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Tunnel Road Productions

www.gadigal.org.au The Brekky Show with NAIAN, 7-9am Weekdays, KOORI RADIO 93.7fm 2LND, Sydney Austr

About Me

NaianBorn in Lismore, Far Northern NSW, grew up in the Byron/Tweed Shires... (GOD'S Country).Aboriginal South Sea Islander heritage with a hearty sprinklin' of German and English with some French/Polish/African and Indian thrown in for good measure...Durrumbul Clan, Minjungbal Tribe, Bunjalung Nation.Moved to Old Sydney Town in 1992 for learning at NAISDA Dance College. (Diploma in Dance).Moved to Johannesburg in 1997 for a year to learn at Moving Into Dance Mophatong Wa Thabo. (Diploma in Community Dance Teaching), and also grabbed an Advanced Diploma of Dance Teaching at the Australian Ballet School in Melbourne.Travelled and performed with Albert David and Dancers, Raymond Blanco/Plasticiens Volants/ The Johnson and Johnson Sisters, Baru Kadal Dance Theatre, Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia, Urobos, Australia Council, and The Sydney Opera Haos Deadly's Dance Crew...Performed, taught, and toured all over OZ and also to France, South Afrcia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, UK, Malaysia, Taiwan, South Korea, Kanake, Vanuatu, Belau, Fiji, Indonesia, Dubai, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Cyprus, Greece and Campbelltown...still aiming to backpack through the Pacific, the Middle East, walk the great wall, party at Mardi Gras Rio style, west africa, morroco, swim with a whale shark, great white, bungy jump, play yidaki, guitar and djembe, sky dive, and, fall in love (not necessarily in that order, hehehe!!!)... etc etc etcand imagine being able to live at least 1 month a year in Aotearoa...love to chill out with friends and self in backyards, beaches, lounges. Definitely lo-key.got a great garden in sydney and up north, it's a must...freelance dancer,currently The Brekky Show host on Koori Radio 93.7fm 2LND in Sydney, Sydney's only Aboriginal Radio Station, brought to the air by Gadigal Information Service.Producer of The Brekky Show and The Drift Zone.Help out a bit at the station and offices of 93.7fm in all areas.sometimes anti-DJ, sometimes poet, fulltime drifter look outto be continued.........
You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. What Planet Are You From?

My Interests

Any artists that would like to send through music and info to Koori RadioThe address isPO Box 966Strawberry HillsSydney NSW Australia 2012or [email protected]@gmail.com

I'd like to meet:

My Soul MateHey All,yes indeed,you all can tune in toKoori Radio 93.7fm Live and Deadly Sydney Australiaright now via live streaminggo to;www.gadigal.org.auand click onKoori Radio LiveenjoyandWelcome to Koori Radio 93.7fmSydney's only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Radio StationPutting the Spirit and Soul Back into The City of SydneyI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

Some guests who have shared their time and stories on The Brekky Show, The Drift Zone and Kiss My Black Arts;James Henry, Anjelique Kidjo, Brother Black, Aaron Fa’aoso, Transglobal Underground, Christine Anu, Mary G, Vic Simms, Feelstyle, Ardijah, MirrorChild, Emma Donovan, Wire MC, Kooncha, Barnaby Wier, Watussi, Aku Kadogo, Ruby Neale, Tim Bishop, Aaron Pederson, Alex Doomadgee, Phil Ahwang, David Page, Gavin Jones, Busdriver, Tamara Podemski, Cathy Craigie, Nomise, BP, Munki Muk, Albert David, Rachel Perkins, The Dre Allen Project, Dawn Robinson, Darrell Sibosado, Rusiate, Catriona McKenzie, Tania Simon, The Phantom, Lou Bennet, Jamaica Irie, MC Antsman (rhombus), Donooch Dancers, Jakalene Extreme, Casey Donovan, Shakaya, Clarence Slockee, Bonny Briggs, Rosalie Pearson, John South, Barina South, Helen Anu, Rima Tamou, RastaWookie, Vassy, Latai Taumoepeau, Barbara Drummond, Josh Preston, Kev Carmody, Oscar Serrano, Taiaroa Royal, Vicki Van Hout, Asante, DJ Rob Base, David Wright (solaa), Lola Forrester, Radical Son, Rayma Johnson, Kerry Johnson, Percy Bishop, Elma Kris, Miss Sophia, Mariaa Randall, Blake Tippo, Shauntaii, Rob Batzke, Michael Hutchings, Lyall Adonis, Tess Allas, Caroline Barton, Jason Pitt, Yolande Brown, Lynette Lewis, Sefa (Sefa and Nebs), The Paradise Lost DJ’s, The Rhythm Divine, Kyas Sherriff, Carmen Smith, Henrietta Baird, The Rockets, Alicia Talbot, Joseph "JoJo" Gatehau, Sista Agz, Sean Choolburra, Patrick Thaiday, Shigeyuki Kihara, Pauline Clague, Djakapurra Munyarryun, Warren Milera, Smooth, MC Trey, Shellie Morris, Katchafire, Shaktidharan, Lady Davern, Dr. Greenthumb, Lucky Dube, Raymond D. Blanco, Adam Hill, Tracey Moffat, Shimpal Lelisi, Peta Strachan, Phillip Saibiri, Esther Figuerua, Alpha Blondy, Stephen Page, Ernie Dingo, Jade MaCrae, The Rockets, Guru, Solar, Vusi Mahlasela, Matty Doyle, Jaunnie 'Ilolahia, and… Ben Harper…, to name a few.


