Music, Special effects makeup, Sexual intent, Horror, The beauty, and admiration of the female body in it's entirety. Thrill seeking, Nature, sky diving etc., Spontaneous success, intelligence, making good friends of all kinds, music, music, music. Art, sculpting, photography, Traveling the world meeting every sort of species there is to encounter. Persistence, GOOD SEX, drive, someone who has a vision, and will let nothing get in the way of that, Experience, Beauty, talent, Lust, Hate, Love, Pain, DEATH, Life.
Beautiful, intelligent, "DIRTY, AND SEXUALLY CURIOUS" WOMEN! Of Course. As well as hardworking MUSICIANS, That have a vision for what they want to achieve, " very hard to come by." Someone that will sacrifice everything to be happy. Someone that is not afraid to loose everything artificial. Someone who is not afraid to gain EVERYTHING, especially from experience. Someone that can see eye to eye for what i am trying to accomplish in Life. Interesting people that have something to offer to the table of intelligence, accomplishment, as well as Sexual satisfaction.
Every kind of music is more than appreciated, it would be easier to ask what i don't like. However, The darker the better. If it has the energy to change my mood whenever i put it on, that is the music i embrace. Sworn Enemy "Scared of the Unknown" ..
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The Shining is my absolute favorite movie. However i am an obvious fan of horror in general. If the script has been thought out to brilliance, and makes me think, i'm into it. Fight Club, Dead Alive, One Flew Over The Cooko's nest, Bad Taste, Chainsaw massacre of course, Ted Bundy, Equus, Requium for a dream, Good Fella's, Gummo, "Troma in general", etc. entirely too many to list.P.S. Obviously good porn.
I don't watch too much t.v. anymore, if i do it's either some old sitcom or something on: music, death, disaster, Art, or porno if available.
Behold A Pale Horse, Club, Hustler, Playboy, etc. I am into autobiographies, as well as biographies, i am interested in how humans live their lives throughout a course of time. Fangoria, And obviously all the classics. It really depends on the frame of mind.
Anyone who sets themselves free in life, " YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE."