recordings on there are older and just Willis but over the summer we'll be recording and I'll let y'all know when we manage to upload it. If you happen to be around when we're gigging come up after the show and say hi. I promise not to bite unless it's invited, I swear! If you're interested in jamming or starting a heavier band let me know. I wanna sing sing sing. Although apparently I'll be playing bass soon? Ugh....right Dames?I DO NOT RANDOMLY ADD FOLKS. REPEAT NO RANDOM ADDS. I have enough virtual friends as it is. If you want an add say something useful first by which I can judge whether or not the effort of virtual friendship is worth it.I like to go off in all directions, on tangents and long winded pathways. I don't always know when to stop. Smiles. Stopping now.

My Interests

Everything new, different or insane. Art, music, music videos, politics, relationships, psychology, history, media, literature, comics, guerilla marketing, food, piercings, body art in general, some sports, yoga, drummers....why are drummers always so hot? Hot boys, pretty pictures of strange things in conservative places, intellect, nature, hiking, trees - I love drawing trees, sleep though I rarely get it, I like lots of stuff and seriously if you wanna know more write to me or ask when you see me.

I'd like to meet:

Suffice it to say that most of the people I want to meet are dead. They died doing what they believe in which is why I want to meet them. It's ironic. Or not.I think it would be amazing to meet someone crazy, and irrepressible and anti-social constraint and fun. Somoeone who does things because they want to - or are driven to, and not because they're told to. Not because they should. I love my friends but other than Sarah most of them are pretty by the book. Growing up and getting all responsible and conforming - whether they admit to it or not. I want someone to help me remember that I don't need to go down that path too. I don't want to grow up - I just want to grow.And as my life is plagued by pc problems day and night, I'd like to meet a techy God who can fix all of my computing woes. Smiles.


I just like music....if you want a comprehensive list check my friends list. Or message me and ask.


The last movie I saw in theatre was probably Serenity, the Joss Weedon Firefly flick. I like the Harry Potter movies. I'm a fantasy/children's lit/sci-fi geek. Adventure stuff, kung fu films form Asia, documentaries of all sorts....I love Solidarity Song.I saw Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind with a friend and disliked it quite a bit and I saw the Clockwork Orange for the first time ever not so long ago. Do I seem like a movie buff to you? (If it redeems me at all I loved Clockwork Orange, but it did take me a quarter century to get to it.)


I don't really watch tv anymore. I used to watch a lot of Buffy and Angel. CSI is engaging when I bother to watch it.


Everyone should read 'Written on the Body' by Jeannette Winterson. It's intensely beautiful, well written and slightly trippy. Plus it will make you realize how horrible a person you are no matter how progressive you claim to be. But it's beautiful so read it anyway and take the medicine.


I'm gonna go with the corny and say my mom, dad, grandma, my best friend Sarah and anyone else in my family who has ever been there for me, for the community or for each other. It really goes a long way toward making the world a better place if you can just be there for each other.

My Blog

More updates and enforced downtime...

So Christmas was up and down like just about everything else in my life.  I got hammered a bit,  was hung over for much longer, cooked a turkey for loved ones, ate way too much garbage,...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 09:07:00 PST

Another show you should check out

Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 20th, a band by the name of SOOP will be playing the Cadillace Lounge.  Set time is 10:30pm.  You should all come out and support not only the band, but also ba...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 07:12:00 PST

A show not to be missed!

Legion666 December, 18 2006 at House Party 437 Bathurst. House party, Toronto, ?Cost : 5 bucks With Appalachian Terror Unit from West Virginia, Living In Darkness, and Dirty BS. GET THERE EARLY. SAAAY...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 05:35:00 PST

Jenny sent a quiz...

1. Were you named after anyone?: Grandmothers, aunts, mom, saints generally eery family member and/or religious icon you can imagine.2. Any bad habits?:Tonnes, but you'll figure that out soon enough i...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:32:00 PST

Two things:

Today is distinctly not my day.  Work sucks and as much as I love my cat (have I mentioned her before?  I can't remember), she sucks more. I arrived at work, again, an hour earlier than...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 07:54:00 PST

Another year another rambling rant!

It's my birthday! But it doesn't seem like it yet.  Mostly because I just woke up and am online drinking tea and SMOKING ( I shouldn't be though because I am going to quit, and I was doing o well...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 03:24:00 PST

Felt like reposting from Excalibur...

White Stripes rattle and hum Written by Mary Best - Contributor  &nb...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:15:00 PST

Let me know what you think....

So I'm posting a bio I had to write for a job application.  Let me know what you all think, what should be added or removed etc. etc.Smiles and love.Here goes: Mary Best is a 25 year old connoi...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 06:10:00 PST

We inturrupt your regularly scheduled program....

This Thursday evening you should all watch Muchtakeover and vote for me. Because I made an ass of myself on televison and it should be funny. If only in a pathetic kind of way. But if you know me you ...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:44:00 PST

Random thoughts and semi-updates

So this weekend was Pride. I missed it. I suck I know. But I had been up for 72 hours working on reviews, and then slept a few and ended up at an afterhours with the exuse of it being Allen's birth...
Posted by If I can't dance.... on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 01:31:00 PST