We're in the midst of establishing the dot-com site.
In the interim, this + Facebook will suffice.
The songs contained here are part of a preliminary demo, entitled "Pre-".
Our debut full-length album will begin production at the end of this summer. In the meantime, please feel encouraged to pirate, share & burn these:If the links are broken, you can snag songs from the player above,
or failing that, return tomorrow when it's resolved.
If you'd like a physical copy of "Pre-", they can be attained through contact with one of us. You determine its worth.
To hear newer songs not yet recorded, see us
Aesthetically speaking, Myspace is the current sexiest online music tool.
But if you're on Facebook , we would appreciate you migrating to our page there, also, as its update features are superior.
Other sources we invite you to investigate:
Thank you for your support, enlightenment and various virtues.
Be good to eachother.
-ivory tree observatory