music, dancing, kissing, cold rioja on a hot day, love, vinyl, altruism, verve cliquot, b sides, truth, my friends, my moxies, handsome men, the sea, my lovely home, them transmats, james brown, tangible goods, detroit techno, velvet, my little vestax, honesty,fresh bread, you, my pussy cats, snow, london, dior 999, margate neons, english countryside, linen, honesty, my ugly edits, massage, walking my dog on the beach, any sound signature, cooking up a storm, my son, dancing, fabrics, reiki, some peacefrogs, truth, vintage clothing, history, bird song, scratching your surface,islands, my basement, classic cars, honesty,juan atkins, fun, carl craig, newspapers on lazy sunday mornings, fruit, sex in the city, olives and their branches, egg boxes, gray`s anatomy, suburban knight, collecting records, sleeping, trees, theo parrish, driving, i love the sun and thunder , kenny dixon, any ubiquity, quiet days and funny nights, alfresco anything, making it better, heathcote williams, vintage mirrors, kenny larkin, flip flops, all red planets,love messages, bubbles in my bath, knowing there`s more.....
some of those i admire.......them that i love.......
nicole --
Fuzzy to the touch
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
all genres have been tried and tested...
all of them.....
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my friends