BRAINTOY profile picture


Strange landscapes in the realm of mental illness

About Me


Braintoy Videos

My Interests


Member Since: 8/3/2004
Band Members:

1. Vehicles Download
2. Computational Symptoms Download
3. Theft Prevention Download
4. Charles Justice (The ballad of...) *New*: Download
1. Third Stone from the Kidney Download

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New Videos

Two new live videos from a recent show in Toronto are up on youtube . Go watch them!

Online Listening Party for Vehicles

The Dividing Line is hosting a listening party for the new album - Vehicles - this Thursday, April 10th. Join in, if you can, we're going to be there! More details here.

Vehicles released

Vehicles is available to buy. You can get a digital copy at your music store, or have the CD shipped out to you. More details here.

A review of the album

The Ripple Effect reviewed Vehicles. They really love the album. :) (Read it)

Album Artwork: Eric Staller

Eric Staller is the artist behind the album artwork - he is brilliant. Tristan talks about him, over here . You can see the album cover around this site - its a piece called 'Fire and Ice'.

Songs for Download

Vehicles, Computational Symptoms, Theft Prevention and Charles Justice (The Ballad of) - are available to download in the Music Downloads section. Let us know what you think, but mostly - enjoy!

... Braintoy?

Braintoy is:

    Riley O'Connor (Hits beautiful vintage things with other things to make loud noises at the expense of the hickory forests and diminishing the supply of world copper) Christian Anderson (Guitarded,bouts of philosophical anguish brought on by fetal alcohol syndrome,white trash extraordinaire) Devin Gasteiger (Brown Notes , Tinkly Winkly Analog Synthax and Organic Love Vibrations disguised as Ivory Thingamabobs,severe drinking problem combined with anarchonistic empathy) Tristan Green(Throat doctor,loin cloths,super hairy teats,face only a mother could love)

Sounds Like:


Tropic of Capricorn

Henry Miller

Then one day, without the slightest warning, I wake up and looking about me I understand absolutely nothing of what is going on about me, neither my own behaviour nor that of my neighbours, nor do I understand why the governments are at war or at peace, whichever the case may be. At such moments I am born anew, born and baptized by my right name (...) Everything I do in my right name is looked upon as crazy. People make furtive signs behind my back, sometimes to my face even. I am forced to break with friends and family and loved ones. I am obliged to break camp. And so, just as naturally as in dream, I find myself once again drifting with the current, usually walking along a highway, my face set towards the sinking sun. Now all my faculties become alert. I am the most suave silky, cunning animal - and I am at the same time what might be called a holy man. I know how to fend for myself. I know how to avoid work, how to avoid entangling relationships, how to avoid pity, sympathy, bravery, and all the other pitfalls. I stay in place or with a person just long enough to obtain what I need, and then I’m off again. I have no goal: the aimless wandering is sufficient unto itself. I am free as a bird, sure as an equilibrist. Manna falls from the sky; I have only to hold out my hands and receive. And everywhere I leave the most pleasant feeling behind me, as though, in accepting the gifts that are showered upon me, I am doing a real favour to others. Even my dirty linen is taken care of by loving hands. Because everybody loves a right-living man! (...)

In this condition I have always fallen in with thieves and rogues and murderers, and how kind and gentle they have been with me! As though they were my brothers. And are they not, indeed? Have I not been guilty of every crime, and suffered for it? And is it not just because of my crimes that I am united so closely to my fellowman? Always, when I see a light of recognition in the other person’s eyes, I am aware of this secret bond. It is only the just whose eyes never light up. It is the just who have never known the secret of human fellowship. It is the just who are committing the crimes against man, the just who are the real monsters. It is the just who demand our fingerprints, who prove to us that we have died even when we stand before them in the flesh. It is the just who impose upon us arbitrary names, false names, who put false dates in the register and bury us alive...

Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Video: Computational Symptoms (Live)

A live video of Computational Symptoms is up online now. The video was filmed in early April in Toronto. You can watch it on youtube over here: PS: Spring i...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 01:44:00 PST

New Video: The Projectionist (Live)

A live video of The Projectionist is up online. The video was filmed in early April, in Toronto and the Tattoo Rock Parlour. You can watch it right now, online:
Posted by BRAINTOY on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:23:00 PST

Online listening party for Vehicles

Online radio station The Dividing Line is hosting a listening part for the new album Vehicles.You can listen to the entire album and a live interview on The Rogues Gallery Show, this Thursday at 11:00...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:18:00 PST

Album Artwork: Eric Staller

I thought it would be a good time to introduce you guys to the wonderful world of Eric Staller. When you pick up your brand new copy of vehicles you’ll be looking at some of the spectacular and ...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:28:00 PST

A Picture That Tells 33 Words Per Minute

I cannot type very fast, it's true - but I offset this negative attribute with my consistent precision and accurcy. In related news, a couple of people have asked to see a picture of this wicked old t...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 03:30:00 PST


Posted by BRAINTOY on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:20:00 PST

Enter the Rabbithole

I don't know if you've come across this website yet, but it's a dandy one: If you haven't, now is your chance to check it out and bookmark it, especially since Braintoy...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 07:37:00 PST

B-Shirts for sale

We just got some brand new merch happening that should give you a bit of a glimpse at the visual feel of Vehicles. If you were at the Horseshoe show then you probably saw a few people sporting their f...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:15:00 PST


I always wondered how they make snowflakes. I think this is what they use to design them so the nanobots can pluck water molecules from the frigid air and assemble them on the way down for us. I have ...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:45:00 PST

The Bicycle

For those of you who don't already know, I'm a big fan of the bicycle. It's a wonderful tool and toy, and it's so... mechanical. And a beautiful bicycle is a beautiful thing. There's something about ...
Posted by BRAINTOY on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:34:00 PST