POEMES DE NAIANTURÓ 1Realitat definida per l’entorn immediat Emmarcada per esclats rocosos vermells i verds. Memòries inèdites jeien latents Sota una manta torrada pel sol Teixida pel temps novell. La veritat i el sentit es revelen Tan sols a l’acampada dels privilegiats Envoltant el darrer centre de falsa seguretat on l’ordre estructural és l’esperança subliminal de subjugar i controlar la tènue comprensió d’uns grapats de bon jans i viatgers nostàlgics traïts per la seva aqüiescència si els guardians els deixen. Altrament Sota la vela de la història i de la tradició Queden amagades a simple vista Assolibles només amb el permís dels avantpassats I l’expansió d’una ment pura.


Naian és un aborigen australià, del poble Dharmbul de la nació Bundjalung, en la Costa del Nord de Nova Gales del Sud (Byron Bay), banyada per l'oceà Pacífic...Començà la seva carrera de ballarí al col·legi de dansa Naisda a Sydney, on va aconseguir un diploma de dansa el 1996. Va passar un any al Mophatong Moving into Dance a Sudàfrica (Diploma d'ensenyament de dansa per a la comunitat) i després a l'Australian Ballet School a Melbourne (Diploma avançat en ensenyament de la dansa). Ha actuat també amb Bangarra Dance Theatre Australia, Garrabarras Dance Troupe, AIDT, Fresh, Urobos, Plasticiens Volants, Albert David and Dancers i amb Ngaru and Descendance...Ha fet gires, ha ensenyat dansa i ha viatjat per Austràlia, a més de Vanuatu, Nova Caledònia, Corea del Sud, Taiwan, Singapur, Sudàfrica, Polònia, Alemanya, Anglaterra i França. Actualment balla com a artista independent i va actuar el 2003 a la inauguració de la copa mundial de rugby a l'estadi Telstra de Sidney i al Festival Sydney Dreaming 2003, amb Giz i amb Albert David i la seva companyia...Naian presenta el programa “Breakfast Show” cada dia feiner de 7 a 9, i “The Drift Zone” cada divendres de 18 a 19 a Ràdio Koori (93.7 FM), que és l'única emissora a temps complet dels aborígens a Sydney. També ha gravat sis cançons Blueprint. 03, que es van emetre a la xarxa nacional de ràdio comunitària a finals de 2003...


Personally initiate self recognitionOf your individual default settingsRefrain from semi standard sizingThe pre, pro and post – ductionOf your cognitive thought processesEmbrace and expandThe concentric elliptical parametersWhilst pre-emptingThe void from withinAnd from without


POEMES DE NAIAN PERDÓDius que és aigua passada Jo dic perdó T’equivoques És dins del meu cor Dins la meva sang Igual com s’alça i es pon el sol Com puja i baixa l’oceà Així el batec dels cors de la meva gent silenciada Em ressona en les orelles Una simfonia agredolça dels teus avantpassats Amb instruments que toquen a morts Dius que la culpa no és de ningú Ara i avui Jo dic perdó T’equivoques Mira les teves lleis Obre una pàgina dels teus llibres d’història Observa les imatges del meu poble en el teu televisor Com més els teus crits d’innocència m’aixafen la generositat Més gran és la teva ignorància I més culpables sou tots.Myspace, an extension of The Brekky Show, somewhere I can listen to music from all over the planet, read people's thoughts (spooky), and catch up with mates. A tool for getting new music and hard to come bys live to air. Bypassing the majors, middle wo/man. Connecting with like minded and absent minded folks. Even talking to those I don't necessarily agree with. A tool to promote artists from every genre. Not to be taken seriously at all. That's all for now, in case you were interested.Stay wellNAIANThe Brekky Show in your VillageDarwin 6.30am - Mackay, Gold Coast 7am - Perth 5am - Rio De Janeiro 7pm - Havana 5pm - Suva 9am - Toulouse, Berlin, Poznan, Johannesburg, Barcelona 11pm - Accra 9pm - Athens, Baghdad, Kampala, Beirut, Istanbul Midnight - Tokyo 6am - Auckland, Apia 10am - Manchester 10pm - Dubai 1am - Port Vila 8am


