Which Mozart Opera Does Your Life Most Resemble?
Die Entfuehrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction From the Seraglio). For a complete synopsis, see http://www.operaworld.com/special/serag1.shtml.
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Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeI aim to be helpful as well as loving and tolerant in all interactions with others. But I'm flawed so it doesn't always work this way. Church organist and music/choir director. Teacher of piano and organ. Retired public relations practitioner and former reporter/city editor. Widowed father of one good-hearted son (who is progressing nicely in spite of me), age 22, who lives with me and our two big dogs. Active for 33 years in "self-help" programs (which will remain anonymous) for recovering alcoholics (haven't had a drink since 1978) and, for the last half-decade, for families of alcoholics.MORE "ABOUT ME" --[I keep recycling this old "About Me." I just can't seem to let it die and I'm pretty sure there are one or two amusing lines in it. I make a few changes in this from time to time but not so many as to ruin the incredible impact of this magnificent self satire. One of my wives used to say -- and it wasn't original with her -- "Many a truth is said in jest." I would then ask, "Why do you say that, pothead?" I don't know why I continue reposting this. I've been told thats self-defecating humor isn't such a hot idea. It gets moved to inactive files on the computer and then raises its ugly head again. Plus I also fear that some fortunate soul may have missed this last year or the year before! Here it is AGAIN!]ABOUT MEMoody. I think of myself as a pretty shallow person, impressed by wealth and fame. I pretend, on the other hand, to be a caring liberal when, in fact, I come from a long line of Pennsylvania Republicans. Unfortunately, they're all dead and I, alas, left the Party in 1968 when my brain inadvertently kicked in for a couple minutes. I view myself as handsome but, then, not if I actually look in the mirror. I have an excellent sense of humor if I'm telling the jokes but will stare vacantly when others try their jokes on me.My shallowness runs very deep.I also like to think of myself as spectacularly talented musician and, while I'm probably a better musician than 95% of the persons in this venue, I'm only average but manage to make the same old stuff sound clever and original. For example, I often play a postlude in church - a Bach Prelude & Fugue - that I learned in 1961. That means I've been dragging out the piece and pretending it was fresh as a daisy for about 46 years (twice as many years as most of you are old).I also like to think of myself as having class and good taste. I think I'm an great art collector when I really know very little about fine art. I just babble on about Dali and some people think I know what I'm talking about. While I like to to view myself as creative and interesting, my life is actually pretty monotonous.I also think I'd be a great catch for some lucky woman but have pretty much stunk in relationships since I first started dating when I was about a sophomore in high school. (My date to the homecoming dance kept excusing herself to run across the street from our high school to the hamburger joint to see her real boyfriend whose name honestly was Leroy, the only football player in our Caucasian high school that grabbed his genitalia when being introduced at pep rallies. He was quite a fine player, as I recall, but he should have been since he was 37 and still in high school.) Anyway, relationships were one disaster after another after that -- I was good for about the first three days and then I'd start crying.I also think I'm a clever and original writer, perhaps most closely characterized by an identity with Kurt Vonnegut. He, on the other hand, writes actual novels while I seem best in two to seven paragraphs. I also actually like Akron, Ohio where I live and don't drive around in a Jeep with a "Colorado Native" bumper sticker like my old buddy from North Carolina used to do. I'm quite fond of my singing voice and like to join in when I conduct the church choir. I can sing ANY part and, regardless what I sing, the choir members always like to stuff coffee grounds in their ears when they hear me.I also fancy myself a great cook and entertainer. (But why do guests have to eat a bag of Tootsie Rolls after I prepare my "special" chicken which hasn't changed for about 20 years?) I did jettison my famous and incredibly bland "New England Boiled Dinner" which had all the excitement of a watermelon in the bathtub. If I had to use one word to describe myself other than "moody," it would be "hackneyed." But if you've just met me and haven't listened the material I've stolen from an old Peter Sellers record and Mel Brooks records from the 1960s, I am refreshing for roughly about 10 minutes.But if you really want to meet someone impressive, you need to meet my dogs, the frequent topic of conversation -- they're real dogs, too. Big dogs. A German Shepherd and a Doberman. (Dogs any smaller than these of course aren't really dogs and should be fed to cats.) But don't let me bore you about my dogs; I'm fearful you'll start talking about yours and I'll go off in my vacant stare. I am good, however, at interrupting conversations or meetings with what I view as "witty quips." This is one reason why people seem to gather in little groups when I draw near and quietly flee. I have a very nice coffee mug with Andy Warhol's picture. It's here mainly so you'll think I'm cool. (Or so I'll think I'm cool? ) I do have a busy, and productive life and must close now to go watch TV in my La-Z-Boy. I pretend I'm just resting my eyes, as my late Mother used to say. She, on the other hand, actually worked for a living and made a lot of sacrifices so that two out of three of her kids (my sisters) would turn out OK and find success.Oh -- one other word to describe me: "honest."
This was one of my favorite place in Oberlin, especially (1) The WOBC-FM studios where I had several spectacular radio shows, including "Into the night"; (2) the fantastic conversations and coffee and cigarets and bagels I had in the snack bar -- where I was when I learned JFK had been shot and murdered; (3) the little parlors where you could go to study (make out). I guess they had classes and stuff to around the campus but this seemed to be my most memorable spot. (4) Also, we made full-length movie, much of it in the snack bar (Fantasticheria, featuring me picking my nose in the library reading room while reading the funnies.) It was in Wilder that I declared to my friend Heather that I was a "genius," something which has been disproved over and over again in the ensuing years. (Most women were named Heather at Oberlin in the 1960s.) Playing in the snack bar? None other than the Beatles "I want to hold your hand." Some of my conversation companions when on to become doctors and semi-famous people. I went onto become a retired neurotic -- still practicing my neuroses!