Positivity - my journey is to bring as many people as I can with me along the way. Invest in our future leaders - leave no one behind.
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For Blakfullas I reckon we only have 2 degrees of separation keeping us apart....so ummmmm I have a looonnnggg wish-list!!! LOL...IF you got the time...ask! heheehee
but while you're here and I have your undivided attention....JOKE TIME!!!!!!!!!
Q: What did the Zero say to the Eight?
A: Nice belt.
Q: Why did the koala fall outta the tree?
A: It was dead.
Q: What do you call a boomerang that don't come back?
A: A stick.
Q: what do you call a monkey with a stick of dynamite?
A: a baboom!
Q: what do invisible cats drink?
A: evaporated milk!
Q: what's orange and sounds like a parrot?
A: a carrot!
YEEESSSS I know they're bad, BUT I'm sure I got a half-laugh outta ya for at LEAST a split second!!!!
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Hip Hop, RnB, Soul, Reggae and all the variations/ sub genres in between.Actually would probably be safe to say music in general. Reformed vinyl addict. Used to have to make sure I always had the latest 12" and as long as I could still afford 26c for a packet of 2min noodles I was good! Lets just say, I know the struggle and I am glad I can look back and laugh @ my malnourished @zz back in the day!
I grew up watching Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder so bring it on!!! Kinda like my comedy - very akin to survivalist humour - then again thats probably because I'm a big cry baby in anything too heart wrenching and a big fraidy cat in thrillers
Barely watch it...lost the remote one day and ahhh never got round to switching it on.... **jokes**
Background is in Aboriginal publishing so I'm liking my authentic BLAK voices. Anything with enlightenment or BLAKistory. Read a whole lot on past and present leaders such as Marcus Garvey, Paul Robeson, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Leonard Peltier, Gerry Adams, Charles Perkins, Dennis Eggington, Hary Allen, Ray Winbush, Rob Riley, El Che, Cesar Chavez, Huey P Newton and so on....to help me understand my place as a proud Indigenous sista and to fuel my activist roots. You give me Mills and Boons and I'll find the nearest available shredder! Watch me now! - Ha ;O)
R.I.P. Lisa Bellear - our recently departed Urban Dreaming sista - strong BLAK woman - gone too soon!
...and not forgetting my fiance who is an absolute inspiration to me - through his conviction, integrity, talent, wisdom, knowledge, gentleness and goofy@zz'd humor. I am blessed [u should see my ring ;o) - best present, biggest surprise ever - smiles!!!]! Love you forever my King - Team B&C always xxx