POEMES DE NAIANEL SOMNI DE L’AIGUA BLAVAVeus els esperits com ballen Com ballen a la llum del foc Allà baix a la platja Com ballen cada nit? Sents els ritmes sagrats del yidaki Com suren en el ventijol nocturn i ens criden a tu i a mi?Veus els antics dibuixos Com omplen la meva pell Com uneixen el passat i el present I els nostres esperits més propers? Sents com bat el cor Del tambor warup Portant-nos el missatge Que hi anem tu i jo?Cap al somni de l’aigua blava. Res per amagar Res per témer Obre els ulls Obre les orelles Res per perdre Res per trobar Obre el cor Obre la mentEt veuré en el somni de l’aigua blava.
You have been marked on my profile map!
[email protected] DE NAIANBOTIGA DE NINESLes negres i blanques cares de porcellana Observen el passejant, El cutis perfecte i cremós, retocat Amb mirades sofisticades i posats mundans, Contemplen l’entorn Amb un menyspreu ignorant que no els escau, tan petites com són. El cutis suau, color de caramel Amb pigues aquí i allà Ens indica d’on vénen Cares grotescament esculpides Conviden a la simpatia amb comèdia Un toc amable de l’artesà a la ceguesa Que exilia per sempre aquestes falses nenes Al departament de joguines Al costat de l’ànec Daffy i l’ós Pooh. Un destí immerescut però fet a propòsit D’aquestes cares sorgeix la realitat Recordant al passejant un temps no gaire llunyà En què les mares dels nens udolaven Veient com se’ls enduien, Com un ramat, a l’escorxador Per viure al costat d’uns germans que no eren de color Objectes curiosos i funcionals Amb gairebé la possibilitat de tenir sentiments i història, subjectes que observen el passejant.
Your Hidden Talent
Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave your praise and complements. What's Your Hidden Talent?The Drift Zone in your VillageDarwin 7.30pm - Mackay, Gold Coast, Cairns, Torres Strait 8pm - Perth 6pm - Rio De Janeiro 8am - Havana 6am - Suva 10pm - Toulouse, Berlin, Poznan, Johannesburg, Barcelona 12 noon - Accra 10am - Athens, Baghdad, Kampala, Beirut, Istanbul 1pm - Tokyo 7pm - Auckland, Apia 11pm - Manchester 11am - Dubai 2pm - Port Vila 9pm -.. Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™

My Blog

I Learnt From The (second) Best

A young kid, just turned 18, in a new city, 1st year in college and madly into his man, he learnt many things, West African cooking, inner city attitude, and how to switch off when his man would ask ...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:48:00 PST

Out of Here Playlist 15/2/'008

.. ..> Out of Here Playlist 15/2/'008 Special Guest;Shigeyuki KiharaUrsula Rucker - L.O.V.EDr Greenthumb - Intro In The Darug DialectStiff Gins - Morning StarLes Nubians - VoyagerLes Nubiens - E...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 04:45:00 PST

Byron/Tweed, Darwin, Dreaming Fest, Africa and Dubai Travel Blogs

 Dubai rocks!!! Current mood:  rejuvenated Hey from Dubai  In Dubai on the way home from Africa. Very nice and very hot, soaking up the Arabian sunrays and chillin' in the gulf ...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 05:03:00 PST

Hi from The Nile Resort, Jinja, Uganda, East Africa

Hey All, Well we decided to go for a drive to the source of the nile, and ended up booking in to this mad resort overnight. The entrance reminds me of the entrance to that hotel in Jurassic Park. Our ...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 06:29:00 PST

Jambo from Kampala, Uganda East Africa!!!

Hey there all, arrived in Kampala last night and again staying at the Fang Fang Hotel. Does the job. but first, you must have dinner at Mama Moshi's in Maleba in Tanzania and try sinanni's (grasshoppe...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 03:41:00 PST

Greetings from Bukoba, Tanzania, East Africa...

Hey there all, finally made it to cyber cafe in Bukoba just half an hour drive from the village/college we are staying at called Katoki. Beautiful as. The village power has been off for a day and don...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:46:00 PST

Hi from Darwin

Hey All, Well here I am up in the top end... Very Nice and hot, warm more so, dry season so not too much humidity. Tip: if you're coming to Darwin to rehearse, try get in a day before you start so you...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:54:00 PST

Up Home!!!

Hey there all, Just got back in from Byron Shire. (hint, fly to Ballina-Byron and not Gold Coast and you'll save a bit o cash). Can you believe it, saw Rhombus in sydney on friday nite and they were o...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:45:00 PST

Out The Door

Well this'll be interesting, a travel blog and no less. I'm off now out the office for 5 weeks.   I'll be back on The Brekky Show 93.7fm Koori Radio on Monday the 2nd July '007. First stop, the b...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Fri, 25 May 2007 08:02:00 PST

Feelgood Thursdat Playlist 24/7/007

Special Guests;Blake Tippo and His Mum Danielle all the way from Hervey Bay QLDRachel from Kingsgrovesome little fulla requesting AC/DC !!!David Wright from SolaaShaktidharan from www.curiousworks.com...
Posted by Tunnel Road Productions on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:55:00 PST