Niki Burnham profile picture

Niki Burnham

About Me

RITA award-winning author of teen novels ROYALLY JACKED, SPIN CONTROL, STICKY FINGERS, SCARY BEAUTIFUL, and DO-OVER, as well as the novella "Night Swimming" in FIREWORKS (with Erin Haft, Sarah Mlynowski, and Lauren Myracle).

New releases include the novella "Last Stand" in BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO (with Terri Clark, Ellen Hopkins, and Lynda Sandoval and the novel GODDESS GAMES.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Readers, of course! You can e-mail me, check out my bulletin boards , and read excerpts of my books at

IMPORTANT NOTE: My readers are primarily teens, and occasionally pre-teens. Please keep that in mind when making friend requests, or when posting comments/links/photos. Thanks!!


Friday, March 14 through Thursday, March 27
Simon Pulse BlogFest.

Niki will be participating in the Simon Pulse BlogFest, a two-week long author Q & A event. For complete details (and to submit questions), check out the official website !

Saturday, March 29
Novelists, Inc. Conference, Affinia Hotel, New York, NY.

Niki will be presenting a workshop (alongside author/agent Nadia Cornier) on the young adult market. Registration and membership in NINC is required for attendance.

Wednesday, July 30, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Romance Writers of America Annual Literacy Autographing, San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA.

Niki and nearly 450 other authors will be signing books, with all the proceeds of the sales going to literacy charities. If you're in the San Francisco area, this is a great chance to meet and talk to Niki (and many other fantastic authors!)

*** Are you a librarian, book club coordinator, or school event planner? ***

Niki often does visits with teen groups and book clubs. To organize a visit with Niki, please message her here on MySpace and use a specific subject header, such as "Book Club Request" or "Library Visit."


There are soooo many...but the top of the list includes Out of Africa, Empire of the Sun, The Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, Gone with the Wind, and Fletch.



30 Rock, The Young and the Restless (die hard addict), The Amazing Race (would LOVE to be on the show!!!), Survivor, Boston Legal, Dirty Sexy Money, Journeyman, and all things Star Trek. I'm also sadly addicted to HGTV's I Want That!, Design Star, and Designer's Challenge.



Currently reading:

Scott Westerfeld's UGLIES

Recent book(s) read:

Lisa McMann's WAKE



Alyson Noel's KISS & BLOG


Frank Defford's THE ENTITLED


My Blog

Oh, Happy Day!

I have a not-so-secret secret: I am a huge George Michael fan. Most of my friends tease me about this, but whatever. I am who I am. So when I saw that George is coming to the U.S. for the first ti...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Tue, 06 May 2008 12:48:00 PST

No One Consulted Me

...or one of my fave shows of the fall, Journeyman, would not have been cancelled. I wish this show had been given a chance. The writing was great, the characters wonderfully flawed and multi-layer...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:05:00 PST

Theyre Out There

Happy May Day! Huge celebration at my house. Not because it's finally spring (though that's certainly reason enough!) but because TWO new Niki books are now available everywhere. First, check out B...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Thu, 01 May 2008 10:26:00 PST

The Arbor Day Thirteen

Three holidays in one week--Patriots' Day, Earth Day, and now Arbor Day. In honor of both Earth Day and Arbor Day, I'm posting a list of thirteen easy suggestions for greening up your world:1. If you...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:38:00 PST

Patriots’ Day

Yesterday was a government holiday that's little-known outside of Massachusetts. The third Monday in April is officially Patriots' Day. I always think of it as a sports holiday, even though--despit...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:31:00 PST


Ouch. Anyone watch all six hours and sixteen minutes of the Rockies and Padres game last night? I gave up at 1 am ET, about the middle of the eleventh inning, but did get a kick out of seeing the tw...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:20:00 PST


BOLO being cop-speak for "Be On The Lookout." The official release date isn't until May 5th, but guess what Terri Clark spotted in a Colorado Barnes & Noble?Breaking Up (Is Hard To Do) is showing up ...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:04:00 PST

The Secret to Productivity

Any writer with a new baby understands that their productivity takes a nosedive as the diaper pail fills. However, what (dumb, dumb) people often don’t realize is that the same thing happens wh...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:25:00 PST


I have a serious Diet Cherry Coke addiction. (One I’ve blogged about before.) Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is a close second as far as writing fuel goes. Since I learned (to my dismay) that...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:59:00 PST

Opening Day

Most MLB teams play their opening day games today. Anyone else in the mood to sing a little Take Me Out To The Ball Game? After watching the Nationals game (and oohing and ahhing over their new sta...
Posted by Niki Burnham on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:19:00 PST